Nitro Automated Testing Framework
Nitro Automated Testing Framework
Nitro Automated Testing Framework is build on top of the Selenium JS, which is simplified by creating tests using a JSON
object file and report templates to define the test workflow. Also can be split a workflow into different small modules.
Steps to create a Test
- Add elements and actions
import { By, until } from 'selenium-webdriver';
export const signupTest = {
url: "signup",
delay: {
// To Add a delay of 3 seconds before start the test
beforeLoad: 3,
// To Add a delay of 3 seconds after the form submission
afterSubmission: 3
tests: {
elements: {
controls: [
// Type of Element
type: "input",
// CSS selector to identify the HTML element
selector: "[name=email]",
// Action to be performed
action: "sendKeys",
// Value to fill
value: "[email protected]"
type: "textarea",
selector: "#message",
action: "sendKeys",
value: `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet`
type: "checkbox",
selector: "#agree",
action: "click",
value: true
type: "radio",
selector: "[name=gender][value=male]",
action: "click",
value: true
type: "select",
selector: "#country",
action: "selectByValue",
value: "US"
// Define the Submit Button
submit: "[name=submit]",
wait: async (driver) => {
// Optional Custom Wait Function, (Only if required)
await driver.wait(async () => {
const bodyClass = await driver.findElement(By.css('body')).getAttribute('class');
return !bodyClass.includes('onloading');
}, 3000, 'The body still has the onloading class');
validator: async (driver) => {
// Wait for the success or error message to be displayed and be visible
let currentUrl = await driver.getCurrentUrl();
let messageElement = await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('#output')), 3000);
await driver.wait(until.elementIsVisible(messageElement), 3000);
// let title = await driver.getTitle();
// Verify the message content
return await messageElement.getText().then((text) => {
let message = text;
console.log('Message Text:', message); // Debugging output
let result = (message.includes('Success')) ? 'Signup successful' : 'Signup failed';
// Data that are required to show in Report
return {
timestamp: new Date().toISOString()
- Create a template for the Report
import { nitroTest } from "nitro-automated-testing";
export const getSignupReport = async (ob) => {
return `
# Signup Test Report
**Browser:** ${(nitroTest.Browser[process.env.BROWSER] || nitroTest.Browser.CHROME).toUpperCase()}
**Current URL:** ${ob.currentUrl}
**Result:** ${ob.result}
**Message:** ${ob.message}
**Timestamp:** ${ob.timestamp}
- Create Signup Function, if needed we can add custom Selenium JS scripts
// tests/signup.js
import { signupTest } from './data/';
import { nitroTest } from "nitro-automated-testing";
export const signup = async (driver) => {
await driver.get(`${process.env.protocol}://${process.env.domain}${process.env.port ? `:${process.env.port}` : ''}/${signupTest.url}`);
// Wait for 3 seconds before proceeding
await nitroTest.sleep(signupTest.delay.beforeLoad * 1000);
// Interact with the form
await nitroTest.automateData(driver, signupTest);
const output = await signupTest.validator(driver);
return output;
- Create the main
file which will be entry point js file which can be used for import various test cases and workflows:
// main test script
import path from 'path';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
import { signup } from './signup.js';
import { nitroTest } from "nitro-automated-testing";
import { getSignupReport } from './template/';
const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename);
(async function globalTests() {
// Get the desired browser from environment variable or use default
let driver = await nitroTest.getDriver();
try {
console.log(`👉️ ${process.env.protocol}://${process.env.domain}${process.env.port ? `:${process.env.port}` : ''}`);
await driver.get(`${process.env.protocol}://${process.env.domain}${process.env.port ? `:${process.env.port}` : ''}`);
// Perform the signup process
const signupResult = await signup(driver);
// Generate the report content
const reportContent = await getSignupReport(signupResult);
await nitroTest.saveReport(path.join(__dirname, './', 'test', 'reports'), reportContent);
} finally {
await driver.quit();