Node Input/output Piping
nip - Node Input/output Piper
is a command line utility for performing any type of processing to and from files and pipes
npm install nip -g
If you omit the -g
then make sure to add the local npm module path to your default path
You should now be able to call nip
from the command line.
Usage: nip js-function [options] [files]
The js-function can be one of three syntaxes:
return line.substr(0, 10) + index
function(line, index, cols, lines) { /* code here */ return value; }
/* code */ return function(line, i, cols, lines) { /* ... */ return value; }
The names line
, index
, lines
, and cols
can be changed in the second and third style syntaxes
If the return value is false
nothing is sent to output stream
If the return value is not a string or number then the line will be sent to the output stream
else the return value will be sent to the output stream (including an empty string)
-f js-file
or --file=js-file
use the js-file as the function to execute on the input instead of the
argument you must supply either this option or thejs-function
or --first-line-only
only execute once per file, not for each line
this is useful if you plan on proccessing the file as a whole, namely through thelines
for example (not a useful one):nip 'return lines.length' -1 file.txt
-c string-or-regex
, --col-splitter=string-or-regex
the splitter for --cols, can be regex or string format, by default it's
-s string-or-regex
, --line-splitter=string-or-regex
the line separator, can be regex or string format, by default we're splitting on lines so it's
-n string
, --line-joiner=string
string used to join lines together
Only output lines that begin with the word var
nip 'function(l) { return /^var/.test(l); }' lines-that-start-with-var.txt
Output every second line only in uppercase in a file:
nip 'function(line, i) { return i % 2 ? line.toUpperCase() : false; }' every-2nd-line.txt
Trim whitesplace from a file:
nip 'return line.replace(/^s*|s*$/g, "");' trim-lines.txt
Run the contents of jsfile.js
on file.txt
nip -f jsfile.js file.txt
Like most unix commands, you can pipe the input and/or output:
generate a script file to rename files recursively and sequentialityfind . -type f | nip 'return "mv " + line + " " + line.replace(/\/[^/]*$/, "") + "/" + index;' > rename-script
rename files recursively and sequentialityfind . -type f | nip 'return "mv " + line + " " + line.replace(/\/[^/]*$/, "") + "/" + index;' | sh
find the biggest number from all files in a directory:
nip '
var biggest = 0;
this.on("end", function() { print(biggest); });
return function(_,i,lines) {
biggest = Math.max(biggest,
Math.max.apply(Math, lines.match(/(?:\s|^)[\d]+(?:\.\d*)?(?:\s|$)/g))
}' -1 *
By default there are start
, end
, fileStart
, and fileEnd
events you can register by doing this.on('end', function() {})
The context inside the main function can be used as a global store, and has a filename
This is for people who aren't "devops" and who can't crank out a fancy piped shell script using awk
and sed
. Also most programmers who have node installed can write a quick javascript one+ liner to do what the oldschoolers would make a shell script out of.