iis utils
appcmd.exe /?
"General purpose IIS command line administration tool.",
"APPCMD (command) (object-type) <identifier> </parameter1:value1 ...>",
"Supported object types:",
" SITE Administration of virtual sites",
" APP Administration of applications",
" VDIR Administration of virtual directories",
" APPPOOL Administration of application pools",
" CONFIG Administration of general configuration sections",
" WP Administration of worker processes",
" REQUEST Administration of HTTP requests",
" MODULE Administration of server modules",
" BACKUP Administration of server configuration backups",
" TRACE Working with failed request trace logs",
" BINDING Object for working with SSL bindings",
"(To list commands supported by each object use /?, e.g. 'appcmd.exe site /?')",
"General parameters:",
"/? Display context-sensitive help message.",
"/text<:value> Generate output in text format (default).",
" /text:* shows all object properties in detail view.",
" /text:<attribute> shows the value of the specified",
" attribute for each object.",
"/xml Generate output in XML format.",
" Use this to produce output that can be sent to another",
" command running in /in mode.",
"/in or - Read and operate on XML input from standard input.",
" Use this to operate on input produced by another",
" command running in /xml mode.",
"/config<:*> Show configuration for displayed objects.",
" /config:* also includes inherited configuration.",
"/metadata Show configuration metadata when displaying configuration.",
"/commit Set config path where configuration changes are saved.",
" Can specify either a specific configuration path, \"site\",",
" \"app\", \"parent\", or \"url\" to save to the appropriate portion",
" of the path being edited by the command, \"apphost\", \"webroot\",",
" or \"machine\" for the corresponding configuration level.",
"/apphostconfig Specify an alternate applicationHost.config file to edit.",
"/debug Show debugging information for command execution.",
"Use \"!\" to escape parameters that have same names as the general parameters,",
"like \"/!debug:value\" to set a config property named \"debug\"."