A library of JS modules for creating page components on University of North Texas websites.
A factory script used to create page components for University of North Texas websites.
NillaJS is a factory script used to generate a consistent HTML structure for various block and card level page components. Block-level components are added to the page using <section> tags. Card-level components are added as children to block-level tags using <article> tags. Attributes are added using a specific list of data-* attributes. NillaJS processes these data-* attributes and outputs the raw HTML that can then be styled. Having consistent markup across all components allows for easier long-term management of CSS and code.
The Concept
The purpose of NillaJS is to provide consistent HTML structure for page modules/components. Block-level modules are constructed from <section> tags while Card-level modules are constructed from <article> tags. No actual contect is added; NillaJS will use the values from the data- attributes to construct the HTML output. For example, the following input:
<section class="u-block"
data-block-type="Image_block iblA"
data-headline="Don't lose your Aid"
data-leader="Did you know factors such as grades, residency, course load, and attendance can affect your loans, scholarships and more? Learn how to stay eligible for your financial aid"
data-img-alt="Fall Campus colors."
data-link-titles="Learn about Award Requirements"
…produces the following output:
<section class="u-block Image_block">
<div class="block-content">
<div class="media-frame" style="">
<div class="crop-box landscape">
<img srcset="/templating/img/20_0304_Fall-stock0070_600w.jpg 600w,
/templating/img/20_0304_Fall-stock0070_1200w.jpg 1200w,
/templating/img/20_0304_Fall-stock0070_1600w.jpg 1600w" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 600px, (max-width: 1200px) 1200px, 1600px" src="/templating/img/20_0304_Fall-stock0070_1200w.jpg" alt="Fall Campus colors." style="width:100%; height:100%; top:0; object-fit:cover; object-position:50% 50%; position:absolute;" loading="lazy">
</div><!-- /.crop-box -->
</div><!-- /.media-frame -->
<h2>Don't lose your Aid</h2>
<p class="leader">Did you know factors such as grades, residency, course load, and attendance can affect your loans, scholarships and more? Learn how to stay eligible for your financial aid</p>
<ul class="btn-list"><li><a class="btn" href="" title="Learn about Award Requirements" target="">Learn about Award Requirements<span class="material-icons">chevron_right</span></a></li></ul><!-- /.btn-list -->
<div class="cards"></div><!-- /.cards -->
</div><!-- /.block-content -->
The following input for a typical Grid_block
<section class="u-block Grid_block">
<div class="block-content">
<div class="cards">
<ul>[link list]</ul>
…produces the following HTML output:
<section class="u-block"
data-block-type="Grid_block gbl3"
data-leader="Find out what you need to know for registering courses and making the most of your time at UNT.">
data-headline="Registering for Classes"
data-leader="Find out what to do before, during and after registration to stay on track towards your degree."
data-link-titles="About Registering"></article>
<article data-block-type="Title_card"
data-headline="Transcripts and Records"
data-leader="Order a transcript or update your personal or residency information."
data-link-titles="About Transcripts"></article>
<article data-block-type="Title_card"
data-headline="Online Degree Audit"
data-leader="Find out what you still have to take to stay on track."
data-link-titles="About Degree Audits"></article>
…produces the following HTML output:
<section class="u-block Grid_block gbl3">
<div class="block-content">
<p class="leader">Find out what you need to know for registering courses and making the most of your time at UNT.</p>
<div class="cards">
<article class="card Title_card ">
<h3>Registering for Classes</h3>
<p class="leader">Find out what to do before, during and after registration to stay on track towards your degree.</p>
<ul class="btn-list">
<a class="btn" href="" title="About Registering" target="">About Registering<span class="material-icons">chevron_right</span>
</ul><!-- /.btn-list -->
<article class="card Title_card ">
<h3>Transcripts and Records</h3>
<p class="leader">Order a transcript or update your personal or residency information.</p>
<ul class="btn-list">
<a class="btn" href="" title="About Transcripts" target="">About Transcripts<span class="material-icons">chevron_right</span>
</ul><!-- /.btn-list -->
<article class="card Title_card ">
<h3>Online Degree Audit</h3>
<p class="leader">Find out what you still have to take to stay on track.</p>
<ul class="btn-list">
<a class="btn" href="" title="About Degree Audits" target="">About Degree Audits<span class="material-icons">chevron_right</span>
</ul><!-- /.btn-list -->
</div><!-- /.cards -->
</div><!-- /.block-content -->
Code Examples
To get a feel for how to construct a module, cut and paste the examples below into the HTML of your page.
Example 1:
<section class="u-block"
data-headline="An Image Block"
data-leader="This is an Image_block, layout A"
data-link-titles="Link1 to info | Link2 to info"
data-link-urls="/url1 | /url2"
> </section>
Attribute List
- Select-Option: Select from one of the supported options.
- User-Input: Value will be used in the output.