Interactive Redis-like CLIs builder for Node.js
▶️ NICLI - Node Interactive (Redis-like) CLIs builder
npm install niclijs
Basic Usage
Just put the prompt function in an endless loop and react to the returned input. Use ctrl+c as exit sequence.
import { nicliPrompt } from "niclijs"
(async function () {
while (true) {
const { raw, exit } = await nicliPrompt("nicli >")
if (exit) break
console.log(">>>", raw)
Returned Input
- raw: (string) raw typed string
- command: (string) first word of the input
- args: (strings array) following words of the input
- choiche: (Choice) choiche object if the input matches something
- exit: (boolean) exit signal
Special Keys
- Ctrl + c: return exit signal
- Ctrl + a: move the cursor to the first position
- Ctrl + e: move the cursor to the last position
- Up/Down arrows: move through commands history
- Tab: autocomplete (if a command is suggested)
- triggerActions: automatically trigger choiches actions (default: true)
- caseSensitive: case sensitive while trying to match input with provided choiches (default: false)
- spaceAfterPrompt: sets a space character between the prompt and the input (default: true)
- suggestionColor: sets the colors of the suggested commands
- promptColor: sets the color of the prompt
- inputColor: sets the color of the typed input
import { nicliPrompt, Choiche, PromptOptions } from "niclijs"
const choiches: Choiche[] = [{
command: "SAY_HELLO",
description: "prints 'hello'",
action: () => console.log("hello")
}, {
command: "ECHO",
description: "prints arguments",
action: (args) => console.log(...args)
const options: PromptOptions = {
promptColor: ["FgRed", "BgYellow"],
inputColor: ["FgYellow"]
(async function () {
while (true) {
const { command, choiche, exit } = await nicliPrompt("nicli >", choiches, options)
if (exit) process.exit(0)
if (!choiche) console.log("unknow command: ", command)
Next steps
- ~~Better arguments parsing: implement the use of quotation marks to allow space char in arguments~~ (done)
- Smart Autocompletion: provide arguments in the description and keep suggesting while inserting them
Known Bugs
- sometimes, when typing fast, the character gets placed at the begining of the input and not on the cursor position
- ~~when suggestion text goes to a new line, so does the cursor (even if it's placed in the right position horizontally)~~ (fixed)