Signal based translation for angular
This package provides a typesafe and lazy-loaded internationalization (i18n) solution for Angular applications, built on top of signals for improved reactivity. It is compatible with zoneless Angular.
This project is inspired by typesafe-i18n
⛑️ Typesafety: Enforces type safety for translations depending on a default language.
🦥 Lazy Loading: Translations are loaded on demand, improving initial bundle size.
🚦 Signal Based: Leverages signals for efficient reactivity and change detection.
🏃♂️ Zoneless Angular Compatibility: Works seamlessly with zoneless Angular applications.
📄 Parameterized Translations: Supports translations with parameters for dynamic content.
🛠️ Template Interpolation Pipe: Provides a pipe for easy interpolation of translations in your templates.
🎭 Masking Utility: Provides utility types for omitting and picking specific translations which comes in handy when dealing with parameterized translations.
🦺 Testing Proxy: Includes a proxy utility to simplify mocking translations during testing.
🐤 Lightweight Build: ~ 1.5kb
📦 Minimal Dependencies
⛔ No Magic: Just Typescript
Table of Content
npm i ngx-signal-i18n
<!-- app.component.html -->
<select (change)="onLanguageChange($event)">
<option value="en">en</option>
<option value="de">de</option>
<hr /> <br />
<h2>simple access for non interpolated values</h2>
<h3>{{ translationService.translation().title}}</h3>
<h3>{{ translationService.translation().simpleNest.str}}</h3>
<h3>{{ translationService.translation().nest.title}}</h3>
<hr /> <br />
<h2>interpolated values from the ts file</h2>
<h3>{{ interpolatedTranslations().title }}</h3>
<h3>{{ interpolatedTranslations().simpleNest.str }}</h3>
<h3>{{ interpolatedTranslations().nest.title }}</h3>
<h3>{{ interpolatedTranslations().nest.anotherInterpolatedValue()}}</h3>
<h3>{{ interpolatedTranslations().interpolatable()}}</h3>
<hr /> <br />
<h2>inline interpolation with the interpolation pipe</h2>
<!-- inline interpolation for strings is unessesary but possible -->
<h3>{{ translationService.translation().title | interpolate: undefined }}</h3>
<h3>{{ translationService.translation().simpleNest.str | interpolate: undefined}}</h3>
<h3>{{ translationService.translation().nest.title | interpolate: undefined}}</h3>
<!-- inline intepolation of nested object is possible as well but rather questionable -->
<h3>{{ (translationService.translation().nest
| interpolate: { anotherInterpolatedValue: { num: numSignal } }).anotherInterpolatedValue() }}</h3>
<h3>{{ (translationService.translation().nest | interpolate: { anotherInterpolatedValue: { num: numSignal } }).title
<!-- inline interpolation for parameterized translations -->
<!-- mind the brackets because | interpolate returns a computed -->
<h3>{{ (translationService.translation().nest.anotherInterpolatedValue | interpolate: {num: numSignal})() }}</h3>
<h3>{{ (translationService.translation().interpolatable | interpolate: {text: textSignal})() }}</h3>
// app.component.ts
import { Component, computed, inject, signal } from '@angular/core';
import { interpolate, InterpolatePipe } from 'ngx-signal-i18n';
import { SupportedLanguage } from '../i18n/i18n-config';
import { TranslationService } from '../i18n/translation.service';
selector: 'app-root',
standalone: true,
imports: [InterpolatePipe],
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
export class AppComponent {
protected translationService = inject(TranslationService);
protected textSignal = signal('text');
protected numSignal = signal(0);
protected interpolatedTranslations = computed(() => {
return interpolate(this.translationService.translation(), {
interpolatable: { text: this.textSignal },
nest: { anotherInterpolatedValue: { num: this.numSignal } }
protected onLanguageChange($event: Event): void {
const lang = ($ as any).value as SupportedLanguage;
Deep Pick and Omit Utility
Sometimes translation structures require more parameters than you have available. Providing unnecessary parameters can be cumbersome. To simplify this process, this library offers pick
and omit
functions that extract specific values from complex objects using a boolean mask.
import { Mask, omit, pick } from 'ngx-signal-i18n';
const originalObject = {
a: 12,
b: "13",
c: {
d: 14,
e: {
f: 15
f: 16
g: () => 17
const mask = {
a: true,
b: false,
c: {
d: true,
e: {},
g: undefined
} as const satisfies Mask<typeof originalObject>
const picked = pick(originalObject, mask)
const omitted = omit(originalObject, mask)
console.log(picked) // {a: 12, c: {d: 14, e: {}}}
console.log(omitted) // {b: "13", c: {e: {f: 15}, h: 16}}
In order to prevent a lot of syntax boilerplate to deal with undefined, having a language and translation loaded is required!
1. Define Main Translation Files
Define the main translation which defines the structure every other Translation must follow
// src/i18n/en/index.ts
import { computed, Signal } from '@angular/core';
import { TranslationShape} from 'ngx-signal-i18n';
const en = {
title: 'title',
interpolatable: (params: { text: Signal<string> }) =>
computed(() => `this is a interpolated value: ${params.text()}`),
nest: {
title: 'nested title',
anotherInterpolatedValue: (params: { num: Signal<number> }) =>
computed(() => `this is a nested value ${params.num()}`),
simpleNest: {
str: 'F',
} satisfies TranslationShape;
export default en;
2. Define Translation config
// src/i18n/i18n.config.ts
import { InjectionToken } from '@angular/core';
import en from './en';
export const Locales = ['de', 'en'] as const
export type Locale = typeof Locales[number]
export type Translation = typeof en;
export const DEFAULT_TRANSLATION = new InjectionToken<Translation>("DEFAULT_TRANSLATION")
3. Add another Translation to the project
Add another translation that has the type of the main translation
// src/i18n/de/index.ts
import { computed, Signal } from '@angular/core';
import { Translation } from '../i18n-config';
const de: Translation = {
title: 'Titel',
interpolatable: (params: { text: Signal<string> }) =>
computed(() => `Das ist ein intepolierter Wert: ${params.text()}`),
nest: {
title: 'geschachtelter Titel',
anotherInterpolatedValue: (params: { num: Signal<number> }) =>
computed(() => `Das ist ein geschachtelter interpolierter Wert ${params.num()}`),
simpleNest: {
str: 'F',
export default de;
4. Create Translation Service
// src/i18n/translation.service.ts
import { Inject, Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { NgxSignalI18nBaseService } from 'ngx-signal-i18n';
import { DEFAULT_TRANSLATION, Locale, Translation } from './i18n-config';
providedIn: 'root',
export class TranslationService extends NgxSignalI18nBaseService<Locale, Translation> {
constructor(@Inject(DEFAULT_TRANSLATION) defaultTranslation: Translation) {
super(defaultTranslation, true);
protected override async resolutionStrategy(lang: Locale): Promise<Translation> {
// lazy load translation file
return (await import(`./${lang}/index.ts`)).default
5. Add Providers to Angular DI
import { ApplicationConfig, provideExperimentalZonelessChangeDetection } from '@angular/core';
import { provideLocale } from "ngx-signal-i18n";
import en from '../i18n/en';
import { DEFAULT_TRANSLATION, Locale } from '../i18n/i18n-config';
export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
providers: [
// this app is zoneless
// hard code inital locale and Translation
{ provide: DEFAULT_TRANSLATION, useValue: en }
6. Include Translation files in tsconfig
Add the following line to
and tsconfig.spec.json
"compilerOptions": {
"include": [
"./src/**/i18n/**/index.ts", // <-- add this line
Writing Tests
When writing tests, the specific language often doesn't matter. This package provides a utility function that creates a proxy of a Translation object. Instead of returning actual translation values, the proxy returns the path to the desired translation
Declare TranslationTestingService
// src/i18n/translation-testing.service.ts
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { createProxy } from 'ngx-signal-i18n';
import en from './en';
import { Locale, Translation } from './i18n-config';
import { TranslationService } from './translation.service';
export class TranslationTestingService extends TranslationService {
private translationMock:Translation
constructor() {
const translationMock = createProxy(en)
// override the default translation with a proxy that return the access path instead of the value
this.translationMock = translationMock;
protected override async resolutionStrategy(_: Locale): Promise<Translation> {
// don't actually resolve translation because the proxy will return the same value anyway
return this.translationMock
Replace TranslationService
with TranslationTestingService
with the Angular DI in tests
// app.component.spec.ts
import { provideExperimentalZonelessChangeDetection } from '@angular/core';
import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';
import { TranslationTestingService } from '../i18n/translation-testing.service';
import { TranslationService } from '../i18n/translation.service';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { provideLocale } from 'ngx-signal-i18n';
import { DEFAULT_TRANSLATION } from '../i18n/i18n-config';
import en from '../i18n/en';
describe('AppComponent', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await TestBed.configureTestingModule({
providers: [
// this app is zoneless
// replace TranslationService with TranslationTestingService for tests
{ provide: DEFAULT_TRANSLATION, useValue: en },
{ provide: TranslationService, useClass: TranslationTestingService },
imports: [AppComponent],
it('should create the app', () => {
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);
const app = fixture.componentInstance;
See sample projects on GitHub