Angular components library for SFC project
This library contains components for Street Football Club (SFC) project.
Table of Contents
Get started
npm install ngx-sfc-components
orng add ngx-sfc-components
into a module where you intend to use components and directives:import { NgxSfcComponentsModule } from 'ngx-sfc-components'; @NgModule({ imports: [ NgxSfcComponentsModule ] }) export class SomeModule { }
Avatar <sfc-avatar>
Component display player/user rounded photo image with progress bar and information. Allowed to add player rating as stars view and add badges for additional info.
<sfc-avatar [radius]="160" [stroke]="1" [progress]="50" [progressModel]="progressColor" [stars]="true" [starsValue]="2.15" [data]="dataImage">
<sfc-avatar-badge [position]="AvatarBadgePosition.Right" [background]="'#8CC152'">
<fa-icon [icon]="faCopyright"></fa-icon>
- define avatar size (component size must be used with relevance to this value)[stroke]
- size of avatar progress circle[progress]
- set value for avatar's progress line[progressModel]
- model that define color for progress line
export interface IAvatarProgressModel {
color?: string;
filledColor?: string;
- provide information about player/user
export interface IAvatarDataModel {
firstName?: string;
lastName?: string;
image?: string;
title?: string;
- show/hide stars as player raiting[starsValue]
- value for stars
Avatar's badge has two parameters:
- background color[position]
- static position of badge
export enum AvatarBadgePosition {
Top = 'top',
RightTop = 'right-top',
Right = 'right',
RightBottom = 'right-bottom',
Bottom = 'bottom',
LeftTop = 'left-top',
Left = 'left',
LeftBottom = 'left-bottom',
Chart <sfc-chart>
It's a component wrapper on chart.js library with extra logic for theming and displaying charts.
<sfc-chart [theme]="theme" [type]="chartType" [options]="verticalChartOptions" [chartOptions]="chartOptions" [data]="getData()"
[datasets]="datasets" [labels]="labels" [plugins]="plugins">
- chart type (line, bar, pie, doughnut, radar and polar)[theme]
- support two themes (default and dark)
export enum Theme {
Default = 'sfc-default-theme',
Dark = 'sfc-dark-theme'
- chart.js options[chartOptions]
- options for setting frequently used chart.js options
export interface ChartOptionModel {
legend?: boolean;
gridLines?: boolean;
tooltip?: boolean;
ticks?: boolean;
defaultColors?: boolean;
- chart.js data[plugins]
- chart.js plugins[datasets]
- chart.js datasets[labels]
- chart.js labels
Several types of menus:
Side <sfc-side-menu>
Side menu that can be expanded to the right and can have sub-menus.
<sfc-side-menu [model]="MENU_MODEL_3" (selected)="onSelect($event)"></sfc-side-menu>
- model for menu, contains info about constructed items of menu
export interface ISideMenuModel {
open: boolean; // expanded or not
items: ISideMenuItemModel[];
export interface ISideMenuItemModel {
active: boolean; // selected or not
label: string;
icon: string;
type: SideMenuItemType;
items?: ISideMenuItemModel[]; // if not empty - has sub-menu items
export enum SideMenuItemType {
Item = 'item',
Title = 'title' // not selected
- emit handler for selecting menu items
Dropdown <sfc-dropdown-menu>
Component allow to define context menu.
<sfc-dropdown-menu [items]="MODEL" [icon]="faStar" label="Test label" [hideOnClick]="false"
[hideOnClickOutside]="false" [bordered]="true" [position]="Position.Right"
- menu items
export interface IDropdownMenuItemModel {
label: string;
icon?: string;
delimeter?: boolean; // add dlimeter after menu item
click?: (item: IDropdownMenuItemModel) => void; // click handler
- icon for menu item[label]
- menu item label[hideOnClick]
- if true, on item click - menu will be hidden[hideOnClickOutside]
- if true, when click outside menu - hide menu[bordered]
- add border to menu dots[position]
- define where menu wil be appear
export enum Position {
Top = 'top',
Bottom = 'bottom',
Left = 'left',
Right = 'right',
Center = 'center'
- define if menu will be open on init
Navigation <sfc-navigation-menu>
Simple responsive navigation menu.
<sfc-navigation-menu [items]="MODEL" (selected)="onSelect($event)"></sfc-navigation-menu>
- menu items
export interface INavigationMenuItemModel {
label: string;
active: boolean; // define selected item
icon?: string;
click?: (item: INavigationMenuItemModel) => void;
- emit handler for selecting menu items
Notification <sfc-notification>
Component created for implementing user notification with details and actions.
<sfc-notification [model]="btnNotification" [showClose]="true" [autoCloseModel]="autoCloseModel" [type]="NotificationType.Info"
[content]="contentRef" (closed)="onClose()" (buttonClicked)="onButtonClick()">
- notification model
export interface INotificationContentModel {
title?: string;
subTitle?: string;
showButton?: boolean;
buttonText?: string;
icon?: string;
image?: string;
- show/hide close icon[autoCloseModel]
- auto close notification model
export interface INotificationAutoCloseModel {
enabled: boolean;
interval?: number; // after what time notification will be closed
- UI type of notification
export enum NotificationType {
Info = 'info',
Success = 'success',
Failed = 'failed'
- hold content reference for template, if it not provided and content template also missing, than default content will be created.(closed)
- emit handler for closing notification(buttonClicked)
- emit handler for default notification content button click
Several types of progress components:
Line <sfc-progress-line>
Progress bar as line view
<sfc-progress-line labelStart="Dribbling" labelEnd="value:55" [progress]="55" background="red" [getColor]="getColor"
[total]="100" [hideEnd]="true">
- text at the start of bar linelabelEnd
- text at the end of bar line[progress]
- progress valuebackground
- color for background of line (not progressed part of line)[getColor]
- custom function for defined colors for progress value[total]
- max value for progress bar[hideEnd]
- show/hide progress value text or labelEnd value at the end of bar
Semi-circle <sfc-progress-semi-circle>
Progress bar as semi-circle view
<sfc-progress-semi-circle background="green" [progress]="60" [getColor]="getColor" [limits]="true"
[max]="100" [min]="0">
- progress valuebackground
- color for background of line (not progressed part of line)[getColor]
- custom function for defined colors for progress value[limits]
- show/hide min and max value text[min]
- minimum value[max]
- maximum value
Circle <sfc-progress-circle>
Progress bar as circle view
<sfc-progress-circle background="green" [progress]="60" [getColor]="getColor"></sfc-progress-circle>
- progress valuebackground
- color for background of line (not progressed part of line)[getColor]
- custom function for defined colors for progress value
Slider <sfc-slider>
Image slider component with titles, pagination dots and buttons for slide.
<sfc-slider [items]="items" [pagination]="false" [showCount]="true" [type]="SliderType.Automatic"></sfc-slider>
- items for slider
export interface ISliderItemModel {
imageSrc: string;
title?: string;
subTitle?: string;
- show/hide dots pagination[showCount]
- show/hide image count[type]
- type of slider
export enum SliderType {
Default = 'default',
Automatic = 'automatic'
Stars <sfc-stars>
Responsive component for visual displaying some value or progress as stars.
<sfc-stars [value]="1.5" [count]="3"></sfc-stars>
- current value (e.x. if count=3 and value is 1.5 - half of all stars will be filled)[count]
- stars count
Table <sfc-table>
Component for displaying data in the form of a table. Has paginate data posibility and sorting by columns. Each table item can be in two states: row and card. Each row and card can be selected or selected all. Table component can be modified by replacing row/cars by custom implementation. Also implemented expanded row. Table is a responsive component.
<sfc-table [columns]="columnsListItems" [data]="dataListItems" [position]="Position.Center"
[selectable]="true" [selectOnClick]="false" [delimeter]="false"
[dataType]="TableDataType.Rows" [dataToggle]="true" [showColumns]="true"
[pagination]="paginationModel" [sequence]="true" [expanded]="false" #listItemsTable>
<ng-template [sfcTemplateReference]="TableTemplate.Column" let-column>
<table-custom-column [label]="" [active]="">
<ng-template [sfcTemplateReference]="TableTemplate.Row" let-list>
<table-custom-row [data]="list.model" [columns]="list.columns" [position]="list.position"
[columnWidth]="list.columnWidth" (selected)="listItemsTable.selectRow($event)">
<ng-template [sfcTemplateReference]="TableTemplate.Card" let-list>
<table-custom-card [data]="list.model" [columns]="list.columns"></table-custom-card>
- position for columns and data in row
export enum Position {
Top = 'top',
Bottom = 'bottom',
Left = 'left',
Right = 'right',
Center = 'center'
- show/hide delimeter after columns[dataType]
- type of data visualization
export enum TableDataType {
Rows = 'rows',
Cards = 'cards'
- show/hide toggle for changing dataType[showColumns]
- show/hide columns[pagination]
- pagination configuration
export interface ITablePaginationModel {
enabled: boolean;
page: number; // current page
size: number; // how many items in one page
- add/remove extra column at the start for row/card sequence number[expanded]
- define if row expanded or not[selectable]
- define if row/card expanded or not[selectOnClick]
- if true, than on click on whole row/card it will be selected, otherwise - will be selected only on checkmark click[columns]
- columns for table
export interface ITableColumnModel {
name: string;
field: string; // identificator for sorting
icon?: string;
sorting?: ISortingModel; // sorting configuration
export interface ISortingModel {
enabled: boolean;
active?: boolean;
direction: SortingDirection;
icons?: ISortingIcon[]; // icons for asc and desc
export interface ISortingIcon {
direction: SortingDirection;
icon: string
export enum SortingDirection {
Ascending = 'ascending',
Descending = 'descending'
- plain array data[data$]
- table data as observable[columnContent]
- content reference for custom column[rowContent]
- content reference for custom row[cardContent]
- content reference for custom card
Default column:
<sfc-default-table-column [model]="column"></sfc-default-table-column>
Default row:
<sfc-default-table-row [columns]="vm.columns" [model]="item" [position]="position"
[columnWidth]="vm.columnWidth" [selectOnClick]="selectOnClick" (selected)="selectRow($event)">
Default card:
<sfc-default-table-row [columns]="vm.columns" [model]="item" [position]="position"
[columnWidth]="vm.columnWidth" [selectOnClick]="selectOnClick" (selected)="selectRow($event)">
<sfc-expanded-table-row [model]="row.model" [columns]="row.columns" [position]="row.position"
<ng-template [sfcTemplateReference]="ExpandedTableRowTemplate.Row" let-expandedRow>
<table-custom-expanded-row [model]="expandedRow.model.dataModel"
[position]="expandedRow.position" [columnWidth]="expandedRow.columnWidth"
[expanded]="expandedRow.expanded" [index]="expandedRow.model.index"
<ng-template [sfcTemplateReference]="ExpandedTableRowTemplate.Content" let-expandedContent>
<table-custom-expanded-row-content [data]=""
[position]="expandedContent.position" [columnWidth]="expandedContent.columnWidth">
Two possible tabs: line and icon.
Line <sfc-tabs>
Component for visual representation of line tabs
<sfc-tabs [tabs]="MODEL_SELECTED" [label]="labelRef" [slider]="sliderRef" [body]="bodyRef">
<ng-template [sfcTemplateReference]="TabsTemplate.Label" let-label>
<sfc-tab-label-line [selected]="label.selected" [disabled]="label.disabled" label="{{label.label}}"
<ng-template [sfcTemplateReference]="TabsTemplate.Slider" let-data>
<sfc-tab-label-line-slider [count]="data.count" [index]="data.index">
<ng-template [sfcTemplateReference]="TabsTemplate.Body" let-data>
- collection of data for tabs items
export interface ITabModel {
label?: string;
icon?: string;
selected: boolean;
disabled: boolean;
data: any; // data for tab body
- content reference for label part of tab[slider]
- content reference for slider part of tab[body]
- content reference for body part of tab
There 3 pars of tabs that can be replaced:
export enum TabsTemplate {
Label = 'label',
Slider = 'slider',
Body = 'body'
Line type of tabs use such components as parts:
- Label
<sfc-tab-label-line [selected]="label.selected" [disabled]="label.disabled" label="{{label.label}}"
- Slider
<sfc-tab-label-line-slider [count]="data.count" [index]="data.index">
Icon <sfc-tabs>
Component for visual representation of icon tabs
<sfc-tabs [tabs]="MODEL_SELECTED" [label]="labelRef" [slider]="sliderRef" [body]="bodyRef">
<ng-template [sfcTemplateReference]="TabsTemplate.Label" let-label>
<sfc-tab-label-icon [selected]="label.selected" [disabled]="label.disabled" label="{{label.label}}"
<ng-template [sfcTemplateReference]="TabsTemplate.Slider" let-data>
<sfc-tab-label-icon-slider [count]="data.count" [index]="data.index">
<ng-template [sfcTemplateReference]="TabsTemplate.Body" let-data>
Icon type of tabs use such components as parts:
- Label
<sfc-tab-label-icon [selected]="label.selected" [disabled]="label.disabled" label="{{label.label}}"
- Slider
<sfc-tab-label-icon-slider [count]="data.count" [index]="data.index">
Tags <sfc-tags>
Display collection of tags.
<sfc-tags [tags]="tags"></sfc-tags>
- collection of tags
export interface ITagModel {
label: string;
icon?: string;
Timeline <sfc-timeline>
Component for represent some period of time as vertical time line with dates and info.
<sfc-timeline [items]="items"></sfc-timeline>
- timeline period items
export interface ITimelineItemModel{
title: string; // period title
position?: TimelineItemPosition; // left or right side
dateTimeLabel?: string; // period time value (year, month or minutes)
description?: string;
period?: boolean; // if true, than mean it's a period title
icon?: string;
image?: string;
export enum TimelineItemPosition {
Left = 'left',
Right = 'right'