Generates specified length of strings / digits for password | Otp | unique identification purposes
Welcome to NGX-RANDOM!
Generate strong, random passwords Passwords are a real security threat. Over 80% of hacking-related breaches are due to weak or stolen passwords, a recent report shows . So if you want to safeguard your personal info and assets, creating secure passwords is a big first step. And that’s where the LastPass Password Generator can help. Impossible-to-crack passwords are complex with multiple types of characters (numbers, letters, and symbols). Making your passwords different for each website or app also helps defend against hacking.
Import the module on your app.module.ts
file as follow.
import { NgxRandomModule} from "ngx-random";
Add to imports
imports: [
Import the service
constructor(private ngxRandom: NgxRandomService) {
Use reference for logs service in constructor and import it respectively at any component
This are the methods available with ngx-random use it as per your requirement:
| Method | Inputs | Usage |
| ---------------------------------------------- | -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| generateString(8);
| length: number | Generates alphabets string of specified length |
| this.ngxRandom.generateString(8); |
| generateLowerAlphabetsString(8)
| length: number | Generates lowercase charaters string of specified length |
| this.ngxRandom.generateLowerAlphabetsString(8) |
| generateUpperAlphabetsString(8)
| length: number | Generates uppercase charaters string of specified length |
| this.ngxRandom.generateUpperAlphabetsString(8) |
| generateNumber(8)
| length: number | Generates numbers of specified length |
| this.ngxRandom.generateNumber(8) |
| generatePasswordString(8)
| length: number | Generates random password string of specified length |
| this.ngxRandom.generatePasswordString(8) |
| generateMixedString(8)
| length: number | Generates Mixed digits - symbols - charaters - string of specified length |
| this.ngxRandom.generateMixedString(8) |
| generatHashString()
| | Generates Hashed string of length - 16 |
| this.ngxRandom.generatHashString() |
| generatSecuredHashString()
| | Generates secured hashed string of length - 16 |
| this.ngxRandom.generatSecuredHashString() |