awesome ngx-nz-formly
This library was generated with Angular CLI version 16.2.0. The only best library to integrate ngx-formly with ng-zorro
Angular version 16.x.x
Adding ngx-nz-formly
to your application is super easy but in order to use ngx-nz-formly
you should install
three more packages.
Install ng-zorro-antd
$ npm install ng-zorro-antd --save
Import the pre-built stylesheet in angular.json
"styles": [
Install ngx-formly
$ npm install @angular/forms @ngx-formly/core --save
Install ngx-mask
$ npm insatll ngx-mask --save
Install Bootstrap (Optional)
If you want to find the final demo more clearly and beautiful, install bootstrap
, too.
$ npm insatll bootstrap --save
Then add following lines to angular.json
"styles": [
"scripts": [
Install ngx-nz-formly
$ npm install ngx-nz-formly --save
Last step is to add below modules to app.module.ts
declarations: [...],
imports: [
providers: [
{ provide: NZ_I18N, useValue: en_US }
export class AppModule {}
As an explanation, HttpClientModule
and providers
relates to Ant design setup. In order to use special masks on
inputs, you need to add NgxMaskModule
, too. At last, we have OverlayModule
, BrowserAnimationsModule
and FormlyModule
to complete the setup. Finally, you need NzFormlyForRoot
config to FormlyModule for root to be
able to have your formly with Ant Design.
add below html code to your app.component.html
Finally, your app.component.ts
file could be something like following box. So please take this as sample
documentation of available features, until I write one
class FormModel {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
phoneNumber: string;
email: string;
password: string;
budget: number;
age: number;
olderThan20: boolean;
allowNotifications: boolean;
city: any;
gender: string;
constructor(element: any) {
this.firstName = element?.firstName;
this.lastName = element?.lastName;
this.phoneNumber = element?.phoneNumber; = element?.email;
this.password = element?.password;
this.budget = element?.budget;
this.age = element?.age;
this.olderThan20 = element?.olderThan20;
this.allowNotifications = element?.allowNotifications; = element?.city;
this.gender = element?.gender;
selector: "app-root",
templateUrl: "./app.component.html",
styleUrls: ["./app.component.scss"],
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
model = new FormModel({});
form = new FormGroup({});
fields: FormlyFieldConfig[] = [];
labelObs$ = new BehaviorSubject("Label");
ngOnInit() {
from(["Label 1", "Label 2", "Label 3"])
.pipe(concatMap(item => of(item).pipe(delay(1000))))
.subscribe(item => this.labelObs$.next(item));
initForm() {
const fb = new NzFormlyFieldBuilder<FormModel>();
this.fields = [
fb.input("firstName", {
className: "px-2",
props: {
labelPosition: "float",
required: true,
minLen: 3,
showError: false,
labelObs: this.labelObs$,
focus: () => console.log("input focused"),
blur: () => console.log("input blurred"),
styles: {
labelWidth: "110px",
wrapperClass: "mb-4",
validators: {
validation: ["minLen"],
fb.input("lastName", {
className: "px-2",
props: {
required: true,
maxLen: 10,
labelPosition: "top",
label: "Last Name",
styles: {
labelWidth: "110px",
wrapperClass: "mb-4",
validators: {
validation: ["maxLen"],
fb.input("phoneNumber", {
className: "px-2",
props: {
label: "Phone No",
mask: "phone",
placeholder: "e.x. 9127403028",
styles: {
labelWidth: "110px",
wrapperClass: "mb-4",
fb.input("email", {
className: "px-2",
props: {
required: true,
label: "Email address",
placeholder: "e.x. [email protected]",
styles: {
labelWidth: "110px",
wrapperClass: "mb-4",
change: (field, event) => console.log("input changed to:", event),
validators: {
validation: ["email"],
fb.input("password", {
className: "px-2",
props: {
required: true,
type: "password",
label: "Password",
placeholder: "use complex one",
styles: {
labelWidth: "110px",
wrapperClass: "mb-4",
validators: {
validation: ["password"],
fb.input("budget", {
className: "px-2",
props: {
nzPrefix: "$",
label: "Budget",
mask: "separator.2",
thousandSeparator: ",",
nzAddOnBeforeIcon: "wallet",
placeholder: "e.x. 2000",
styles: {
labelWidth: "110px",
wrapperClass: "mb-4",
change: (field, event) => console.log("number changed to:", event),
focus: () => console.log("number focused"),
blur: () => console.log("number blurred"),
validators: {
custom: {
expression: (control: FormControl) => control.value > 2500,
message: "Your budget is less than expected budget",
fb.checkbox("olderThan20", {
className: "px-2 mb-4",
props: {
label: "I am older that 20",
change: (field, event) => console.log("checkbox changed to:", event),
fb.input("age", {
className: "px-2",
props: {
minValue: 20,
maxValue: 100,
label: "Age",
placeholder: "enter your age",
styles: {
labelWidth: "110px",
wrapperClass: "mb-4",
expressionProperties: {
"props.disabled": model => !model.olderThan20,
validators: {
validation: ["minValue", "maxValue"],
fb.switch("allowNotifications", {
className: "px-2",
props: {
nzCheckedChildren: "1",
nzUnCheckedChildren: "0",
label: "Allow notifications",
styles: {
labelWidth: "auto",
wrapperClass: "mb-4",
change: (field, event) => console.log("switch changed to:", event),
expressionProperties: {
"props.hidden": model => !model.olderThan20,
}),"city", {
className: "px-2",
props: {
objectValue: false,
label: "City",
nzAllowClear: true,
nzShowSearch: true,
placeholder: "select your city",
styles: {
labelWidth: "110px",
wrapperClass: "mb-4",
nzOptionOverflowSize: 4,
nzOptions: [
label: "Zanjan",
value: "Znj",
nzCustomContent: `<strong>Zanjan</strong>`,
label: "Tehran",
value: "Teh",
nzCustomContent: `<i>Tehran</i>`,
{label: "Isfahan", value: "Isf"},
{label: "Shiraz", value: "Shi"},
{label: "Gilan", value: "Gil"},
nzFilterOption: (input?: string, option?: NzOptionComponent) => {
return option?.nzLabel?.toString().includes(input || "") || false;
compareWith: (o1: any, o2: any): boolean => o1 == o2,
nzOpenChange: event => console.log("selection open status:", event),
nzScrollToBottom: () => console.log("scroll"),
nzOnSearch: event => console.log("search", event),
change: (field, event) => console.log("selection changed to:", event),
expressionProperties: {
"props.disabled": model => !model.olderThan20,
}),"gender", {
className: "px-2",
props: {
label: "Gender",
nzType: "nz-radio-button",
styles: {
labelWidth: "110px",
nzOptions: [
label: "Male",
value: "Male",
label: "Female",
value: "Female",
label: "None",
value: null,
nzButtonStyle: "solid",
change: (field, event) => console.log("Radio changed to:", event),
className: "d-flex",
props: {
text: "Reset",
nzType: "primary",
nzLoading: false,
nzDanger: false,
nzBlock: true,
click: () => console.log("clicked"),
onSubmit() {
// Object.keys(this.form.controls).forEach(key => {
// console.log(key, this.form.get(key)?.errors);
// });
// console.log(this.model);
At last, I want to thank every one of you who supports and use the provided library. Be sure that there are lots of more features coming up. So please share your feedbacks and comments with me. I will be so happy of getting more of them.