Customizable Combobox component for Angular Material
Customizable Combobox component for Angular Material
- Single & Multiple selection :)
- Autocomplete
- Chips
- Custom templates for options, header, footer, loading overlay, no options etc..
- Tests
- Documentation
- Theming support
npm -i ngx-mat-combobox
For more details see examples or projects/demo application
- ngx-mat-combobox
| @Input | Type | Description | | ------ | ---- | ----------- | | options | any[] | List of strings or complex objects. Default []. | | valueAccessor | string | NgxMatComboboxAccessorFn | Property of option's object which holds the 'value' or NgxMatComboboxAccessorFn. | | labelAccessor | string | NgxMatComboboxAccessorFn | Property of option's object which holds the 'label' or NgxMatComboboxAccessorFn. | | displayAccessor | string | NgxMatComboboxAccessorFn | Property of option's object which holds the 'selected label' or NgxMatComboboxAccessorFn. If not defined labelAccessor will be used. | | disabledAccessor | string | NgxMatComboboxAccessorFn | Property of option's object which holds the 'disabled state' or NgxMatComboboxAccessorFn. | | mapOptionsFn | NgxMatComboboxMapOptionsFn | Default undefined. | | filterOptionsFn | NgxMatComboboxFilterOptionsFn | Default undefined. | | compareOptionsFn | NgxMatComboboxCompareOptionsFn | | | trackOptionByFn | TrackByFunction | | | multiple | boolean | Multiple selection mode. Default false. | | maxValues | number | Limit maximum selected options. Default 0 (no limit). | | useValue | boolean | If set, component will emit option's value using provided valueAccessor. Default false. | | autoActivate | boolean | If set, first available option id dropdown will be activated. Default false. | | autoOpen | boolean | If set, dropdown will open when form field is focused. Default false. | | autoSelect | boolean | If set, value model is updated when option is activated (e.g. focused by key navigation). Default false. | | fillInput | boolean | If set, search input is updated using displayAccessor value. Works only in single selection mode. Default false. | | autocomplete | boolean | Autocomplete mode. Default false. | | autocompleteMinChars | number | Default 0. | | autocompleteDebounceInterval | number | Default 400. | | noWrap | boolean | If set,selected options list will wrap. Default false. | | showToggleTrigger | boolean | Default true. | | showLoadingSpinner | boolean | Default true. | | loadingSpinnerDiameter | number | Default undefined. | | loadingSpinnerStrokeWidth | number | Default 2. | | loadingSpinnerColor | string | Default 'primary'. | | disableOptionsRipple | boolean | Default false. | useChips | boolean | Default false. | | disableChipsRipple | boolean | Default false. | | disableChipsRemove| boolean | Default false. | | dropdownAlign | 'start' | 'center' | 'end' | Dropdown align. Default 'start'. | | dropdownOffsetX | number | Default 0. | | dropdownOffsetY | number | Default 0. | | dropdownAutoFocus | boolean | Autofocus first element in custom dropdown template. Default false. | | dropdownTrapFocus | boolean | Trap focus in custom dropdown template. Default false. | | dropdownClass | string | Default undefined. | | dropdownMatchFieldWidth | boolean | Dropdown width based on parent form field width. Default true. | | dropdownKeyNavWrap | boolean | Dropdown key navigation wrap. Default true. | | dropdownKeyNavHomeAndEnd | boolean | Dropdown key navigation HOME and END keys. Ignored in autocomplete mode. Default true. | | dropdownKeyNavTypeAhead | boolean | Dropdown key navigation type ahead. Ignored in autocomplete mode. Default true. | | noOptionText | string | Default 'No Results'. | | dropdownBackdrop | boolean | Default false. | | dropdownBackdropClass | string | Default undefined. |
| @Output | Type | Description | | ------- | ---- | ----------- | | openedChange | boolean | | | selectionChange | any[] | |
| Property | Type | Description | | -------- | ---- | ----------- | | opened | boolean | | | selectedOptions | Observable<any[]> | | | filteredOptions | Observable<any[]> | | | input? | NgxMatComboboxInput | |
| Method | Returns | Description | | ------ | ---- | ----------- | | focus() | void | | | closeDropdown() | void | | | toggleDropdown() | void | | | selectOption(option: any) | void | | | selectOptions(option: any[]) | void | | | deselectOption(option: any) | void | | | deselectOptions(option: any[]) | void | | | toggleOption(option: any) | void | | | clear() | void | | | isOptionSelected(option: any) | boolean | | | getSelectedOptionIndex(option: any) | number | | | getFilteredOptionIndex(option: any) | number | | | filter(query: string) | void | | | alignDropdown() | void | | | scrollToOption(index: number) | void | | | startLoading() | void | | | stopLoading() | void | |
Exported as ngxMatCombobox
- ngxMatComboboxInput or ngx-mat-combobox-input
Exported as ngxMatComboboxInput
- ngxMatComboboxRemove or ngx-mat-combobox-remove
Exported as ngxMatComboboxRemove.
Custom content templates
ngxMatComboboxOption or ngx-mat-combobox-option
ngxMatComboboxNoOption or ngx-mat-combobox-no-option
ngxMatComboboxDisplay or ngx-mat-combobox-display
ngxMatComboboxHeader or ngx-mat-combobox-header
ngxMatComboboxFooter or ngx-mat-combobox-footer
ngxMatComboboxLoading or ngx-mat-combobox-loading
Function to access object options properties.
export type NgxMatComboboxAccessorFn = (option: any) => any;
Function to map model values to the option objects.
export type NgxMatComboboxMapOptionsFn = (value: any[], options: any[]) => Observable<any[]> | any[];
Autocomplete filter function.
export type NgxMatComboboxFilterOptionsFn = (query: string, options: any[]) => Observable<any[]> | any[];
Function to compare two options. By default [valueAccessor] is used internally.
export type NgxMatComboboxCompareOptionsFn = (o1: any, o2: any) => boolean;
export interface NgxMatComboboxDefaultOptions {
valueAccessor?: string | NgxMatComboboxAccessorFn;
labelAccessor?: string | NgxMatComboboxAccessorFn;
displayAccessor?: string | NgxMatComboboxAccessorFn;
disabledAccessor?: string | NgxMatComboboxAccessorFn;
showToggleTrigger?: boolean;
showLoadingSpinner?: boolean;
loadingSpinnerDiameter?: number;
loadingSpinnerStrokeWidth?: number;
loadingSpinnerColor?: string;
autocompleteMinChars?: number;
autocompleteDebounceInterval?: number;
noWrap?: boolean;
noOptionText?: string;
dropdownClass?: string,
dropdownMatchFieldWidth?: boolean;
dropdownOffsetX?: number;
dropdownOffsetY?: number;
dropdownKeyNavWrap?: boolean;
dropdownKeyNavHomeAndEnd?: boolean;
dropdownKeyNavTypeAhead?: boolean;
disableOptionsRipple?: boolean;
disableChipsRipple?: boolean;
disableChipsRemove?: boolean;
Global configuration
providers: [
autocompleteMinChars: 3,
autocompleteDebounceInterval: 250,
loadingSpinnerStrokeWidth: 4,
loadingSpinnerColor: 'accent',
showToggleTrigger: false,
dropdownMatchFieldWidth: false,
} as NgxMatComboboxDefaultOptions