A port >= angular5 for lightbox2
A lighbox2 implementation port to use with new Angular without the need for jQuery
This module works with angular >= 5 demo. For angular 2x or 4x, please use angular2-lightbox
npm install --save ngx-lightbox
Update your angular.json
"styles": [
Import LightboxModule
from ngx-lightbox
import { LightboxModule } from 'ngx-lightbox';
imports: [ LightboxModule ]
- Markup
<div *ngFor="let image of _albums; let i=index">
<img [src]="image.thumb" (click)="open(i)"/>
- Component method
import { Lightbox } from 'ngx-lightbox';
export class AppComponent {
private _album: Array = [];
constructor(private _lightbox: Lightbox) {
for (let i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
const src = 'demo/img/image' + i + '.jpg';
const caption = 'Image ' + i + ' caption here';
const thumb = 'demo/img/image' + i + '-thumb.jpg';
const album = {
src: src,
caption: caption,
thumb: thumb
open(index: number): void {
// open lightbox, index);
Each object
of album
array inside your component may contains 3 properties :
Properties | Requirement | Description
src | Required | The source image to your thumbnail that you want to with use lightbox when user click on thumbnail
caption | Optional | Your caption corresponding with your image
thumb | Optional | Source of your thumbnail. It is being used inside your component markup so this properties depends on your naming.
- Listen to lightbox event
You can listen to 3 events, which are either CHANGE_PAGE, CLOSE or OPEN.
import { LightboxEvent, LIGHTBOX_EVENT } from 'ngx-lightbox';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
export class AppComponent {
private _subscription: Subscription;
constructor(private _lightboxEvent: LightboxEvent) {}
open(index: number): void {
// register your subscription and callback whe open lightbox is fired
this._subscription = this._lightboxEvent.lightboxEvent$
.subscribe(event => this._onReceivedEvent(event));
private _onReceivedEvent(event: any): void {
// remember to unsubscribe the event when lightbox is closed
// event CLOSED is fired
// event OPEN is fired
// event change page is fired
console.log(; // -> image index that lightbox is switched to
Lightbox options
Available options based on lightbox2 options
Properties | Default | Description
fadeDuration | 0.7 seconds | duration starting when the src image is loaded to fully appear onto screen.
resizeDuration | 0.5 seconds | duration starting when Lightbox container change its dimension from a default/previous image to the current image when the current image is loaded.
fitImageInViewPort | true | Determine whether lightbox will use the natural image width/height or change the image width/height to fit the view of current window. Change this option to true to prevent problem when image too big compare to browser windows.
positionFromTop | 20 px | The position of lightbox from the top of window browser
showImageNumberLabel | false | Determine whether to show the image number to user. The default text shown is Image IMAGE_NUMBER of ALBUM_LENGTH
alwaysShowNavOnTouchDevices | false | Determine whether to show left/right
arrow to user on Touch devices.
wrapAround | false | Determine whether to move to the start of the album when user reaches the end of album and vice versa. Set it to true to enable this feature.
disableKeyboardNav | false | Determine whether to disable navigation using keyboard event.
disableScrolling | false | If true, prevent the page from scrolling while Lightbox is open. This works by settings overflow hidden on the body.
centerVertically | false | If true, images will be centered vertically to the screen.
NOTE: You can either override default config or during a specific opening window
- Override default config
import { LightboxConfig } from 'ngx-lightbox';
export class AppComponent {
constructor(private _lighboxConfig: LightboxConfig) {
// override default config
_lighboxConfig.fadeDuration = 1;
- Set config in a specific opening window
import { LightboxConfig, Lightbox } from 'ngx-lightbox';
export class AppComponent {
constructor(private _lighboxConfig: LightboxConfig, private _lightbox: Lightbox) {}
open(index: number) {
// override the default config on second parameter, index, { wrapAround: true, showImageNumberLabel: true });
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