## Installation Install using `npm` -> 1. `npm i ngx-drive` 2. `npm i driver.js` (peer dependency) 3. `"node_modules/driver.js/dist/driver.min.css"` (Angular.Json Styles)
Install using npm
npm i ngx-drive
npm i driver.js
(peer dependency)"node_modules/driver.js/dist/driver.min.css"
(Angular.Json Styles)
In AppComponent init ngx-drive ->
import { NgxDriveService } from 'ngx-drive';
constructor(private readonly tourDriver : NgxDriveService){}
In AppModule -->
import { NgxDriveModule } from 'ngx-drive';
imports: [
Basic Usage
- In AppComponent import your config Data in the struture ngx-drive defines for (later in docs) ->
import * as <dataVar> from <PATH_TO_CONFIG-TS>
Example -
import tourData from './tour/tourConfig'
- In AppComponent Start the tour by binding the below code snippet to a button-event (Function) ->
Example -
this.driver.tourStart(data, <initDelay : number>); // initDelay is a number in ms to delay the tour to start in the starting (for targetElement i.e. first-step to render completely) [OPTIONAL]
Resume Tour Functionality -
To call in for resume tour pass a parameter as shown below -
this.driver.tourStart(data, 500, parseInt((localStorage.getItem("lastStep")))); // stored in local storage as key-value pair, updated automatically.
Config File
The previously described Config File must be of the below interface ->
const data = {}
export { data }
// libConfig are Global Config Object, these can be overwrite for specific steps too (later)
// [All are optional to pass]
"libConfig" : {
"className" : "scoped-class", // className to wrap popover
"closeBtnText" : "Close", // Text on Close button
"nextBtnText" : "Next", // Text on Next button
"prevBtnText" : "Previous", // Text on Previous button
"allowClose" : false, // Whether the click on overlay(Background) should close or not
"animate" : false, // Whether to animate or not
"opacity" : 0.75, // Background opacity (0 means only popovers and without overlay)
"padding" : 10, // Distance of element from around the edges
"keyboardControl" : true, // Allow controlling through keyboard (escape to close, arrow keys to move)
"showButtons" : true, // Do not show control buttons in footer
"stageBackground" : "#ffffff", // Background color for the staged behind highlighted element
"nextDelay" : 200, // waitingTime in between steps when moving next (applicable on all steps)
"previousDelay" : 200, // waitingTime in between steps when moving previous (applicable on all steps)
"navDelay" : 300, // waitingTime for Multi-Page Navigation for full rendering of targetElement (applicable on all steps)
"stepStatus" : true, // currStep / Total Step showcasing
// tour object is a [{}] with struture as following,
// you can overwrite the Global Config for specific Steps
"tour" : [
"targetStep" : string, // example - "#hero1@/heroes" i.e. <ID-ELEMENT@ROUTE>, [REQUIRED]
"stageBackground" : "#ffffff", // [OPTIONAL]
"title" : "Title of popover, can also parse HTML", // [OPTIONAL]
"description" : "Description of popover, can also parse HTML", // [OPTIONAL]
"position" : "left" // position can be left, left-center, left-bottom, top, top-center, top-right, right, right-center, right-bottom, bottom, bottom-center, bottom-right, mid-center [OPTIONAL]
"className" : "popover-class", // className to wrap this specific step popover in addition to the general className in Driver options, useful for specific Styling Options [OPTIONAL]
"showButtons" : false, // [OPTIONAL]
"closeBtnText" : "close", // [OPTIONAL]
"nextBtnText" : "Next", // [OPTIONAL]
"prevBtnText" : "Previous", // [OPTIONAL]
"nextTime" : 1000, // [OPTIONAL] waitingTime to be set for this specific step when moving forward in tour
"prevTime" : 500 // [OPTIONAL] waitingTime to be set for this specific step when moving backward in tour
CAUTION - Never contain a single step for a particular page when performing Multi page Navigation!
Basic Usage - Time based Tour
Follow all steps stated in the earlier Basic Usage -
Differences -
Step 2 =>
In AppComponent Start the tour by binding the below code snippet to a button-event (Function) ->
Example -
Configuration File -
const data = {}
export { data }
// libConfig are Global Config Object, these can be overwrite for specific steps too (later)
// [All are optional to pass]
"libConfig" : {
"className" : "scoped-class", // className to wrap popover
"animate" : false, // Whether to animate or not
"opacity" : 0.75, // Background opacity (0 means only popovers and without overlay)
"padding" : 10, // Distance of element from around the edges
"stepStatus" : true, // currStep / Total Step showcasing
"stageBackground" : "#ffffff", // Background color for the staged behind highlighted element
"waitingTime" : 2000 // time in between steps global value
// tour object is a [{}] with struture as following,
// you can overwrite the Global Config for specific Steps
"tour" : [
"targetStep" : string, // example - "#hero1@/heroes" i.e. <ID-ELEMENT@ROUTE>, [REQUIRED]
"stageBackground" : "#ffffff", // [OPTIONAL]
"title" : "Title of popover, can also parse HTML", // [OPTIONAL]
"description" : "Description of popover, can also parse HTML", // [OPTIONAL]
"position" : "left" // position can be left, left-center, left-bottom, top, top-center, top-right, right, right-center, right-bottom, bottom, bottom-center, bottom-right, mid-center [OPTIONAL]
"className" : "popover-class", // className to wrap this specific step popover in addition to the general className in Driver options, useful for specific Styling Options [OPTIONAL]
"waitingTime" : 1500 // time in between this step and next step
Styling (Customization)
.className .driver-popover-tip {} // Styling for Tip (Arrow)
.className .driver-popover-title {} // Styling for Header
.className .driver-popover-description {} // Styling for Body
.className .driver-popover-footer {} // Styling for Footer
.className .driver-close-btn {} // Close button styling
.className .driver-btn-group .driver-prev-btn {} // Close button styling
.className .driver-btn-group .driver-next-btn {} // Close button styling
.className #ngx-status {} // currStep / Total Step styling
the default driver-popover-item styling options -> (controlable by className and !important in global CSS)
background: #fff;
color: #2d2d2d;
margin: 0;
padding: 15px;
border-radius: 5px;
min-width: 250px;
max-width: 300px;
box-shadow: 0 1px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.4);
Future Updates -
- Time based Navigation (Multi page navigation issue).
- Child Steps.