A simple yet feature packed Table rendering component for Angular 2+
Advanced table component for Angular(2+).
- [X] Base Table with dynamic data.
- [ ] Header text should be center aligned
- [ ] Odd Even coloring should be configurable using @Input parameter - off / default color / color def for odd and even.
- [X] Dynamic column definition.
- [X] left or right Alignment for text
- [ ] infer alignment using data type
- [X] Text for header
- [X] Sorting.
- [X] Programatic Sorting specification
- [X] Show sort indicators on header
- [X] Togger sort order on clicking the header
- [ ] Pagination (This will just provide a visual information strip. Actual pagination is to be handled externally).
- [X] Checkbox column.
- [ ] Using Generics so that the DataType of data can be intelligently used?
- [ ] Scrollable Table with Fixed headers
- [X] Column Formatters
- [X] Row Selection (using checkbox)
- [ ] Row Event hooks
- [ ] Re-render notification with new data (Observable?)
- include the component in your project
npm i ngx-advanced-table -S
- include the
in your AppModule.
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { AdvancedTableModule } from 'ngx-advanced-table';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
imports: [ BrowserModule, AdvancedTableModule],
declarations: [ AppComponent ],
bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
export class AppModule { }
- declare the component in you component template
<advanced-table [data]="mydata" [columns]="mycolumns" [sortInfo]="sortInfo"></advanced-table>
- Pass on data to the table component in your TS file.
constructor() {
this.mycolumns = [
{attr: 'select', display: 'Sel', checkbox: true},
{attr: 'age', display: 'Age', align: Align.Right, checkbox: true },
{attr: 'fName', display: 'First Name', align: Align.Center,
formatter: (itm: string) => {
// console.log('my formatter', itm);
return itm.toUpperCase();
{attr: 'lName', display: 'Last Name', align: Align.Left},
{attr: 'doj', display: 'Date of Joining', align: Align.Right,
formatter: (itm: Date) => {
return '' + itm.getFullYear();
this.mydata = [
{age: 40, fName: 'Ravi', lName: 'Kumar', doj: new Date('2011-10-19')},
{age: 20, fName: 'Vijay', lName: 'Dharap', doj: new Date('2011-10-20')},
{age: 20, fName: 'Avinash', lName: 'Dongre', doj: new Date('2011-10-21')},
{age: 50, fName: 'Sanjay', lName: 'Das', doj: new Date('2011-10-22')}
this.sortInfo = [
{attr: 'age', sortDir: 'desc'},
{attr: 'fName', sortDir: 'asc'}
To release (just for my own reference)
git commit
npm run release
npm run build
npm publish dist/ --registry