NgSsm - Simple state management implementation.
State management
This is a simple custom adaptation and implementation of the redux pattern.
graph TB;
B["Store (State manager)"]
C[/Actions queue/]
A["State Observers: <br/> <ul> <li>Components</li> <li>Directives</li> <li>Guards</li></ul>"]
subgraph G[Action processors]
D[<b>Reducers</b> <br/> Updates state synchronously taking state immutability into account]
E[<b>Effects</b> <br/> No update of the state. <br/> Call to remote services <br/> Actions dispatch...]
C --- B
A -- Dispatch actions --> B
B -- Publish state --> A
B -- Apply action on state --> D
B -- Process action --> E
D -- Updated state --> B
E -- Dispatch actions --> B
style A text-align:left
style C fill:lightgray
Store Overview
Action dispatching
actor O as Component/Effect
participant S as Store
participant Q as Actions Queue
participant E as Event loop
O->>S: dispatch action
S->>Q: add action
S->>E: add message to process next action
An action dispatched by a component or an effect is not processed immediately. The store uses the
function to process "later" the action.
Action processing
participant L as Event loop
participant S as Store
participant Q as Actions Queue
actor O as State Observer
participant R as Reducer
participant E as Effect
L->>S: doProcessNextAction
S->>Q: get next available action
alt There is an action to process
loop For all registered reducers for the current sction
S->>R: update state
S->>O: publish new state
loop For all registered effects for the current action
S->>E: process action
S->>L: add message to process next action
- angular: the library uses the dependency injection system provided by angular,
- rxjs: the publish/subscribe pattern is implemented with rxjs,
- immutability-helper: used by the reducers to update safely the state
The state must be immutable. But, to simplify the implementation, it is the responsibility of the user to be sure that the state instance is never updated.
- schematics: schematics are provided to create feature state, components, reducers, effects, actions...
- mermaid.js for the documentation.
See ngssm-schematics for schematics used to create feature state, action, reducer, effect...