A quality of life improvement library for people who like Redux pattern, but don't like it's verbosity.
npm install ngrx-roundtrips
is a tiny library that unifies the way we handle remote operations using the Redux pattern. It does that by
introducing a concept of Loadable
that can be, well, loaded, and action/query roundtrip
is a combination of data, and it's status.
export enum LoadableStatus {
Empty = "empty",
HasData = "hasData"
interface RemoteValue {
isLoading: boolean;
status: LoadableStatus;
export interface Empty extends RemoteValue {
status: LoadableStatus.Empty;
data: undefined;
export interface HasData<T> extends RemoteValue {
status: LoadableStatus.HasData;
data: T;
export type Loadable<T> = Empty | HasData<T>;
Such definition enables you to know whether you've loaded the last value or not (to remove the ambiguity if the result
of your asynchronous operation was undefined
), whether a value is currently loading (to show the spinner and prevent
duplicate requests should you want to), and the last received response.
is a collection of Redux actions related to a single asynchronous operation
Asynchronous operations divide into actions and queries. Actions do not return any result apart from whether it has
completed successfully, but queries do. Regardless of whether it's a query or an action, each roundtrip has three
Redux actions: the initiator action (that starts the action/query), the success action (suffixed with " (Success)"
and the error action (suffixed with " (Error)"
Actions roundtrip:
You create an action roundtrip with createActionRoundtrip
function, specifying the type of arguments (if any), and
NgRx action name. In return, you receive a group of Redux action creators that looks like this:
import { createAction, props } from "@ngrx/store";
export const successSuffix = " (Success)";
export const errorSuffix = " (Error)";
export function createActionRoundtrip<TArguments>(type: string): ActionRoundtrip<TArguments> {
return {
request: createAction(type, props<HasArguments<TArguments>>()),
success: createAction(type + successSuffix, props<HasArguments<TArguments>>()),
error: createAction(type + errorSuffix, props<HasArgumentsAndError<TArguments>>())
Using action roundtrip looks like this:
/** Create action definitions grouped into a single object */
const createPost = createActionRoundtrip<{ name: string; description: string }>("[Blog] Create Post");
/** In component or a service */{ arguments: { name: "My new post!", description: "Hey guise!" } }));
/** In effect */
onCreatePost$ = createActionRoundtripEffect(
this.actions$, // actions observable injected into Effect classes
createPost, // action roundtrip to handle
args => this.blogService.createPost(args) // Angular service that does a HTTP call and returns Observable
Query roundtrip:
You create a query roundtrip with createQueryRoundtrip
function, specifying the type of arguments (if any), type of
the result and NgRx action name. In return, you receive a group of Redux action creators that looks like this:
import { createAction, props } from "@ngrx/store";
export const successSuffix = " (Success)";
export const errorSuffix = " (Error)";
export function createQueryRoundtrip<TArguments, TResult>(type: string): QueryRoundtrip<TArguments, TResult> {
return {
request: createAction(type, props<HasArguments<TArguments>>()),
success: createAction(type + successSuffix, props<HasArgumentsAndResult<TArguments, TResult>>()),
error: createAction(type + errorSuffix, props<HasArgumentsAndError<TArguments>>())
} as const;
Using query roundtrip looks like this:
/** Create action definitions grouped into a single object */
const loadPosts = createQueryRoundtrip<{ page: number }, Post[]>("[Blog] Load Posts");
/** In component or a service */{ arguments: { page: 0 } }));
/** In reducer */
const reducer = createReducer(
createEmptyLoadable<Post[]>(), // initial state
...createQueryRoundtripReducers(loadPosts) // handles initiator (turns on isLoading),
// success (turns off isLoading, fills in data)
// and error (turns off isLoading) redux actions
/** In effect */
onLoadPosts$ = createQueryRoundtripEffect(
this.actions$, // actions observable injected into Effect classes
loadPosts, // action roundtrip to handle
args => this.blogService.loadPosts(args) // Angular service that does a HTTP call and returns Observable<Post[]>