Angular and RxJs event bus with Mediator Pattern
Meditor Pattern based EventBus service mechanism as Angular service using RxJs. You can publish events to a bus and any component can subscribe the events. Subscribers of your event (event identification is being done using event-name as string).
This library was generated with Angular CLI version 13.0.3 and support V15.
Live Demo
How to consume
To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help
or go check out the Angular CLI README.
Install npm package ngrx-event-bus.
npm i ngrx-event-bus --save
Import Module
import {NgRxEventBusModule} from 'ngrx-event-bus';
imports:[NgRxEventBusModule ],
- Register the events if you'd like to support events
//create Event class and inherit by IEvent
export class BusEvents implements IEvent {
public static TitleChangeEvent: string = "TitleChangeEvent";
import {NgRxEventBusService,EmitEvent, IEvent} from 'ngrx-event-bus';
export class AppComponent {
constructor(private eventBus: NgRxEventBusService) {
//Optional event registeration
//default value is optional and if sent it will register event with BehaviorSubject
//registerEvent will help when you are emitting event before someone subscribing to it
this.eventBus.registerEvent(BusEvents.TitleChangeEvent,{title:"default title"});
title = "Demo";
ngOnInit() {
//Register Event Listner
this.eventBus.on(BusEvents.TitleChangeEvent, (title: string) => {
this.title = title;
- Publish Event if you'd like some one to subscribe
import { EmitEvent,NgRxEventBusService } from 'ngrx-event-bus';
export class TitleComponent {
constructor(private eventBus: NgRxEventBusService) { }
textValue = '';
onChangeTitle(title) {
this.eventBus.emit(new EmitEvent(BusEvents.TitleChangeEvent, this.textValue));
What is new in 2.1.1?
With this release you can able to get First, Last and All values with your first subscription.
this.eventBus.on(BusEvents.TitleChangeEvent, (title: string) => {
this.title = title;
this.eventBus.on(BusEvents.TitleChangeEvent, (title: string) => {
this.title = title;
this.eventBus.on(BusEvents.TitleChangeEvent, (title: string[]) => {
this.title = string.join(title,',');
export enum EmitRecord {
First = 1,
Last = 2,
All = 3
What is new in 2.1.5 ?
With this release user can now soft unregister the event and later it register the same and the component which already subscribed to the respective event can again get the emitted results.
//@Param1 IEvent
//@Param2 soft. By default this parameter will remain false.
Thumb Rules
- Event class should implements by IEvent.
- Declare static string under Event Class.