This component is a responsive pager component build on Angular 8 and Bootstrap 4. It keeps track of the total records and number of pages based on page size. It fires a event when the user changes the page or page size.
This component is a responsive pager component build on Angular 8 and Bootstrap 4. It keeps track of the total records and number of pages based on page size. It fires a event when the user changes the page or page size.
Getting started
- Install the package
npm install ngc-pager
- Add import to your Angular Module
import { PagerModule } from 'ngc-pager';
- [pageinationMetaData] -> Object used to hold and pass page data. Object and default values below.
class PaginationMetadata {
constructor(public currentPage: number = 1, public totalPages: number = 0, public pageSize: number = 25,
public totalCount: number = 0, public hasPrevious: boolean = false, public hasNext: boolean = false) {
- [floatRight] -> Will push the component to the right on larger screens. Default: false
- [resultsHeader] -> Sets the text that will be shown in front of the result count. Default: 'Total Results:'
- [pageSizes] -> A array of integers that will be used to generate the available list of page sizes. Default [5, 10, 25, 50, 100]
- [showingDdlWidth] -> A string that sets with width of the drop down box that holds the current page size.
(pagerChanged) -> Fired when page or pagesize changes.
<ngc-pager [pageinationMetaData]="pageinationMetaData"