datepicker with multiple features
Angular datepicker for web applications. Easy to integrate and use.
Getting Started
- datepicker with maximum & minimum selectactable date.
- option for date format.
- datepicker with button panel option.
- At a time open multiple month if pass number of month.
- week header option & show week number in the month.
- step month or skip number of month when user click next/prev button if set month.
- different animation options & duration of animation,can be set.
- change month & day name by using option.
- change close button name, prev/next button name & also change icon image.
- Title bar with normal month & years show & aslo in dropdown format.
- when date of other month show, we can hide by using option.
- restricts year range & add year suffix.
- show first day of calendar using option & show calendar in right to left format.
- Install package from
npm i ng6-datepickers
Download jquery ui from following link-
click on download buttton, after download extract file.
you can see folder, put this folder on your project node_module folder.
after this, set path of files in angular.json file. refer following example
"styles": [ "src/styles.css", "node_modules/jquery-ui-1.12.1.custom/jquery-ui.css" ],
"scripts": [ "node_modules/jquery-ui-1.12.1.custom/external/jquery/jquery.js", "node_modules/jquery-ui-1.12.1.custom/jquery-ui.min.js" ]
Include Ng6DatepickerModule into your application.
import { DatepickersModule } from 'ng6-datepickers';
imports: [
export class AppModule {}
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
options: object;
ngOnInit () {
this.options = {
dateFormat: 'MM dd, yy', // set selected date format
firstCalendarDay: 0, // set first day of calender by passing {0:sunday, 1: monday}.
minimumDate: new Date(2015, 1, 1), // set minimum date by passing this - new Date(2017, 1, 1) format as well as +5m +1w format.
maximumDate: '+5m +1w', // set maximum date by passing this new Date(2017, 1, 1) format as well as +5m +1w format.
showButtonPanel: false, // show button panel if passes true.
closeButtonText: 'Close', // you can change close button name.
dayName: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'], // set day name by passing in this format.
monthShortName: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'July', 'Aug', 'Sept', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], // set day month by passing in this format
showWeek: false, // show week in left, if set true.
weekHeaderName: 'W', // heading of week colomn.
MonthsSkip: -1, // skips month when click prev/next button, set -1 for skip one month, 1 for skip two month & so on.
yearsRange: '2016:2018', // set range of years in-between.
appendText: '(mm-dd-yyyy)', // append date format in right side of datepicker.
monthDropDown: true, // month dropdown in title bar.
yearDropDown: true, // year dropdown in title bar.
animationDuration: 'medium', // set animation duration like, slow/medium/fast.
showAnimation: 'slideDown', // set different animation type like put 'slideDown' & 'fadeIn'.
hideIfNoPrevNext: true, // if next month is disable, then hide next & prev button by passing true.
isRTL: false, // show calendar in right to left format.
// nextIconText: 'Later', // set tooltip for nextbutton icon. default set is next.
// prevIconText: 'Earlier', set tooltip for prevbutton icon. default set is prev.
// numberOfMonthsDisplay: [2, 2], // number of month show, here 2 set is for two rows & next 2 for two colomn.
//showCurrentMonthAtPos: 2, // if numberOfMonthsDisplay is apply then set position of current month.
selectOtherMonthsDate: false, // if prev/next month date is show in current month,then select date by passing true.
showOtherMonthsDate: false, // show/hide prev/next month date in current month by set true or false.
showBarMonthAfterYear: true, // show month after year in title bar if set true.
yearSuffix: '', // set year suffix in title bar.
// showOn: 'both', // if showon set 'both', then it will show button icon at datepicker right side, default it hide icon.
// buttonImageOnly: true, // show icon image only at right side of datepicker.
// buttonIconImage: '/assets/images/calendar1.gif', // set icon image of datepicker.
// buttonIconText: 'Calendar' // set tooltip for icon of datepicker.
receiveDate(selectedDate) {
console.log(selectedDate); // selected date
<input type="text" [option] = options (eventDate)="receiveDate($event)" appMydatepicker>
| options | Type | Description | Default Value |
| :----------------------- | :--------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| :-------------------------|
| dateFormat | String | set selected date format by passing date format string. | 'MM dd, yy' |
| firstCalendarDay | Number | set first day of calender by passing {0:sunday, 1: monday}. | 0 |
| minimumDate | String/Date| set minimum date by passing this - new Date(2017, 1, 1) format as well as +5m +1w format. | new Date(2015, 1, 1) |
| maximumDate | String/Date| set maximum date by passing this new Date(2017, 1, 1) format as well as +5m +1w format. | '+5m +1w' |
| showButtonPanel | boolean | show button panel if passes true. | false |
| closeButtonText | String | you can change close button name. | 'Close' |
| dayName | array | set day name by passing in array format. | Array |
| monthShortName | array | set day month by passing in array format | Array |
| showWeek | boolean | show week in left, if set true. | false |
| weekHeaderName | String | heading name of week colomn. | 'W' |
| MonthsSkip | Number | skips month when click prev/next button | -1 |
| yearsRange | String | set range of years in-between. | '2016:2018' |
| appendText | String | append date format in right side of datepicker. | '(mm-dd-yyyy)' |
| monthDropDown | boolean | month dropdown in title bar, if set true. | true |
| yearDropDown | boolean | year dropdown in title bar,if set true. | true |
| animationDuration | String | set animation duration like, slow/medium/fast. | 'medium' |
| showAnimation | String | set different animation type like put 'slideDown' & 'fadeIn'. | 'slideDown' |
| hideIfNoPrevNext | boolean | if next month is disable, then hide next & prev button by passing true. | true |
| isRTL | boolean | show calendar in right to left format. | false |
| nextIconText | String | set tooltip for nextbutton icon. default set is next. | 'later' |
| prevIconText | String | set tooltip for prevbutton icon. default set is prev. | 'earlier' |
| numberOfMonthsDisplay | array | number of month show, here 2 set is for two rows & next 2 for two colomn. | [2, 2] |
| showCurrentMonthAtPos | Number | if numberOfMonthsDisplay is apply then set position of current month. | 2 |
| selectOtherMonthsDate | boolean | if prev/next month date is show in current month,then select date by passing true. | false |
| showOtherMonthsDate | boolean | show/hide prev/next month date in current month by set true or false. | false |
| showBarMonthAfterYear | boolean | show month after year in title bar if set true. | true |
| yearSuffix | String | set year suffix in title bar. | '' |
| showOn | String | if showon set 'both', then it will show button icon at datepicker right side, default it hide icon. | 'both' |
| buttonImageOnly | boolean | show icon image only at right side of datepicker. | true |
| buttonIconImage | String | set icon image of datepicker, put image in assets folder & set path. |'/assets/images/cal.gif' |
| buttonIconText | String | set tooltip for icon of datepicker. | 'Calendar' |
| | |
###Keyboard interaction ##While the datepicker is open, the following key commands are available:
- PAGE UP: Move to the previous month.
- PAGE DOWN: Move to the next month.
- CTRL + PAGE UP: Move to the previous year.
- CTRL + PAGE DOWN: Move to the next year.
- CTRL + HOME: Open the datepicker if closed.
- CTRL/COMMAND + HOME: Move to the current month.
- CTRL/COMMAND + LEFT: Move to the previous day.
- CTRL/COMMAND + RIGHT: Move to the next day.
- CTRL/COMMAND + UP: Move to the previous week.
- CTRL/COMMAND + DOWN: Move to the next week.
- ENTER: Select the focused date.
- CTRL/COMMAND + END: Close the datepicker and erase the date.
- ESCAPE: Close the datepicker without selection.
###Date Format:
##Format a date into a string value with a specified format.
#The format can be combinations of the following:
- d - day of month (no leading zero)
- dd - day of month (two digit)
- o - day of the year (no leading zeros)
- oo - day of the year (three digit)
- D - day name short
- DD - day name long
- m - month of year (no leading zero)
- mm - month of year (two digit)
- M - month name short
- MM - month name long
- y - year (two digit)
- yy - year (four digit)
- @ - Unix timestamp (ms since 01/01/1970)
- ! - Windows ticks (100ns since 01/01/0001)
- '...' - literal text
- '' - single quote
- anything else - literal text
There are also a number of predefined standard date formats available from $.datepicker:
- ATOM - 'yy-mm-dd' (Same as RFC 3339/ISO 8601)
- COOKIE - 'D, dd M yy'
- ISO_8601 - 'yy-mm-dd'
- RFC_822 - 'D, d M y' (See RFC 822)
- RFC_850 - 'DD, dd-M-y' (See RFC 850)
- RFC_1036 - 'D, d M y' (See RFC 1036)
- RFC_1123 - 'D, d M yy' (See RFC 1123)
- RFC_2822 - 'D, d M yy' (See RFC 2822)
- RSS - 'D, d M y' (Same as RFC 822)
- TICKS - '!'
- W3C - 'yy-mm-dd' (Same as ISO 8601)
Callback Methods
- Return the selected date when a date is click. Example : (eventDate)="receiveDate($event)"
Run locally
- Clone the repository or downlod the .zip,.tar files.
- Run
npm install
- Run
ng serve
for a dev server - Navigate to
Library Build / NPM Package
Run yarn build:lib
to build the library and generate an NPM package. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist-lib/ folder.
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 6.0.8.
Contributions are welcome, please open an issue and preferrably file a pull request.
Opening Issue
Please share sample code using or to help me re-produce the issue.
MIT License.