Simple alert bar for Angular2
Simple alert bar (ribbon/toaster) control for your angular2 applications. Please star a project if you liked it, or create an issue if you have problems with it. GITHUB
see DEMO.
npm i --save ng2-alert-bar
- Use it in your HTML elements, for example:
<alert-bar [options]="options"></alert-bar>
- Add AlertBarModule in your app.module.ts:
import {AlertBarModule} from 'ng2-alert-bar';
imports: [AlertBarModule
- Add AlertBar in your component:
import {AlertBar, AlertBarOptions} from 'ng2-alert-bar';
selector: 'app',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
public options: AlertBarOptions = new AlertBarOptions();
constructor(private alert: AlertBar) { }
- For show alert:
this.alert.success('title text', 'body text');
this.alert.error('title text', 'body text');
this.alert.warning('title text', 'body text');'title text', 'body text');
#Options Default options:
placement: Placement = Placement.bottom; // Position of alert-bar is bottom
duration: number = 5000; //Duration in ms
successColor: string = "#449d44"; //Hex color for success messages
errorColor: string = "#d9534f"; //Hex color for error messages
warningColor: string = "#f0ad4e"; //Hex color for warning messages
infoColor: string = "#5bc0de"; //Hex color for info messages
showClose: boolean = true; // X (for close) is showed
closeOnTap: boolean = false; // Close alert-bar if user click anywhere on alert-bar
noTimeout: boolean = false; // alert-bar watch on duration property
textPlacement: TextPlacement = TextPlacement.right; //Placement of content is right
innerColor: string = "#ffffff"; //Text color of alert-bar
#Override options If you want to change predefind options, you can override all, or one of them like this:
Placement: First, you need to import Placement enum from ng2-alert-bar:
import {AlertBar, AlertBarOptions, Placement} from 'ng2-alert-bar';
public options: AlertBarOptions = new AlertBarOptions({
or inside component:
this.options.placement =;
Text placement: For text position, you need to import TextPlacement enum from ng2-alert-bar:
import {AlertBar, AlertBarOptions, TextPlacement} from 'ng2-alert-bar';
public options: AlertBarOptions = new AlertBarOptions({
textPlacement: TextPlacement.left
or inside component:
this.options.textPlacement = TextPlacement.left;
Colors: For colors for ribbon or text position:
public options: AlertBarOptions = new AlertBarOptions({
successColor: "someHexColor",
errorColor: "someHexColor",
warningColor: "someHexColor",
infoColor: "someHexColor",
innerColor: "someHexColor",
or inside component:
this.options.successColor: "someHexColor";
this.options.errorColor: "someHexColor";
this.options.warningColor: "someHexColor";
this.options.infoColor: "someHexColor";
this.options.innerColor: "someHexColor";
Duration: If you want to change duration in ms:
public options: AlertBarOptions = new AlertBarOptions({
duration: 10000,
or inside component:
this.options.duration: 10000,
Show or hide close button (x):
public options: AlertBarOptions = new AlertBarOptions({
showClose: false, //true for show, false for hide
or inside component:
this.options.duration: false,
Close on tap - Close alert-bar if user click on anywhere on ribbon:
public options: AlertBarOptions = new AlertBarOptions({
closeOnTap: true,
or inside component:
this.options.closeOnTap: true,
Without timeout - Ignore 'duration' property and let user to close alert-bar:
public options: AlertBarOptions = new AlertBarOptions({
noTimeout: true,
or inside component:
this.options.noTimeout: true,