Web accessibility toolkit for Angular projects.
Web accessibility toolkit for Angular projects.
for now, it simply helps you navigate throw elements with different tabindexes throw defines keyCode(s) in configuration, as described below:
Usage and Configuratiom
First, add it to your angular projects:
npm i ng-simple-webaccessibility --save
or, if you are a yarner, just:
yarn add ng-simple-webaccessibility
then, add it to imports section of your NgModule:
imports: [
as next step, simply inject the NgSimpleWebaccessibilityService in to your component:
private webAccessibilityService: NgSimpleWebaccessibilityService,
) {}
now, you need to provide a refrence to the element you want service to work on. For this purpose, you may use @ViewChild like:
@ViewChild('domRefrence', {
read: ElementRef
}) elementRef!: ElementRef;
now, as the final step, simply call the start() method in side of ngAfterViewInit() , where the view has been initialized successfully , therefore this.elementRef is accessible:
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
allowedKeysForNavigation: ['ArrowLeft', 'ArrowRight'], // <--- which keys should be listened to?
allowedTags: ['BUTTON'], //<--- which tags are allowed for focusing? pass their nodeName as string here
elementRef: this.elementRef?.nativeElement, // <-- the elment refrence you created earlier
keyboardEventToListen: 'keydown', //<-- which one do you prefer? keyUp or keyDown?
nextKey: 'ArrowRight', //<-- the button defined here, will consider as forward button.
// classesToRestrictTo: ['btn'] //<-- restrict iteration to elements which have at least one of these provided className(s)
please note that nextKey in above configuration, must be defined in allowedKeysForNavigation as well.
Upcoming features
As I am working on this module, in my own projects, I will try to add needed features as well. perhaps i could provide a more clear roadmap for this purpose, but for now I believe this is enough to indicate that this module is under active maintainance
Issues and Contribution:
in case faced with a issue, please open a issue in issues section; And if you want to contribute, please fork this project, then send me a pull requets and after reviewing your changes, i will accept your pull request. In this case, please make sure that you have proper comments in your code and propper explanation in your pull request.
Coding guide
Simply create a workstation project, then clone this project inside of your workstation. why this method? using this, we won't mess with each other's workstation for just a single project!
Besides, please make sure to lint the code before submission.