Angular component that shows the passed number as roman numeral with optional serif formatting
This library was generated with Angular CLI version 13.2.0.
NgRomanNumbers is a simple and easy to use Angular component that shows the given number in Roman numerals. This library is based on typescript-roman-numbers-converter.
$ npm i ng-roman-number-component
How to use it
First import the NgRomanNumberComponentModule into your app module:
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
Then, you can freely use the component by adding it to your template:
<roman-number-component [numeral]="1350021" [isRomanFontEnabled]="false"></roman-number-component>
The component takes the following input parameters: numeral: The number to be converted to Roman numerals. At the moment only positive integer numbers between 1 and 4 millions are supported and tested. isRomanFontEnabled: If true, the component will use a serif font in order to give you fancy Roman numerals. If false, the component will not force any font style. The default value is true.
The following screenshot shows two instances of component in action wrapping them around an h2 tag with the default style of the App Component created by Angular: The numeral parameter is set to 1350021 for both components. The isRomanFontEnabled parameter is set to false for the first component.
Other features
The current release of this library is the first release of this library. The module is still in development and the API is subject to change. The library exports the class RomanNumber, the same used in the component and in typescript-roman-numbers-converter. The library also exports the following methods with the same implementation as the original typescript-roman-numbers-converter:
- toRoman(num: number): string
- toArabic(num: string): number
- toRomanLarge(num: number): RomanNumeral
- toRomanLargeStr(num: string): string
The following license applies to this library: MIT License (MIT)
The repository of this library is on GitHub. The repository contains the source code of this library as Angular Library and a test application.