extension of ng-repeat
extension of ng-repeat
Table of Contents
- Installation
- Getting started
- Technologies
- How to use
- Publishing your code
- Changelog
- How to contribute
- How to make pull request
- License
bower install ng-repeat-n --save
Getting Started
- Follow the code in example/ folder to know how to use it.
- Follow the Complete Directory Layout to get to know about the project.
- Include inside your html file.
- Register ng-repeat-directive as a module dependency like below:
angular.module("mainApp", ["ng-repeat-n-directive"]);
Complete Directory Layout
├── /bower/ # The folder for compiled output for bower component consume
├── /coverage/ # Code coverage for source files of the project
├── /docs/ # Documentation files for the project
├── /example/ # The folder contains Html file and example.js file to test the bower component
├── /gulp/ # The folder contains gulp tasks required to build the project
│ ├── /build.js # Builds the project from source to output(lib and bower) folder
│ ├── /clean.js # Contain clean tasks required for the prject
│ ├── /conf.js # Contains the variables used in other gulp files
│ ├── /inject.js # Injects minified js file to index.html in example folder
│ ├── /lint.js # Common lint support with jshint and tslint
│ ├── /scripts.js # Build scripts
│ ├── /tests.js # Run tests and generate coverage reports
│ ├── /tsconfig.js # Updates tsconfig.json with project sources
│ ├── /tsdocs.js # Generates documentation for the project
│ ├── /version.js # Updated version
│ └── /watch.js # Watches all the .ts, .js files for changes
├── /lib/ # The folder for compiled output with typings for node module consume
├── /node_modules/ # 3rd-party libraries and utilities
├── /src/ # The source code(.ts) of the application
│ ├── /sub_srcs # Contain any sub sources(files or folders)
│ └── /index.ts # Expose the acceseble properties by outside
├── /test/ # Contain tests(.ts) for all the source files
├── /typings/ # Typings files for specific node modules for the project
|── .bowerrc # Configuration variables for execution in general(like command-line flags)
├── .editorconfig # Define and maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs
├── .gitattributes # Defining attributes per path
├── .gitignore # Contains files to be ignored when pushing to git
├── .jshintrc # JShint rules for the project
├── .npmignore # Contains files to be ignored when pushing to npm
├── .npmrc # NPM config file
├── .travis.yml # Travis CI configuration file
|── bower.json # Configuring packages that can be used as a dependency of another package
├── # Detailed recent changes in the versions
├── # Shows how to contribute to your module
├── gulpfile.js # Link all splittered gulp tasks
├── karma.conf.js # Test runner in .ts format
├── karma-coverage.conf # Test runner and generate coverage for compiled .js files
├── LICENSE # Contains License Agreement file
├── package.json # Holds various metadata relevant to the project
├── # Shows how to make pull request to you project
├── # Contains the details of the generated project
├── tsconfig.json # Contains typescript compiler options
├── tslint.json # Lint rules for the project
└── typings.json # Typings information to generate typings folder
Usage | Technology -------------------------- | -------------------------- Javascript Framework | Typescript Unit Testing Framework | Jasmine Unit Test Runner | Karma Coverage Generator | Istanbul Documentation | Typedoc Build Tool | Gulp Code Quality Tools | JS Hint, TS Lint Dependency Registries | Bower, NPM
How to Use
Here is the list of tasks available out of the box and run these via npm run <task>
typings-install Install typings to the project
build Perform npm and bower build
clean Cleans lib directory and bower directory
test Run spec tests
dev-test Runs the test specs with Chrome
coverage Generate coverage reports by running all the tests
doc Generate API Documentation
tsconfig-update Update files section in tsconfig.json using filesGlob entries
watch Watches ts source files and runs tslint, jshint on change
patch Update patch version and create tag
feature Update feature version and create tag
release Update release version and create tag
Publishing Your Code
Once your tests are passing (ideally with a Travis CI green run), you might be ready to publish your code to npm.
Bumping version number and tagging the repository with it can be done as mentioned below. For more details read
Available options to update version
npm run patch # makes v0.1.0 → v0.1.1
npm run feature # makes v0.1.1 → v0.2.0
npm run release # makes v0.2.1 → v1.0.0
Publishing updated version can be done via,
npm run <release | feature | patch>
npm publish
Recent changes can be viewed on the
How to Contribute
Read to contribute
How to Make Pull Request
Read to contribute
Copyright (c) Juntao Wu. This source code is licensed under the MIT license.