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A set of directives allowing you to implement pull to action pattern, either vertically or horizontally.
Live Demo:
As simple as "bower install ng-pull" :)
To use this pull gesture, simply add on-pull-(down|up|left|right) attribute with an expression to execute when progress reaches 100%. If expression evaluates to false, item will remain pushed until $reset function is invoked.
<div class="container items-list" on-pull-down="loadNewItems()" pull-down-distance="60" pull-down-progress="$pullDownProgress" on-pull-up="loadMoreItems($reset)" pull-up-distance="60" pull-up-progress="$pullUpProgress">
<div pull-down-container>
<div>{{$pullDownProgress==100?'Release to request new items':'Pull down to refresh'}}</div>
<ul pull-target>
<li ng-repeat="i in items" pull-left-disabled="i.disabled" on-pull-left="false" pull-left-distance="120" pull-left-reset="$cancelDelete" pull-left-progress="$pullLeftProgress" on-pull-right="archiveItem(i)" pull-right-distance="150" pull-right-disabled="i.disabled">
<div pull-right-container>
<p style="padding-top:20px; text-align:right;">{{$pullRightProgress|number:2}} archived</p>
<div pull-target>
<div class="image"></div>
<div class="content">
<div pull-left-container>
<p style="padding-top:20px;" ng-if="$pullLeftProgress<100">{{$pullLeftProgress|number:2}} deleted</p>
<p style="padding-top:20px;" ng-if="$pullLeftProgress==100">
<button ng-click="$cancelDelete(i)">cancel</button>
<button ng-click="removeItem(i)">delete</button>
<div pull-up-container style="text-align:center;">
<div ng-if="!loadingMore">{{$pullUpProgress==100?'Release to begin loading':'Pull down to load more'}}</div>
<div ng-if="loadingMore">Please wait, loading</div>
Have a look at the example for more details.
You can customise behavior by providing additional attributes:
- pull-(down|up|left|right)-distance : number of pixels user has to move the element in order to trigger the expression. Default:100
- pull-(down|up|left|right)-progress : scope variable name to store progress value. Default: $pull(Down|Up|Left|right)Progress
- pull-(down|up|left|right)-threshold : progress value to cancel the gesture if it is not reached within timeout. Default: 5
- pull-(down|up|left|right)-timeout : number of ms given for the user to reach threshold value or gesture will be cancelled. Default: 300
- pull-(down|up|left|right)-disabled : an expression to watch to enable or disable gesture
- pull-(down|up|left|right)-reset : scope variable name to expose reset function. Default: $pull(Down|Up|Left|right)Reset
Note that directives are not using isolated scope.