This is library creates a bridge to use [pdfmake]( library with your angular 2 implementation.
This is library creates a bridge to use pdfmake library with your angular 2 implementation.
The update 0.1.0 is released to fix some of the issues reported and was updated to continue working with angular 2.x.
The angular 4/6 support will be relased in the future, be pacient.
You can get it on npm:
npm install ng-pdf-make --save
pdfmake is fully customizable, so for now the options ready to use are:
- Simple text insertion.
- Some Styles for text.
- Basic Columns.
- Basic Tables with custom column width.
- Ordered list with reverse and start properties.
- Unordered list.
- Images from url, with custom width and height properties.
- Download function with custom file name.
- Open function.
- Print function.
- Page properties (Size and orientation).
- Inline text styles using css format.
- Columns widths and styles using css style format.
To do
- Nested tables.
- More customizable tables.
- Nested Lists.
- Margins.
You'll need to add PdfmakeModule
to your application module.
import { PdfmakeModule } from 'ng-pdf-make';
imports: [
declarations: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}
Use the pdfmake service in your component:
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { PdfmakeService } from 'ng-pdf-make/pdfmake/pdfmake.service';
selector: 'ng-example',
templateUrl: './example.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./example.component.css']
export class ExampleComponent implements OnInit {
// Inject pdfmake service
constructor(public pdfmake: PdfmakeService) { }
ngOnInit() {
// Create a pdf document
// IMPORTANT: if a document was created before, this method will destroy it and
// create a new instance.
// Configure text styles
this.pdfmake.configureStyles({ header: { fontSize: 18, bold: true } });
// Add a text with style
this.pdfmake.addText('This is a header, using header style', 'header');
// Add a text with custom style
this.pdfmake.addText('This is a header, using a custom style', { fontSize: 16, bold: true });
// Add simple text
this.pdfmake.addText('This is an sample PDF printed with pdfMake');
// Add large text
this.pdfmake.addText('Another paragraph, this time a little bit longer to make sure, this line will be divided into at least two lines');
// Array with colums
const columns = [
'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Malit profecta versatur nomine ocurreret multavit, officiis viveremus aeternum superstitio suspicor alia nostram, quando nostros congressus susceperant concederetur leguntur iam, vigiliae democritea tantopere causae, atilii plerumque ipsas potitur pertineant multis rem quaeri pro, legendum didicisse credere ex maluisset per videtis. Cur discordans praetereat aliae ruinae dirigentur orestem eodem, praetermittenda divinum. Collegisti, deteriora malint loquuntur officii cotidie finitas referri doleamus ambigua acute. Adhaesiones ratione beate arbitraretur detractis perdiscere, constituant hostis polyaeno. Diu concederetur.',
'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Malit profecta versatur nomine ocurreret multavit, officiis viveremus aeternum superstitio suspicor alia nostram, quando nostros congressus susceperant concederetur leguntur iam, vigiliae democritea tantopere causae, atilii plerumque ipsas potitur pertineant multis rem quaeri pro, legendum didicisse credere ex maluisset per videtis. Cur discordans praetereat aliae ruinae dirigentur orestem eodem, praetermittenda divinum. Collegisti, deteriora malint loquuntur officii cotidie finitas referri doleamus ambigua acute. Adhaesiones ratione beate arbitraretur detractis perdiscere, constituant hostis polyaeno. Diu concederetur.',
// Add columns
// List to add
const list1 = ['item 1', 'item 2', 'item 3'];
const list2 = ['item 1', 'item 2', 'item 3'];
const list3 = ['item 1', 'item 2', 'item 3'];
const list4 = ['item 1', 'item 2', 'item 3'];
// Adding unordered list
// Adding ordered list
// Adding reversed oredered list
this.pdfmake.addOrderedList(list3, true);
// Adding ordered list starting at 50
this.pdfmake.addOrderedList(list4, false, 50);
// Add image from url
// Add image from url using custom width and height.
this.pdfmake.addImage('', 300, 150);
// Add image from localhost and using width
this.pdfmake.addImage('http://localhost:4200/assets/daniel.jpg', 200);
// Destroy pdf instance
// You can destroy intencionally the pdf instance
// this.pdfmake.destroy();
Use tables
To use tables is necesary import some objects to create cells, rows an the table:
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { PdfmakeService } from 'ng-pdf-make/pdfmake/pdfmake.service';
import { Cell, Row, Table } from 'ng-pdf-make/objects/table';
selector: 'ng-example',
templateUrl: './example.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./example.component.css']
export class ExampleComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(private pdfmake: PdfmakeService) { }
ngOnInit() {
// Create Headers cells
const header1 = new Cell('Header1');
const header2 = new Cell('Header2');
const header3 = new Cell('Header3', { fillColor: '#cecece' });
// Create headers row
const headerRows = new Row([header1, header2, header3]);
// Create a content row
const row1 = new Row([new Cell('One value goes here '), new Cell('Another one here'), new Cell('OK?')]);
// Custom column widths
const widths = [100, '*', 200, '*'];
// Create table object
const table = new Table(headerRows, [row1], widths);
// Add table to document
To use the open, download and print functions you can override the methods in the service or call it directly.
in your view
<button (click)="">Open PDF</button>
<button (click)="pdfmake.print()">Print PDF</button>
<button (click)="">Download PDF</button>
in your controller
downloadPdfWithName(customName: string){;
If you need to use some unimplemented function, you can send the tradicional dictionary document structure to the documentDefinition
attribute in the service.
pdfmake.documentDefinition = { ... }
- pdfmake by @bpampuch and @liborm85
- @jtpdev - Suggestions, features and an alternative library here