Angular library component developped to manipulate camera and perform various actions
Opencam is an Angular library component developped to manipulate camera and perform various actions.
Try it out here: DEMO or clone this repo and run ng serve
for a full demo of opencam.
- Stream video (audio support)
- Record video / capture picture
- Countdown
- Framerate
- CSS Filter
How to use
First install the package with the command npm i ng-opencam
Then, in your module.ts, import the library module
import { OpencamModule } from 'ng-opencam';
And add it to your imports modules.
You can now use <ng-opencam></ng-opencam>
it in any component.html
Check out the repo for a full demo code here
| Property | Type | Note | | -------- | ---- | ---- | | [capture]| observable(number) | triggers the capture after specific timeout | | [height] | string | height size of the capture container, if null given capture container is not displayed | | [width] | string | width size of the capture container, if null given capture container is not displayed | | [captureType] | enum(ECaptureType) | switch between various capture mode (video, picture) | | [streamState] | enum(EStreamState) | switch between various stream states (play, pause, stop)| [mediaConstraints] | enum(EMediaConstraints) | switch between various media constraints (hd, vga, fhd, default) | [videoSource] | ISourceDevice | Specify the video source for the capture, sources are emitted by (videoSourceEvent) select the one you want to use | [audioSource] | ISourceDevice | Specify the audio source for the capture, sources are emitted by (audioSourceEvent) select the one you want to use | [filters] | string | Apply css filters on the feed and capture | [framerate] | number | Specify the framerate of the recording & canvas rendering |
| Event | Type | Note | | -------- | ---- | ---- | | (videoSourceEvent) | array(interface(ISourceDevice)) | Emits the available video source devices for the capture, triggered every time a new video input is detected | (audioSourceEvent) | array(ISourceDevice(ISourceDevice)) | Emits the available audio source devices for the capture, triggered every time a new audio input is detected | (captureEvent) | string | Emits the data URL for the media (video, picture) when the capture is triggered (and ended for the video) | (errorEvent) | Error | Emits all errors |
- Improve filter system (add models to manipulate filters instead of css string)
- Move media camera manipulation in a service
This package is on npm
This package is under the MIT license