Easy tools for create project in AngularJS
ng-make cli
Your life is simple with AngularJS but with ng-make even more!
####Versioin 1.9.11 add the keyword exit to the webstart function.
Short Description!
The ng-make command line utility makes it easy to make all with AngularJS.
This command help you to manage your project without edit the route and the app configuration files.
Use the ng-make --help
command for more detailed task information.
Free for all!
If you want to add a new module into the repository of ng-make, go to this( and you can add your module into ng-make repository.
$ npm install -g ng-make
**Require git only for windows, Unix just have this! and bower installation **Install automatically cordova cli for creation app for Android,iOS, Windows Phone.
*Note: For a global install of -g ng-make
, OSX/Linux users may need to prefix the command with sudo
or can setup proper file permissions on OSX for npm to install without sudo
. *
Starting your project with AngularJS easily
$ ng-make project nameProject
When the command is launched it install the following components:
angular ....... basic module of angularJS
angular-ui ...... module for the routes page
The structure of the project created with this command will be:
|_css/ ( for the css style in your app)
|_js/ ( js module required by the app)
|_template/ (The view that you can be used)
|_img/ ( the image directory for your app )
|_bower_components/ (all components module)
|_settings/ ( settings for your application )
| |
| |_app.js
| |
| |_config.js
| |
| |_config.routes.js
|_module.json ( important file for the module installed in ng-make )
|_settings.conf ( important file for the settings of ng-make )
Create your state in one command
With ng-make you can create the state for your application. For make this quickly with ng-make you can use:
$ ng-make state nameOfState [default] [abstract]
This command update the file config.routes.js
with the new lines of declare your state.
It create the controller file append at the nameOfState
the suffix CTRL
and save it into the folder js,
It create the html template (this view is empty) into the folder template
named with the name of the state,
It update the index.html with the <script type="text/javascript" src="js/nameOfStateCTRL.js"></script>
before the end tag </body>
- If you using the option default, the state it's default, that is writed in
within theotherwise
property setted for the state.
Testing your AngularJS App
With ng-make you can also test your app without another XAMPP or LAMP software. For try your server you should be go into the folder project and launch this command:
$ ng-make webstart [host] [port] [rootPoint]]
- By default if you launch the command it used:
"localhost" as host
"port" as 9090
"rootPoint" as "./"
Integration Module in your Angular App
With ng-make you can install the new module in your angular app or install it from the repository available. Typically you use this command as:
$ ng-make module [install|list|list-installed] nameOfNewModule [options]
The available keywords can be used like below:
ng-make module install nameOfAvailablePackage
With this command you add the nameOfAvailablePackage
in your angular project.
For obtain the list of available package in ng-make, you can run this command:
$ ng-make module list
For obtain the list of install modules in your angular app you can run this:
$ ng-make module list-installed
Create your service for your Angular App
$ ng-make service nameOfService
With this command you can create into the js/service/ directory your service that you can used in your AngularJS App.
Create your factory for your Angular App
$ ng-make factory nameOfFactory
With this command you can create into the js/factory/ directory your factory that you can used in your AngularJS App.
Create your directive for your Angular App
$ ng-make directive nameOfDirective
With this command you can create into the js/directive/nameOfDirectiveDir/ directory your directive (JS,HTML) that you can used in your AngularJS App.
It's create this on your project:
|_css/ ( for the css style in your app)
|_js/ ( js module required by the app)-----------
| |_______directive/
|_template/ (The view that you can be used) |_nameOfDirective/
| |_nameOfDirective.js (declaretion of directive)
|_img/ ( the image directory for your app ) |_nameOfDirectiveCtrl.js (controller for directive)
| |_nameOfDirective.html (template for directive)
|_bower_components/ (all components module)
|_settings/ ( settings for your application )
| |
| |_app.js
| |
| |_config.js
| |
| |_config.routes.js
|_module.json ( important file for the module installed in ng-make )
|_settings.conf ( important file for the settings of ng-make )
Version history
####Versioin 1.8.4 Insert new keyword: directive!
####Versioin 1.8.2 Insert new keyword: factory!.
####Versioin 1.8.1 Correct the module install and fix all help description for all keywords.
####Versioin 1.8.0 Create service keyword for the ng-make and fix all index dependencies!
With the version 1.8.0 ng-make add the keyword for make your service without configure it. For create a new service you can write in terminal ( use this when you are in the root directory of your app ):
$ ng-make service nameOfService
####Version 1.7.4
Adding livereload at webstart keywords also you can run the typical command of ng-make, fix about more keywords such as module state and project