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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Interactive JavaScript Gantt chart/resource booking component





A lightweight and fast interactive gantt chart/resource booking component made with Svelte. Compatible with any JS library or framework.

GitHub package.json version


Dependent on Moment.js.

Features include: Large datasets, drag'n'drop, tree view, zooming in/out, dependencies, date ranges...

DEMO: Large dataset, Tree, Dependencies


npm install svelte-gantt

Use ES6 imports in your code:

import { SvelteGantt, SvelteGanttTable } from 'svelte-gantt';

or use the IIFE build:

<link  rel='stylesheet'  href='node_modules/svelte-gantt/css/svelteGantt.css'>

<script  src='moment.js'></script>
<script  src='node_modules/svelte-gantt/index.iife.js'></script>
  1. Initialize svelte-gantt:
var options = {
    /* ... */

var gantt = new SvelteGantt({ 
    // target a DOM element
    target: document.getElementById('example-gantt'), 
    // svelte-gantt options
    props: options

..or run the example by opening ./public/index.html


Pass options object as props to the SvelteGantt constructor. To update use $set, eg.

    from: moment().startOf('week'),
    to: moment().endOf('week')
  • rows {Array} Rows to load in the gantt, see below.
  • tasks {Array} Tasks that display in the gantt, see below.
  • timeRanges {Array} Timeranges that display in the gantt, see below.
  • dependencies {Array} Dependencies that display in the gantt, used with the SvelteGanttDependencies module, see below.
  • from {Moment} Datetime timeline starts on.
  • to {Moment} Datetime timeline ends on.
  • minWidth {Number} Minimum width of gantt area in px.
  • fitWidth {Boolean} Should timeline stretch width to fit.
  • magnetUnit {String} Minimum unit of time task date values will round to.
  • magnetOffset {Number} Amount of units task date values will round to.
  • columnUnit {String} Duration unit of columns.
  • columnOffset {Number} Duration width of column.
    • eg. columnUnit: 'minute', columnOffset: 15 will create a column for every 15 minutes.
  • headers {Array} List of headers used for main gantt area.
  • zoomLevels {Array} List of zoom levels for gantt. Gantt cycles trough these parameters on ctrl+scroll.
  • rowHeight {Number} Height of a single row in px.
  • rowPadding {Number} Padding of a single row in px.
  • ganttTableModules {Array} Modules used in gantt table area.
    • eg. [SvelteGanttTable]
  • ganttBodyModules {Array} Modules used in gantt body area.
    • eg. [SvelteGanttDependencies]
  • reflectOnParentRows {Boolean} When task is assigned to a child row display them on parent rows as well, used when rows are disabled as a tree.
  • reflectOnChildRows {Boolean} When task is assigned to a parent row display them on child rows as well, used when rows are disabled as a tree.
  • classes {String|Array} Custom CSS classes to apply to gantt.
  • resizeHandleWidth {Number} Width of handle for resizing tasks, in px.
  • onTaskButtonClick {Function} Callback for task button clicks.
    • eg. (task) => console.log('clicked on: ', task)
  • taskContent {Function} ,task content factory function.
    • eg. (task) => `<div>Task ${task.model.label}</div>`
  • tableWidth {Number} Width of table, used with SvelteGanttTable module.
  • tableHeaders {Array} Headers of table, used with SvelteGanttTable module.


Represents a row of header cells that render over the gantt.

  • unit {String} Time unit used to display header cells.
    • eg. 'day' will create a cell in the header for each day in the timeline.
  • format {String} Datetime format used to label header cells.
    • eg. 'DD.MM.YYYY', 'HH'
  • offset {Number} Duration width of header cell.
  • sticky {Boolean} Use sticky positioning for header labels.

Table Header

Represents a single column rendered in SvelteGanttTable.

  • title {String} Label to display in the table column header.
  • property {String} Property of row to display in table column cells.
  • width {Number} Width of table column, in px.

Zoom level

Represents a zoom level which cycle on ctrl+scroll.

  • headers {Array} See above.
  • minWidth {Number} See above.
  • fitWidth {Boolean} See above.


Rows are defined as a list of objects. Rows can be rendered as a collapsible tree (rows are collapsed with SvelteGanttTable module). Row objects may have these parameters:

  • id {Number|String} Id of row, every row needs to have a unique one.
  • classes {String|Array} Custom CSS classes to apply to row.
  • contentHtml {String} Html content of row, renders as background to a row.
  • enableDragging {Boolean} enable dragging of tasks to and from this row.
  • label {String} Label of row, could be any other property, can be displayed with SvelteGanttTable.
  • headerHtml {String} Html content of table row header, displayed in SvelteGanttTable.
  • children {Array} List of children row objects, these can have their own children.


Tasks are defined as a list of objects:

  • id {Number|String} Id of task, every task needs to have a unique one.
  • amountDone {Number} Task completion in percent, indicated on task.
  • classes {String|Array} Custom CSS classes to apply to task.
  • from {Moment} Datetime task starts on.
  • to {Moment} Datetime task ends on.
  • label {String} Label of task.
  • html {String} Html content of task, will override label.
  • showButton {Boolean} Show button bar.
  • buttonClasses {String|Array} Button classes, useful for fontawesome icons.
  • buttonHtml {String} Html content of button.
  • enableDragging {Boolean} enable dragging of task.


Renders a dependency between two tasks. Used by SvelteGanttDependencies module:

  • id {Number|String} Unique id of dependency.
  • fromId {Number|String} Id of dependent task.
  • toId {Number|String} Id of dependency task.
  • stroke {String} Stroke color.
    • eg. 'red' or '#ff0000'
  • strokeWidth {Number} Width of stroke.
  • arrowSize {Number} Size of the arrow head.

Time ranges

Renders a block of time spanning all the rows:

  • id {Number|String} Unique id of time range.
  • from {Moment} Datetime timeRange starts on.
  • to {Moment} Datetime timeRange ends on.
  • classes {String|Array} Custom CSS classes.
  • label {String} Display label.


  • selectTask(id) Selects task by id.

    • id {Number|String} Id of task
  • unselectTasks() Unselects tasks.

  • scrollToTask(id, scrollBehavior) Scrolls the view to a task.

    • id {Number|String} Id of task
    • scrollBehaviour {String} auto or smooth.
  • scrollToRow(id, scrollBehavior) Scrolls the view to a row.

    • id {Number|String} Id of row
    • scrollBehaviour {String} auto or smooth.
  • updateTask(model) Updates or inserts task.

    • model {Task} Task object
  • updateTasks(models) Updates or inserts tasks.

    • models {Array<Task>} Task objects
  • updateRow(model) Updates or inserts row.

    • model {Row} Row object
  • updateRows(models) Updates or inserts rows.

    • models {Array<Row>} Row objects
  • getTask(id) Get task by id.

    • id {Number|String} Id of task
  • getRow(id) Get row by id.

    • id {Number|String} Id of row
  • getTasks(rowId) Get tasks by row id.

    • rowId {Number|String} Id of row


Synchronously run callbacks on specific events. Subscribe to these after gantt is created. => console.log('Listener: task selected', task));


  • move (task) Runs while task is moving.
  • switchRow (task, row, previousRow) Runs when user switches row of task.
  • select (task) Runs when user selects task.
  • moveEnd (task) Runs when user stops moving task.
  • change (task) Runs after dropping a task, before it is updated.
  • changed (task) Runs after dropping a task, after it is updated.

Available modules

  • SvelteGanttTable Renders a table on the left side of gantt. Needed for row labels.
  • SvelteGanttDependencies Renders dependencies between tasks.
  • SvelteGanttExternal Enables external DOM elements to be draggable to svelte-gantt. Useful for creating new tasks:
new SvelteGanttExternal(
    // external DOM element
    // options
        // reference to instance of svelte-gantt 
        // if enabled
        enabled: true,
        // success callback
        // row: row element was dropped on
        // date: date element was dropped on
        // gantt: instance of svelte-gantt
        onsuccess: (row, date, gantt) => {
            // here you can add a task to row, see './public/main.js'
        // called when dragged outside main gantt area
        onfail: () => { },
        // factory function, creates HTMLElement that will follow the mouse
        elementContent: () => {
            const element = document.createElement('div');
            element.innerHTML = 'New Task';
            Object.assign(, {
                position: 'absolute',
                background: '#eee',
                padding: '0.5em 1em',
                fontSize: '12px',
                pointerEvents: 'none',
            return element;

Development build

If you want to build from sources: Install the dependencies...

cd svelte-gantt
npm install

...then start Rollup:

npm run dev:docs

Navigate to localhost:5000. You should see your app running. Edit a component file in src, save it, and reload the page to see your changes.

Build the package

To build the package yourself:

  1. Clone or download repository.
  2. Run the build:
node tools/build
  1. The package is built in ./dist


  • Transitions on task drop sometimes do not play - issue introduced in Svelte 3


  • Context-menus (click on row, task or dependency)