This is an Angular directive which can be used with any particular tag and make it convertable to its base64 image equivalent.
This is an Angular directive which can be used with any particular tag and make it convertable to its base64 image equivalent.
This has been inspired from the dom-to-image library.
The first step is to install
npm i ng-dom-image-capture
Next is to import the ImageModule
in the app module and use them in the imports
and providers
import { ImageModule } from 'ng-dom-image-capture';
The usage of the directive is as straightforward as it gets.
<node [capture]="'image/jpeg'" (onConvertComplete)="functionToUseBase64($event)">
<!-- The node to be copied-->
The $event will contain the base64
equivalent of the node. The onConvertComplete event is triggered only when the conversion to the image is complete.
Triggering Conversion
The conversion of the node to the base64
equivalent is to be triggered by a custom copy
event. The html div on which the capture
directive is applied will be listening to this custom copy
event and on receiving this event it will convert the dom to the image equivalent.
This means that the element which triggers this event SHOULD be some child of the element on which the capture
directive is applied.
For Ex: There is a button which is supposed to trigger the copy process
<node [capture]="'image/jpeg'" (onConvertComplete)="functionToUseBase64($event)">
<!-- The node to be copied-->
<button (click)="emitCopyEvent($event)">Copy</button>
This function will emit the custom copy
JavaScript provides ability to emit custom events.
So the emitCopyEvent
should be something like:
public emitCopyEvent($event:Event):void{
const event: CustomEvent = new CustomEvent("copy", {bubbles: true});
It is possible that in certain scenarios, a particular element needs to be excluded from the image conversion procedure. This can be easily done by including a captureExclude
attribute to the node that does not need to be copied.
<node [capture]="'image/jpeg'" (onConvertComplete)="functionToUseBase64($event)">
<!-- The node to be copied-->
<div captureExclude>
There is also a feature to mark all the nodes that need to be copied, with the captureInclude
attribute so that only those nodes are copied.
If there is no such attribute attached to any node, then the whole node is as such copied.
A very important note is that the node which is to be passed if its an angular node, then it definitely should have display property set, otherwise the library would be unable to get the node style properties.
The performance of the dom conversion can be improved by running the conversion logic outside the Angular zone and this improvement will also be made available in the future commits