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An authentication and authorization helper service for Angular client applications.
- AngularJS -
- Lodash -
Basic Setup
Add this module to your app as a dependency:
var app = angular.module('yourApp', ['authentication.service']);
Inject $authentication as a parameter in declarations that require it:
app.controller('yourController', function($scope, $authentication){ ... });
Configuration Options
To override the default configuration options, configure the module with an options argument during application configuration and provide overrides for any of the following options.
app.config(['$authenticationProvider', function ($authenticationProvider) {
authCookieKey: undefined,
storageService: undefined,
profileStorageKey: '$authentication.user.profile',
lastAttemptedUrlStorageKey: '$authentication.last-attempted-url',
onLoginRedirectUrl: '/',
onLogoutRedirectUrl: '/',
notAuthorizedRedirectUrl: '/',
notAuthenticatedRedirectUrl: '/',
trackLastAttemptedUrl: true,
userRolesProperty: 'roles',
extensions: undefined,
expirationProperty: undefined,
events: {
loginConfirmed: 'event:auth-loginConfirmed',
loginRequired: 'event:auth-loginRequired',
logoutConfirmed: 'event:auth-logoutConfirmed',
notAuthenticated: 'event:auth-notAuthenticated',
notAuthorized: 'event:auth-notAuthorized'
rolesFunction: function (userProfile) {
if (_.has(userProfile, this.userRolesProperty)) {
var roles = userProfile[this.userRolesProperty];
return _.isArray(roles) ? roles : [roles];
return [];
validationFunction: function (userRoles, allowedRoles) {
return !_.isEmpty(userRoles) && !_.isEmpty(allowedRoles) &&
(_.find(allowedRoles, function (role) { return _.includes(userRoles, role); }) !== undefined);
reauthentication: {
fn: function () {},
timeout: 1200000,
timer: undefined
All properties (own and inherited) of the extensions object will be available as native to the $authentication service API. The extensions object is applied using the _.defaults(...) method and cannot overwrite any of the existing API properties. This is intended to provide implementors with a way to add objects or functions that are application specific and should fall within the context of the authentication service to expose, e.g., functions to check if a profile has specific roles.
Storage Service Option
If you do not provide a storage service then a simple, in-memory dictionary will be used.
You can provide any storage service or object that supports the following API:
any get(key)
boolean has(key)
void remove(key)
void set(key, value)
To configure a storage service for the authentication provider you provide the service name:
app.config(['$authenticationProvider', function ($authenticationProvider) {
storageService: '$store'
or an object that provides the expected functionality:
app.config(['$authenticationProvider', function ($authenticationProvider) {
storageService: new CustomStorageService()
The ng-authentication-service was designed in tandem with the ng-local-storage-service.
// Returns true if there is a user profile loaded in local storage, false otherwise.
// Returns true if the authCookieKey is defined and no auth cookie is present, false otherwise.
// Returns true if there is a user profile and it has an expiration value in the past, false otherwise.
// Store the profile (data) in local storage, notify all listeners of login, and redirect to:
// 1. lastAttemptedUrl if defined and trackLastAttemptedUrl is true
// 2. onLoginRedirectUrl if defined
// 3. do not redirect
$authentication.loginConfirmed({ ... });
Broadcast via: event:auth-loginConfirmed
with the data
parameter as an argument.
// Check whether a user is logged in and broadcast the auth-loginConfirmed event, if so.
// Notify all listeners that authentication is required.
Broadcast via: event:auth-loginRequired
// Remove any existing profile from local storage, notify all listeners of logout, and redirect to:
// 1. do not redirect if @doNotRedirect === true
// 2. lastAttemptedUrl if defined and trackLastAttemptedUrl is true
// 3. onLogoutRedirectUrl if defined
// 4. do not redirect
Broadcast via: event:auth-logoutConfirmed
// Return true if the user is unauthenticated, false otherwise.
// Return true if the user is authenticated, false otherwise.
// Return true if the configured validationFunction returns true, false otherwise.
$authenticated.allowed('role1', 'role2', ...);
// will flatten provided arrays that are any depth in the arguments list
$authentication.allowed('X', ['Y', 'Z'], [['A']]) === $authentication.allowed('X', 'Y', 'Z', 'A')
// Get or set the current user profile from local storage.
// If data is provided then it overwrites the existing user profile before returning it.
// Return the current collection of roles of the user profile from local storage if it exists.
// Return true if the current user profile is in all of the specified roles, false otherwise.
$authentication.isInAllRoles('role1', 'role2', ...);
// will flatten provided arrays that are any depth in the arguments list
$authentication.isInAllRoles('X', ['Y', 'Z'], [['A']]) === $authentication.isInAllRoles('X', 'Y', 'Z', 'A')
// Return true if the current user profile is in at least one of the specified roles, false otherwise.
$authentication.isInAnyRoles('role1', 'role2', ...);
// will flatten provided arrays that are any depth in the arguments list
$authentication.isInAnyRoles('X', ['Y', 'Z'], [['A']]) === $authentication.isInAnyRoles('X', 'Y', 'Z', 'A')
// Determine if the current user profile is allowed and redirect to either notAuthorizedRedirectUrl or notAuthenticatedRedirectUrl if not.
$authentication.permit('role1', 'role2', ...);
// will flatten provided arrays that are any depth in the arguments list
$authentication.permit('X', ['Y', 'Z'], [['A']]) === $authentication.permit('X', 'Y', 'Z', 'A')
// Return the configuration object.
// Return the last attempted url value, or fallback if value is undefined or tracking is disabled,.
// Set and return the last attempted url value.
// Returns the configured storage service.
// Enable re-authentication via the configured reauthentication.fn at reauthentication.timeout intervals.
// Sets the provided function handler as a listener to the event: 'event:auth-loginConfirmed'.
// The event data is the data provided to the loginConfirmed call that triggered this event.
$authentication.$onLoginConfirmed(function (event, data) { ... });
// Sets the provided function handler as a listener to the event: 'event:auth-loginRequired'.
$authentication.$onLoginRequired(function (event) { ... });
// Sets the provided function handler as a listener to the event: 'event:auth-logoutConfirmed'.
$authentication.$onLogoutConfirmed(function (event) { ... });
// Sets the provided function handler as a listener to the event: 'event:auth-notAuthenticated'.
// The event data is the array of arguments provided to the permit call that triggered this event.
$authentication.$onNotAuthenticated(function (event, data) { ... });
// Sets the provided function handler as a listener to the event: 'event:auth-notAuthorized'.
// The event data is the array of arguments provided to the permit call that triggered this event.
$authentication.$onNotAuthorized(function (event, data) { ... });
After forking you should only have to run npm install
from a command line to get your environment setup.
After install you have two gulp commands available to you:
gulp js:lint
gulp js:test