Let's build your first NFT in blockchain ecosystem. Add whitelist feature to make your NFT more realistic ๐
NFT with Whitelist
Let's build your first NFT in blockchain ecosystem. Add whitelist feature to make your NFT more realistic ๐.
- Account metamask with Sepolia network. read it.
- You must have sepolia balanced. If not have, go to here or here.
Pre-initialize ๐ผ
- Create an account in and get APIKEY.
- Get PRIVATE_KEY from your Metamask account (DISCLAIMER!! don't USE your main account for security reason. Make a new one with development purpose.)
- Create an account from Quicknode and create new project with SEPOLIA testnet as a network. And get RPCURL.
- Paste all of that to .env. (PLEASE paste with a pattern at that file.)
How to play ๐ฎ
- npm install nftwithwhitelist
- npx nftwithwhitelist init
- Go to contracts directories. Then, rename file "AneFahmi.sol" to other filetype, maybe .html. It's to avoiding an error when deploy Whitelist.sol.
- npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network sepolia
- Make sure you don't look any error when deploy it. Copy a whitelist contract address you got and open a link "{YOURWHITELISTCONTRACTADDRESS}
- Click a Contract tab. And let's go to Write Contract. Coonect to Web3 and then click addAddressToWhitelist functions. (FYI: You can see this a source code in Code tab. Also, at contracts/Whitelist.sol).
- Next step, back to your workspace and rename again a file AneFahmi.whatEverFiletype to AneFahmi.sol.
- Open scripts/deploy-nft.js . Find const contractAddress and change a value to your Whitelist contract address. Save it.
- And deploy your nft with, npx hardhat run scripts/deploy-nft.js --network sepolia
- Make sure, don't see an error. Do a same treatment after deploy whitelist success. Open a link "{{YOURNFTCONTADDRESS}}".
- Do you see "Token Tracker" and below that you looks "Ane Fahmi (AFI)"? Click it on new tab.
- You can see an information about max total supply, how many holder, a token contract etc. Also, if you scroll down below just little bit, you can see an information about TokenID. That's mine.
- Click Contract tab. Then, go to Connect to Web3 at Write Contract. After that, click mint functions with 0 value. Why zero? Because your Account address was registered in whitelist address. If you switch to other account and do a same things without go first to Whitelist Contract Address. You will find error or transaction never find complete. (A tips: If you use other account doesn't registered in whitelist. You must input value at least 0.01. That's based on _price variable in contracts/AneFahmi.sol Or, you can see at Read Contract tab and click on _price. But you need an information about wei, gwei and ether. Don't worry, click an numbers and you will redirect to unit converter. Focus on ethers).
- The last, you can go to information about your transactions. Just click on View your transaction. Wait until the status process is success. Scroll down, you can find a transaction using ERC721 Token for NFT.
- Cheers ๐ป
How to change name of NFT?
- Thanks for use my name at your first NFT ๐คฃ
- Change AneFahmi.sol to AnythingYouWant.sol
- Open it, change name of contract based on you anything you want.
- Find "Ane Fahmi" and change it with you want, don't forget with symbol you want, change "AFI".
- Open scripts/deploy-nft.js find "aneFahmi" to your name of contract.
- Repeat deploy your "deploy-nft.js"
- Taraaa.. that's you want, right? ๐คฉ
I hope you not get problem. If that's happen, let's create an issue ๐บ