WholeLot NFT and Wallet Libraries, Connect multiple Wallets with React Component
Simple to Create NFT Wallet
Configuration based NFT Wallet React Component with all wallet connections for your NFT
npm install --save nft-wallet
See Connector list example with supported wallets, please update args values as needed.
const ConnectorList = [
title: 'Ethereum Wallet',
key: 'network',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect to RPC Ethereum Wallet that supports multiple chains.',
link: '',
type: 'ethereum',
args: { urls: { 1: '', 4: '' }, supportedChainIds: [1, 3, 4, 5, 42] }
title: 'METAMASK',
key: 'metamask',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect with Meta Mask , over 1 million worldwide users trusted wallet.',
link: '',
type: 'ethereum',
args: { supportedChainIds: [1, 3, 4, 5, 42] }
title: 'Coinbase',
key: 'coinbase',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect with Coinbase, a wellknown global crypto currency wallet.',
link: '',
type: 'all',
args: { dAppId: '', dAppSecret: '' }
title: 'Bitski',
key: 'bitski',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect with Bitski, A simple-to-use wallet with email and password.',
link: '',
type: 'all',
args: { dAppId: '' }
title: 'Portis',
key: 'portis',
type: 'all',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect with Portis, a cloud-hosted Non-Custodial Blockchain wallet ',
link: '',
args: { dAppId: '', networks: [{ chainId: '1', 1: '' }, { chainId: '4', 4: '' }] }
title: 'Dapper',
key: 'dapper',
type: 'ethereum',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect with Dapper, a browser extension that pays gas fee for you. ',
link: '',
args: { supportedChainIds: [1, 100] }
title: 'Kaikas',
key: 'kaikas',
type: 'ethereum',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect with Dapper, a chrome extension wallet. ',
link: '',
args: { supportedChainIds: [1, 100] }
title: 'Trezor',
key: 'trezor',
type: 'all',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect with Trezor, the secure vault for your digital assets."',
link: '',
args: {url:'', chainId: 1, dAppEmail: '', dAppUrl: '' }
title: 'Authereum',
key: 'authereum',
type: 'all',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect with Authereum, a usability focused wallet with no transaction fee.',
link: '',
args: { chainId: 1}
title: 'Fortmatic',
key: 'fortmatic',
type: 'all',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect with Fortmatic , join with your phone number on any device.',
link: '',
args: { dAppId: '', dAppName: 'Your App Name', chainId: 1, }
title: 'Ledger',
key: 'ledger',
type: 'all',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect with a Ledger Nano X , Nano S device with Bluetooth or USB.',
link: '',
args: { email: '', url:'', chainId: 1 }
title: 'Lattice 1',
key: 'lattice',
type: 'all',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect with your Grid Plus Lattice 1, a programmable hardware wallet.',
link: '',
args: { url:'', dAppName: 'Your App Name', chainId: 1, }
title: 'Wallet Connect',
key: 'walletConnect',
type: 'all',
logo: '',
description: 'Pair with Trust, Argent, MetaMask & more. Works from any browser, without an extension.',
link: '',
args: { urls: { 1: '', 4: '' }, }
title: 'Wallet Link',
key: 'walletLink',
type: 'all',
logo: '',
description: 'Connect your own Wallet, An open protocol that lets to connect mobile wallets',
link: '',
args: { url:'', dAppName: 'Your App Name', dAppLogoUrl:'',supportedChainIds: [1, 100] }
const onConnection =(account, provider)=>{
// Manage your logic provide account addressId and Connection Provider
<WalletContainer ConnectorList={connectorList} onConnection={onConnection}/>