nft-aggregator is a SDK built to fetch NFT metadata from world-renowed NFT marketplaces over EVM-compatible blockchains.
Developed by: Jay Rank
is a SDK built to fetch NFT metadata from world-renowed NFT marketplaces over EVM-compatible blockchains.
For installation, refer here or run the following command in your node project.
npm install nft-aggregator
How to use
1. Using Rarible Aggregator for fetching MetaData
This class returns the value of NFT MetaData from Rarible NFT Marketplace with respective endpoint requests.
- Use this class when you simply want to fetch any suitable aggregation data from
const Aggregator = require('nft-aggregator');
let networkName = 'mainnet'; // Works on 'mainnet', 'rinkeby', 'ropsten' network over EVM.
let APIKey = null; // Enter your API Key here only if you wish to use Opensea Class, not required in case of Rarible Class.
async function getNftMetadata(networkName, APIKey) {
nftMetadata = await new Aggregator(networkName, APIKey).Rarible.getNftItemById('0x6ede7f3c26975aad32a475e1021d8f6f39c89d82:102269783871445009689193659504668254296443359178228669659681116260700662094166');
Reference for available functions under Rarible
getNftItemById(itemID) // itemID = '0x6ede7f3c26975aad32a475e1021d8f6f39c89d82:102269783871445009689193659504668254296443359178228669659681116260700662094166'
getNftItemByOwner(ownerAddress) // ownerAddress = '0xe21aa579a784d7903833c9392679c44d20fd5582'
getNftItemByCreator(ownerAddress) // ownerAddress = '0xe21aa579a784d7903833c9392679c44d20fd5582'
getNftItemByCollection(collectionID) // collectionID = '0xda38e3cf623793fa46277773bbc5def9ad435c06'
getNftCollectionById(collectionID) // collectionID = '0xda38e3cf623793fa46277773bbc5def9ad435c06'
getNftCollectionsByOwner(ownerAddress) //ownerAddress = '0x2e3afad5fc47f686ccf2a46443fafa8ab4730b48'
getSellOrderByMakerAndByStatus(ownerAddress) // ownerAddress = '0xe21aa579a784d7903833c9392679c44d20fd5582'
getSellOrderByItemAndByStatus(itemNumber, contractAddress) // itemNumber = '0x6ede7f3c26975aad32a475e1021d8f6f39c89d82', contractAddress = '102269783871445009689193659504668254296443359178228669659681116260700662094166'
getSellOrderByCollectionAndByStatus(collectionID) // collectionID = '0xda38e3cf623793fa46277773bbc5def9ad435c06'
getOrderBidsByMakerAndByStatus(ownerAddress) // ownerAddress = '0xe21aa579a784d7903833c9392679c44d20fd5582'
getOrderBidsByItemAndByStatus(itemNumber, contractAddress) // itemNumber = '0x6ede7f3c26975aad32a475e1021d8f6f39c89d82', contractAddress = '102269783871445009689193659504668254296443359178228669659681116260700662094166'
getAllCollections(blockchainName) // blockchainName = 'ETHEREUM', 'TEZOS', etc.
Reference for available paramter schema under Rarible
itemID: String
ownerAddress: String
collectionID: String
itemNumber: String
contractAddress: String
blockchainName: String (ALL CAPITAL LETTERS)
NOTE HERE:> itemID == contractAddress + ':' + itemNumber
2. Using Opensea Aggregator for fetching MetaData
This class returns the value of NFT MetaData from Opensea NFT Marketplace with respective endpoint requests.
- Use this class when you simply want to fetch any suitable aggregation data from
const Aggregator = require('nft-aggregator');
let networkName = 'mainnet'; // Works on 'mainnet', 'rinkeby', 'ropsten' network over EVM.
let APIKey = null; // Enter your API Key here only if you wish to use Opensea Class, required in case of Opensea Class.
async function getNftMetadata(networkName, APIKey) {
nftMetadata = await new Aggregator(networkName, APIKey).Opensea.getNftItemById('0', '0xa411c4df63bb82d520ea5caca21be754a8290c83');
Reference for available functions under Opensea
getNftItemById(tokenID, assetContractAddress) // tokenID = '0', assetContractAddress = '0xa411c4df63bb82d520ea5caca21be754a8290c83'
getNftItemsById(ownerAddress, tokenId, assetContractAddress, collectionAddress) // assetContractAddress = '0x697d6736c4cb5be9a1ae5d9f82609051d97fe853'
getNftItemByCollections(ownerAddress) // ownerAddress = '0x6e5c7b954ccf4d3c070a1c50a6a624cc8cc8a61b'
getNftItemByCollection(collectionSlug) // collectionSlug = 'test-horses-dzuo9jwrhe'
getNftStatsByCollection(collectionSlug) // collectionSlug = 'test-horses-dzuo9jwrhe'
getNftOrdersById(tokenID, assetContractAddress) // tokenID = '0', assetContractAddress = '0xa411c4df63bb82d520ea5caca21be754a8290c83'
getNftItemByContract(assetContractAddress) // assetContractAddress = '0xa411c4df63bb82d520ea5caca21be754a8290c83'
getNftOffersById(tokenID, assetContractAddress) // tokenID = '0', assetContractAddress = '0xa411c4df63bb82d520ea5caca21be754a8290c83'
getNftOrdersById(tokenID, assetContractAddress) // tokenID = '0', assetContractAddress = '0xa411c4df63bb82d520ea5caca21be754a8290c83'
Reference for available paramter schema under Opensea
tokenID: String
assetContractAddress: String
ownerAddress: String
collectionSlug: String
2. Using Mintable Aggregator for fetching MetaData
This class returns the value of NFT MetaData from Mintable NFT Marketplace with respective endpoint requests.
- Use this class when you simply want to fetch any suitable aggregation data from
const Aggregator = require('nft-aggregator');
let networkName = 'mainnet'; // Works on 'mainnet', 'rinkeby', 'ropsten' network over EVM.
let APIKey = null; // Enter your API Key here only if you wish to use Opensea Class, required in case of Opensea Class.
async function getNftMetadata(networkName, APIKey) {
nftMetadata = await new Aggregator(networkName, APIKey).Mintable.getGaslessNftItemByOwner('0x02A522D98EC2D2c3bBe91AcC29ee7fD32ab880ab');
Reference for available functions under Mintable
getGaslessNftItemByOwner(ownerAddress) // ownerAddress = '0x02A522D98EC2D2c3bBe91AcC29ee7fD32ab880ab'
getSellingNftItem(category, ownerAddress, auction, orderByDate, size, network) // category = 'art', ownerAddress = '0x60e5f59C480442c69f6Cc853c39E3D3a702Add9C', auction = '', orderByDate = '', size = '', network = ''
getNftItemById(itemID) // itemID = 'TH3JgTVs0DZLcQl'
Reference for available paramter schema under Opensea
itemID: String
auction: Boolean
ownerAddress: String
orderByDate: Boolean
size: Integer
network: Integer