NFL CodeLab is your playbook for coding, transforming NFL terminology into JavaScript code. Take your coding game to the championship level with this one-of-a-kind syntax.
NFL CodeLab
NFL CodeLab is your playbook for coding, transforming NFL terminology into JavaScript code. Take your coding game to the championship level with this one-of-a-kind syntax.
Designed for football fans, this language brings the excitement of the NFL to your development process, letting you craft JavaScript code using football-inspired terms.
Game-Changing Features
- Draft JavaScript code with NFL terms and idioms.
- Call the perfect play with seamless integration into modern frameworks like React and Vite.
- Execute
files with ease. - Switch formations effortlessly by converting between JavaScript and NFL syntax.
- Level up your playbook with a Visual Studio Code extension for syntax highlighting.
Playbook Example
// NFL CodeLab
draft player assign jersey { name: 'Tom Brady', jersey number: 12, stats: { touchdowns: 700, yards: 84000 } };
here we gooo blue80() {
instant replay (player.stats.touchdowns MVP rank 600) {
commentator( gain yards " is MVP!");
} timeout {
commentator( gain yards " needs more practice.");
// Regular JavaScript
let player = { name: 'Tom Brady', key: 12, stats: { touchdowns: 700, yards: 84000 } };
function blue80() {
if (player.stats.touchdowns > 600) {
console.log( + " is MVP!");
} else {
console.log( + " needs more practice.");
Via npm
Install NFL CodeLab globally with npm:
$ npm install -g nflcodelab
Run the .nfl
$ superbowl ./folder/
To uninstall:
$ npm uninstall -g nflcodelab
Playbook Terminology
Below is a table of standard JavaScript keywords or operators and their NFL CodeLab equivalents:
| NFL CodeLab | JavaScript Equivalent |
| Functionality | |
| draft | let |
| contract | const |
| free agent invite | var |
| here we gooo | function |
| pass | return |
| instant replay | if |
| timeout | else |
| game strategy | switch |
| play call | case |
| full blitz | for |
| two-minute drill | while |
| field goal attempt | do |
| quarterback sneak | try |
| interception | catch |
| fumble | throw |
| omaha | break |
| franchise | class |
| head coach | constructor |
| rookie contract | new |
| current season | this |
| player archetype | prototype |
| no huddle | async |
| play clock | await |
| trade | import |
| transfer | export |
| superbowl | default |
| injury timeout | null |
| no roster spot | undefined |
| win | true |
| loss | false |
| incomplete | NaN |
| scouting report | typeof |
| free agent | instanceof |
| React-related keywords | |
| starting lineup | <Component>
| player stats | props |
| game condition | state |
| momentum shift | useState |
| play adjustments | useEffect |
| call timeout to adjust| setState |
| review booth | ref |
| jersey number | key |
| locker room | context |
| bench players | children |
| play execution | render |
| formation setup | React.Fragment |
| HTML/JSX Keywords | |
| stadium | <div
| stadiumEnd | </div>
| headline | <h1>
| headlineEnd | </h1>
| subheadline | <h2>
| subheadlineEnd | </h2>
| scoreboard | <p>
| scoreboardEnd | </p>
| player list | <ul>
| playerListEnd | </ul>
| player stat | <li>
| playerStatEnd | </li>
| game field | <table>
| gameFieldEnd | </table>
| field zone | <thead>
| fieldZoneEnd | </thead>
| field play | <tbody>
| fieldPlayEnd | </tbody>
| field record | <tr>
| fieldRecordEnd | </tr>
| player record | <td>
| playerRecordEnd | </td>
| caption booth | <caption>
| captionBoothEnd | </caption>
| text input | <input>
| textInputEnd | </input>
| game button | <button>
| gameButtonEnd | </button>
| dropdown menu | <select>
| dropdownMenuEnd | </select>
| menu option | <option>
| menuOptionEnd | </option>
| image replay | <img>
| imageReplayEnd | </img>
| game link | <a>
| gameLinkEnd | </a>
| line separator | <hr>
| lineSeparatorEnd | </hr>
| stats block | <pre>
| statsBlockEnd | </pre>
| stats section | <section>
| statsSectionEnd | </section>
| team formation | <form>
| teamFormationEnd | </form>
| highlight area | <mark>
| highlightAreaEnd | </mark>
| player bio | <span>
| playerBioEnd | </span>
| play card | <article>
| playCardEnd | </article>
| footer zone | <footer>
| footerZoneEnd | </footer>
| header zone | <header>
| headerZoneEnd | </header>
| team logo | <svg>
| teamLogoEnd | </svg>
| player jersey | <label>
| playerJerseyEnd | </label>
| hidden play | <hidden>
| hiddenPlayEnd | </hidden>
| quote analysis | <blockquote>
| quoteAnalysisEnd | </blockquote>
| play alert | <strong>
| playAlertEnd | </strong>
| team motto | <em>
| teamMottoEnd | </em>
| code breakdown | <code>
| codeBreakdownEnd | </code>
| play diagram | <canvas>
| playDiagramEnd | </canvas>
| Assignment and comparisons | |
| assign jersey | = |
| check teammate | == |
| exact match in stats | === |
| gain yards | + |
| lose yards | - |
| touchdown | * |
| divide possessions | / |
| field goal percentage | % |
| teamwork | && |
| defensive stop | ! |
| MVP rank | > |
| rookie rank | < |
| playoff contender | >= |
| draft lottery contender| <= |
| Modifying values | |
| add to score | += |
| subtract from score | -= |
| yardage gain | ++ |
| yardage loss | -- |
| Conditional expressions | |
| challenge flag | ? |
| play result | : |
| Code structure | |
| fieldStart | { |
| fieldEnd | } |
| Array Methods | |
| commentator | console.log |
| push | push |
| pop | pop |
| shift | shift |
| unshift | unshift |
| slice | slice |
| splice | splice |
| map | map |
| filter | filter |
| reduce | reduce |
| forEach | forEach |
| find | find |
| findIndex | findIndex |
| some | some |
| every | every |
| concat | concat |
| includes | includes |
| indexOf | indexOf |
| join | join |
| reverse | reverse |
| sort | sort |
| flat | flat |
| flatMap | flatMap |
Unleash the power of the NFL on your JavaScript projects today!