A React component used for rendering Lighthouse JSON reports.
If you have generated lighthouse report using lighthouse CLI, you can use this component to render the JSON report inside React.
yarn add react-lighthouse-viewer
import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import ReportViewer from 'react-lighthouse-viewer';
import jsonReport from './report.json';
const App = () => (
<ReportViewer json={jsonReport} darkMode={false} id={"container-id"} />
render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
To generate lighthouse reports, use CLI
Install lighthouse globally
npm install -g lighthouse
Run CLI: lighthouse --output=json --output-path=./report.json
By default, Lighthouse writes the report to an HTML file. You can control the output format by passing flags.
CLI options
$ lighthouse --help
lighthouse <url>
--verbose Displays verbose logging [boolean]
--quiet Displays no progress, debug logs or errors [boolean]
--save-assets Save the trace & devtools log to disk [boolean]
--list-all-audits Prints a list of all available audits and exits [boolean]
--list-trace-categories Prints a list of all required trace categories and exits [boolean]
--print-config Print the normalized config for the given config and options, then exit. [boolean]
--additional-trace-categories Additional categories to capture with the trace (comma-delimited).
--config-path The path to the config JSON.
--chrome-flags Custom flags to pass to Chrome (space-delimited). For a full list of flags, see
Environment variables:
CHROME_PATH: Explicit path of intended Chrome binary. If set must point to an executable of a build of
Chromium version 66.0 or later. By default, any detected Chrome Canary or Chrome (stable) will be launched.
[default: ""]
--port The port to use for the debugging protocol. Use 0 for a random port [default: 0]
--preset Use a built-in configuration. [choices: "full", "perf", "mixed-content"]
--hostname The hostname to use for the debugging protocol. [default: "localhost"]
--max-wait-for-load The timeout (in milliseconds) to wait before the page is considered done loading and the run should continue.
WARNING: Very high values can lead to large traces and instability [default: 45000]
--emulated-form-factor Controls the emulated device form factor (mobile vs. desktop) if not disabled [choices: "mobile", "desktop", "none"] [default: "mobile"]
--enable-error-reporting Enables error reporting, overriding any saved preference. --no-enable-error-reporting will do the opposite. More:
--gather-mode, -G Collect artifacts from a connected browser and save to disk. If audit-mode is not also enabled, the run will quit
early. [boolean]
--audit-mode, -A Process saved artifacts from disk [boolean]
--output Reporter for the results, supports multiple values [choices: "csv", "json", "html"] [default: "html"]
--output-path The file path to output the results. Use 'stdout' to write to stdout.
If using JSON or CSV output, default is stdout.
If using HTML output, default is a file in the working directory with a name based on the test URL and date.
If using multiple outputs, --output-path is appended with the standard extension for each output type. "reports/my-run" -> "reports/", "reports/", etc.
Example: --output-path=./lighthouse-results.html
--view Open HTML report in your browser [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--blocked-url-patterns Block any network requests to the specified URL patterns [array]
--disable-storage-reset Disable clearing the browser cache and other storage APIs before a run [boolean]
--disable-device-emulation Disable all device form factor emulation. Deprecated: use --emulated-form-factor=none instead [boolean]
--throttling-method Controls throttling method [choices: "devtools", "provided", "simulate"]
--throttling.rttMs Controls simulated network RTT (TCP layer)
--throttling.throughputKbps Controls simulated network download throughput
--throttling.requestLatencyMs Controls emulated network RTT (HTTP layer)
--throttling.downloadThroughputKbps Controls emulated network download throughput
--throttling.uploadThroughputKbps Controls emulated network upload throughput
--throttling.cpuSlowdownMultiplier Controls simulated + emulated CPU throttling
--extra-headers Set extra HTTP Headers to pass with request [string]
lighthouse <url> --view Opens the HTML report in a browser after the run completes
lighthouse <url> --config-path=./myconfig.js Runs Lighthouse with your own configuration: custom audits, report
generation, etc.
lighthouse <url> --output=json --output-path=./report.json --save-assets Save trace, devtoolslog, and named JSON report.
lighthouse <url> --disable-device-emulation Disable device emulation and all throttling.
lighthouse <url> --chrome-flags="--window-size=412,660" Launch Chrome with a specific window size
lighthouse <url> --quiet --chrome-flags="--headless" Launch Headless Chrome, turn off logging
lighthouse <url> --extra-headers "{\"Cookie\":\"monster=blue\"}" Stringify\'d JSON HTTP Header key/value pairs to send in requests
lighthouse <url> --extra-headers=./path/to/file.json Path to JSON file of HTTP Header key/value pairs to send in requests
For more information on Lighthouse, see
Cool Guide by Brad Stiff
A guide to building a React component with webpack 4, publishing to npm, and deploying the demo to GitHub Pages Read more :+1:
Hacked with ❤️ by BLEN Corp in Washington, DC.