**WARNING:** next-build-tools should **never** be globally installed. Always install as a devDependency of your application.
WARNING: next-build-tools should never be globally installed. Always install as a devDependency of your application.
Usage: next-build-tools [options] [command]
deploy [options] [app] runs haikro deployment scripts with sensible defaults for Next projects
configure [options] [source] [target] downloads environment variables from next-config-vars and uploads them to the current app
scale [options] [source] [target] downloads process information from next-service-registry and scales/sizes the application servers
provision [app] provisions a new instance of an application server
verify [options] internally calls origami-build-tools verify with some Next specific configuration (use only for APPLICATIONS. Front End components should continue to use origami-build-tools verify)
build [options] build javascript and css
destroy [options] [app] deletes the app from heroku
purge [options] [url] purges the given url from the Fastly cache. Requires a FASTLY_KEY environment variable set to your fastly api key
deploy-vcl [options] [folder] Deploys VCL in [folder] to the specified fastly service. Requires FASTLY_KEY env var
nightwatch [options] [test] runs nightwatch with some sensible defaults
deploy-hashed-assets deploys hashed asset files to S3 (if AWS keys set correctly)
deploy-static [options] <source> [otherSources...] Deploys static <source> to [destination] on S3 (where [destination] is a full S3 URL). Requires AWS_ACCESS and AWS_SECRET env vars
download-development-keys [options] downloads development environment variables from next-config-vars and stores them in your home directory if a file doesn't already exist
run [options] Runs the local app through the router
rebuild [options] [apps...] Trigger a rebuild of the latest master on Circle
test-urls [options] [app] Tests that a given set of urls for an app respond as expected. Expects the config file ./test/smoke.js to exist
log [options] Logs to SalesForce™®©
bottle [options] [increment] releases a major, minor, patch or prerelease of a next component (similar to npm version + npm publish)
ship [options] Ships code. Deploys using pipelines, also running the configure and scale steps automatically
float [options] Deploys code to a test app and checks it doesn't die
drydock [options] [name] Creates a new pipeline with a staging and EU production app
emergency-deploy [options] Run the deploy steps that CI would run, allowing you deploy locally
hash-assets Generates an asset-hashes.json file
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
Warning the is automatically generated. Run make docs
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