Official database for
- npm
- npm i -S nexious-library
- Yarn:
- yarn add nexious-library
Setting up TS its a starter guide
download typescript and associated types as dev dependency
create ts.config.json for ts linting
- tsconfig.json
{ "compilerOptions": { "target": "ES2022", // if code runs on the browser Set the JavaScript language version for emitted JavaScript and include compatible library declarations. */, "module": "ES2020", "moduleResolution": "Node", "esModuleInterop": true /* Emit additional JavaScript to ease support for importing CommonJS modules. This enables 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports' for type compatibility. */, "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, // e.i import package from 'library' "jsx": "react-jsx" /* Specify what JSX code is generated. */, "baseUrl": "src" /* Specify the base directory to resolve non-relative module names. */, "paths": { // "@context/*": ["src/utils/context/*"] } // Specify a set of entries that re-map imports to additional lookup locations. */, "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true, "declaration": true /* Generate .d.ts files from TypeScript and JavaScript files in your project. */, "sourceMap": true /* Create source map files for emitted JavaScript files. */, "outDir": "dist" /* Specify an output folder for all emitted files. */, "isolatedModules": true, "strict": true /* Enable all strict type-checking options. */, "lib": ["ES5", "ES2015", "ES2016", "DOM", "ESNext", "DOM.Iterable"], "declarationMap": true /* Create sourcemaps for d.ts files. */, "inlineSources": true /* Include source code in the sourcemaps inside the emitted JavaScript. */ }, "include": ["src/*"], "exclude": ["node_modules"] }
update index.html script tag to point to new ts file
- old index.html =
<script type="module" src="/src/main.jsx"></script>
- new index.html =
<script type="module" src="/src/main.tsx"></script>
- old index.html =
update scripts in package.json file to include a watch file to watch for changes
- add command
"watch": "tsc -p tsconfig.json -w"
- add command
if you are adding typescript to an existing application dont rename files manually.
- run terminal on root
cd node_modules/nexious-library && npm run renameFile src 'jsx' 'tsx'
- this command takes 3 required arguments:
- first is the path usually src
- second is the file extension of the files you want to rename probably 'jsx'
- third is the desired file extension name
- this will run a shell script. that will:
- rename all files to desired the extention name in the desired path
- run terminal on root
- This app was built using typescript scss and compiles to js and css
- Typescript
- Javascript
- Vite + React
Import CSS
- find your index file and add
import "nexious-library/@index.css"
Works out of the box with following initial props:
Calendar Usage
- value is the only as required prop used to tell the component currentdate value
- Outputs Calendar with month as default view:
<Calendar <!-- required props --> value: Date; for initial date use today = new Date(); <!-- optional props --> minDate?: Date; the mininum date the calendar will go back onDayClick?: (e: unknown) => void; when day is clicked setDay?: (a: unknown) => void; set new current date theme?: string; events?: [ <!-- display calendar events on calendar --> { date: string; list: [{ date: string; start: number, end: number, isOpen:boolean, uid: string }]}]; />
Form Usage:
- initialValues and onSubmit as required props
<Form <!-- required props --> initialValues: { [key:string]:any }; // e.g. { appName:"", isNewApp:true } formId: string; // give your form an Id, is only required with Paginate Form <!-- optional --> heading?: string; // title of the form previewLabel?: string; // add preview label for button to view changes on form responseErr?: string; // add error message after AJAX request failed submitLabel?: string; // use your custom submit button label theme?: string; // overwrite styling with your own hideLabels?: boolean; // hide form labels hideSubmit?: boolean; // hide submit button withFileUpload?: boolean; // this is required to upload files dataList?: {[key:string]: { // name of field affected name:"", value:"", label:"" } []} // data list for field with input type === select labels?: {[key: string]: string} ; // use your custom labels for your form field e.g. { appName:"enter new app name " } placeholders?: {[key: string]: string}; // use your custom placeholders types?: {[key: string]: string}; // use your custom field types schema?: { required: string[], // field name of required data unique?: { name: "" // field name affected list: string[] // fist of string values that data cannot be } }; // enter your desired schema for fieldHeading?: { [key: string]: string }; // enter custom field heading addEntry?: { // works with type ="checkbox" and adds new field values when a [key: string]: { // name of field affected additionLabel: string; removalLabel: string; initialValues: {[key:string]:any}; fieldHeading: string; labels?: {[key: string]: string} ; placeholders?: {[key: string]: string} ; types?: {[key: string]: string} ; canMultiply?: boolean; }; }; onSubmit?: (e: any) => void; // create your custom submit function it will work with out it but it will do nothing onChange?: (e: any) => void; // create your custom onChange event handlers onCancel?: () => void; // add custom function for cancelling onViewPreview?: (e: any) => void; // create your custom function to view data />
PaginatedForm Usage
- paginate is array with initialValues and onSubmit as required props
<PaginateForm <!-- required props --> paginate: [ { <!-- required props --> initialValues: { [key:string]:any }; // e.g. { appName:"", isNewApp:true } formId: string; // give your form an Id, is only required with Paginate Form <!-- optional --> heading?: string; // title of the form previewLabel?: string; // add preview label for button to view changes on form responseErr?: string; // add error message after AJAX request failed submitLabel?: string; // use your custom submit button label theme?: string; // overwrite styling with your own hideLabels?: boolean; // hide form labels hideSubmit?: boolean; // hide submit button withFileUpload?: boolean; // this is required to upload files dataList?: {[key:string]: { // name of field affected name:"", value:"", label:"" } []} // data list for field with input type === select labels?: {[key: string]: string} ; // use your custom labels for your form field e.g. { appName:"enter new app name " } placeholders?: {[key: string]: string}; // use your custom placeholders types?: {[key: string]: string}; // use your custom field types schema?: { required: string[], // field name of required data unique?: { name: "" // field name affected list: string[] // fist of string values that data cannot be } }; // enter your desired schema for fieldHeading?: { [key: string]: string }; // enter custom field heading addEntry?: { // works with type ="checkbox" and adds new field values when a [key: string]: { // name of field affected additionLabel: string; removalLabel: string; initialValues: {[key:string]:any}; fieldHeading: string; labels?: {[key: string]: string} ; placeholders?: {[key: string]: string} ; types?: {[key: string]: string} ; canMultiply?: boolean; }; }; onSubmit?: (e: any) => void; // create your custom submit function it will work with out it but it will do nothing onChange?: (e: any) => void; // create your custom onChange event handlers onCancel?: () => void; // add custom function for cancelling onViewPreview?: (e: any) => void; // create your custom function to view data } ]; onFormSumbit={(e:any)=>void } // create your custom onFormSubmit function <!-- optional props --> navigationHeading?: string ; // add custom navigation title theme?: string; // overwrite styling with your own page?: number; // default is 0 responseErr?: string; // add error message after AJAX request failed order?: string[]; default is orginal order // use your custom order to traverse form previewPage?: <YourOwnComponent preview={formData} />; // add your own custom component hideNavigation?: boolean; // hide paginated navigation setNewPage={(e:any)=>void } // create your custom setNewPage function onCancel={(e:any)=>void } // cancel form function onPageClick={(e:any)=>void } // navigation button pressed onDialogClose={(e:any)=>void } // Dialog close button pressed />
Visit <> for more advanced settings
With more comming soon