Built on angular 5, star rating library. Can be used for your angular applications.
Built on angular 5, star rating library. Can be used for your angular applications.
How to Use
Step 1 - Import in your app module
import { NeutronRatingModule } from 'neutron-star-rating';
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [
bootstrap: []
export class AppModule { }
Step 2 - Include it in your component
import { NeutronRatingModule } from 'neutron-star-rating';
selector: 'your-selector',
templateUrl: 'your template',
styleUrls: ['./your css'],
providers: [yourProviders]
Step 3 - Start using it in your HTML
<neutron-rating [rating]='4' [starColour]="'#FDD835'" [starSize]="4"></neutron-rating>
Additional Functions
1) Passing the new rating to your component
Step 1 - Add an additional attribute to detect the rating clicked in your html.
<neutron-rating [rating]='4' [starColour]="'#FDD835'" [starSize]="4" (ratingClicked)='onRatingClicked($event)'></neutron-rating>
Step 2 - Create a function such as onRatingClicked and retrieve the rating from there
public onRatingClicked = (ratingNumICanUseInMyComponent) => {
console.log("my new rating that I can use in my component is ");
2)Change the number of stars
Step 1 - Add an additional attribute (starNum) to change the number of stars
- Warning - If your rating exceeds the number of stars, your rating would be equal to the number of stars
<neutron-rating [rating]='4' [starColour]="'#FDD835'" [starSize]="4" (ratingClicked)='onRatingClicked($event)' [starNum]="10"></neutron-rating>
2)Make the stars only readable
Step 1 - Add an additional attribute (readOnly) to make the stars only readable after initializing it with a value
- Wearning - You won't be able to change the rating once the readOnly attribute is set to true
<neutron-rating [rating]='4' [starColour]="'#FDD835'" [readOnly]="true" [starSize]="4" (ratingClicked)='onRatingClicked($event)' [starNum]="10"></neutron-rating>