Netifi JavaScript Client
Netifi JavaScript Client
netifi-js-client allows Javascript apps to connect to a Netifi broker and access services. By providing a destination name and login credentials, the app becomes a new destination on the network, and can both send and receive messages using the RSocket protocol.
Bugs and Feedback
For bugs, questions, and discussions please use the Github Issues.
yarn add netifi-js-client
npm install netifi-js-client
Basic Use
Netifi JavaScript presumes the use of the Netifi RPC routing model.
The model assumes the user will access a router via a gateway, providing its group
identification (e.g. mobile-devices
, admin-services
, or other user-defined string). Optionally the user can provide a unique destination
id (any user provided string), or a UUID will be generated automatically.
Once connected, the user can leverage the gateway to create RSockets that will route to particular group
s (e.g. metadata-services
, mobile-clients
, or other application-specific identifier) or a destination
on the network (e.g. bobs-laptop
, server-in-the-closet-nobody-knows-about
). These RSockets can then be passed to an RSocket RPC client and routing will be transparent and automatic.
A workflow would look something like this
const Netifi = require('netifi-js-client');
// This Netifi object acts as our gateway to the router
const netifi = Netifi.create({
setup: {
group: 'netifi-example',
//destination: generated UUID if omitted
accessKey: 9007199254740991,
accessToken: 'kTBDVtfRBO4tHOnZzSyY5ym2kfY=',
//jwt: 'jwt.encoded.string' depending on your broker's authentication setup, you can either provide an access key and token, or use a JWT.
transport: {
The configuration passed to Netifi.create
has this Flow type spec
export type NetifiConfig = {|
serializers?: PayloadSerializers<Buffer, Buffer>,
setup: {|
group: string,
destination?: string,
tags?: Tags,
keepAlive?: number,
lifetime?: number,
accessKey?: number,
accessToken?: string,
jwt?: string,
connectionId?: string,
additionalFlags?: {|
public?: boolean,
useJWT?: boolean
transport: {|
url?: string,
wsCreator?: (url: string) => WebSocket,
connection?: DuplexConnection,
responder?: Responder<Buffer, Buffer>,
Sane defaults are provided for each optional field, with the exception of transport
. Either a URL or an existing DuplexConnection (e.g. RSocketTcpClient
) are required. The URL is used to create an RSocketWebSocketClient
under the covers.
A Responder<Buffer, Buffer>
is created and simply implements the RSocket defined methods (i.e. fireAndForget
, requestResponse
, requestStream
, requestChannel
) and routes them to registered services, addressed below in As a Server
As a Client
The netifi
object is used to generate RSockets to be used by clients and to attach service handlers. This package includes the BrokerInfoServiceClient (routing services); here is an example of scanning all router instances and requesting all connected destination
const { Empty } = require('google-protobuf/google/protobuf/empty_pb');
// Here we use the netifi gateway to create an RSocket that routes
// to any instance that is registered in the 'broker-services' group
const brokerServices = new BrokerInfoServiceClient('broker-services'));
// This method is defined in the router services protobuf
// rpc Brokers (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream Broker) {}
brokerServices.brokers(new Empty(), Buffer.alloc(0)).subscribe({
onComplete: () => console.log('All brokers scanned'),
onError: error => console.error(error),
onNext: broker => {
console.log("Scanning destinations connected to broker", broker);
// Get Stream of All Destinations on Broker, defined in the router services protobuf
// rpc Destinations (Broker) returns (stream Destination) {}
this.brokerInfoService.destinations(broker, Buffer.alloc(0)).subscribe({
onComplete: () => console.log('All destinations scanned'),
onError: error => console.error(error),
onNext: destination => {
console.log("Destination connected to broker", destination);
onSubscribe: subscription => {
onSubscribe: subscription => {
As a Server
The netifi gateway can provide services to the network as well as call out. To add services to the gateway, the user must provide a service implementation and the name of the service that clients will know to call.
Assume we have defined a service in protobuf
service RandomStringGenerator {
// Returns a random string between size 'min' and 'max' defined in the RandomStringRequest
rpc GenerateString (RandomStringRequest) returns (RandomStringResponse) {}
message RandomStringRequest {
int32 min = 1;
int32 max = 2;
message RandomStringResponse {
string generated = 1;
And we have used the rsocket-rpc-protobuf
generator for the Client and Server classes.
// A local implementation that given a random string request, generates a Single<RandomStringResponse>
const localStringGenerator = {
generateString: (message, metadata) => {
const min = message.getMin();
const max = message.getMax();
const size = Math.floor(Math.random() * max) + min;
let word = "";
for(var j = 0; j < size; j++){
word += generateChar();
return Single.of(nextWord);
// We wrap our local implementation in the protobuf-generated Server code that unwraps and dispatches requests
const randomStringService = new RandomStringGeneratorServer(localStringGenerator);
// Register our RSocket random string service with our gateway by the service name that we expect Clients to use
netifi.addService('com.netifi.demo.random-string-service', randomStringService);
Now our gateway can generate RSockets for the purpose of reaching out to the network and can register handlers so that others on the network can use our services!
For more information on how to set up the client, go to and click the menu link "Netifi JS Client".
We also provide a utility method to convert the rsocket-flowable
types to the more familiar Observable
const {Single, Flowable} = require('rsocket-flowable');
const {toObservable} = require('netifi-js-client');
const monoObservable = toObservable(Single.of("some value"));
const manyObservable = toObservable(Flowable.just(...[1, 2, 3, 4]));
This loses the semantic of backpressure (i.e. onSubscribe
and an ISubscription
with request n
methods), but may be more palatable to developers with an existing RxJS codebase.
Copyright 2017 Netifi Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.