Convert OpenAPI V3 to Swagger V2 file compatible with GCP cloud endpoint
Convert OpenAPI V3 to Swagger 2 file compatible with GCP cloud endpoint
How to use
This package is only for NestJS applications.
You will need to use it with the "@nestjs/swagger" module, following this documentation.
// in your main.ts
import { convertOpenAPIV3toV2, converterOptions, formatOptions } from "nestjs-swagger-converter-cloud-endpoint";
const convertionOptions: converterOptions = {
format: formatOptions.yaml, // or formatOptions.json to write as json file
gcpProject: 'my_gcp_project', // name of your GCP project
folderPath: process.cwd(), // the folder path to write the spec
applicationName: `my_application`,
host: `${GCP_ENDPOINT_HOST}`, // the GCP endpoint hostname
endpointTargetIp: `${GCP_ENDPOINT_TARGET_IP}`, // the GCP endpoint public ip
securityName: 'my_security_name', // the name of the security section in the spec
// authorizationUrl: '' if you want to manually set the oauth2 authorizationUrl
// build you swagger doc like described in the nestjs documentation
const swaggerDocument = new DocumentBuilder()
.setTitle('my super API')
.setDescription('my super API')
.addServer('https://localhost:3000', 'local server') // mandatory or it would fail
const document = SwaggerModule.createDocument(app, swaggerDocument);
// call the module with the document instance, it will write it to process.cwd()/my_application.yaml
await convertOpenAPIV3toV2(document, convertionOptions)