An OAuth Module the mimics Passport's functionality without some of passport's wonkiness
The NestJS Oauth module is a bit of an interesting case. Currently, only Google and GitHub are available OAuth providers, but others may come in the future.
To install the package, use either
npm i nestjs-oauth
yarn nestjs-oauth
The OauthModule
does a lot of magic under the hood when it comes to binding the routes to the server, all according to controllerRoot
and each authorities.controller.root
and authorities.controller.callback
value. The module will also take into account the global prefix if one is set.
- controllerRoot: string - Sets the
string for the root of the controller - authorities:
[] - the array of options for the OAuth module to make use of
This object dictates much of how the OauthModule
operates under the hood. The object has the following shape
- name:
'google' | 'github'
- the name of the OAuth Provider. Currently only GitHub and Google are supported. - controller:
- options specific to the controller class - service:
- options specific to the service class - provide:
(resp: {user: Record<string, any>, req: Record<string, any> }) => any
- a function to determine how to handle the returned user from the OAuth callout. This function can come from a class or can be a direct function. Part of theuser
parameter is the token information retrieved from the token call (the OAuth callback) and the other part is the user information retrieved from the identity endpoint provided by the OAuth authority. The Request object is also accessible for the case of wanting to set headers or cookies through packages similar to@nestjsplus/cookies
The object that dictates how the Controller class for the OauthModule
. Both root
and callback
have the same interface, and require the same values as shown below:
- path: string - the location for the route to be bound
- guards: Array, optional - guards to run on the route
- pipes: Array, optional - pipes to run on the route
- interceptors: Array, optional - interceptors to run on the route
- filters: Array, optional - filters to run on the route
- decorators: Array, optional - decorators to apply to the route. This is specifically added for things like
though can be used with@UsePipes()
and the rest of the Nest enhancer decorators if preferred.
- scope: string[], optional - an array of scopes to request from the authority provider. This must be passed as an array
- clientId: string - the client id for the authority you are using
- clientSecret: string - the client secret for the authority you are using
- callback: string, optional - the callback url for the authority. This should match the
property, but should be a fully qualified URL instead of an endpoint path e.g.http://localhost:3000/api/auth/google/callback
- prompt: string, optional - the kind of prompt to use with the oauth flow, is a prompt is supported.
- state: string, optional - a state tracking token to know that the return of the OAuth call comes from the expected server.
NOTE: if a state token is passed as a parameter, the
method will check the returned state parameter against provided one, and will throw anUnauthorizedException
if the values do not match.
NOTE: the Oauth module will not enforce most options on you, as not all OAuth authorities require all of these options. However, if your authority requires them, make sure you add the fields
WARNING: If no data modification happens on the return of
, there will be a breaking error of the inability to convert a circularly structured JSON. This is intended.
Specific Providers
Each specific OAuth authority has their own provider values. These follow the values expected from the provider's OAuth documentation, usually changed from snake_case to camelCase. Intellisense should provide you with the options necessary. Otherwise, you can look here
Custom Service Options
This module contains the ability to manage custom authorities that are not yet baked in as solutions. The same process is used overall, however, the service options object has a different structure to it:
- loginUrl: string - the URL where the oauth flow is kicked off. This just needs to be the base URL, as this package will worry about building the rest of it for you (e.g.
) - tokenUrl: string - the URL where the request is made to retrieve an access token
- userUrl: string - the URL to determine the identity of the user who just logged in through the OAuth flow (e.g.
) - tokenHttpMethod: 'get' | 'post', optional - as some OAuth authorities allow the usage of
methods when it comes to getting the token, this option is available to set that. By default, the value is'post'
* - loginUrlParams:
- options that are to be used for the login URL. Some of these options are reused when it comes to the token request as well. They only need to be defined here. - tokenUrlParams:
- options to be passed to the Token URL defined above.
Warning: With authorities that use GET methods for the token flow, be very careful, as your client Id and client Secret will be exposed in the URL. Anyone who is sniffing HTTP traffic will be able to get a hold of these, and could end up using them elsewhere.
- client_id: string
- response_type: string - the response type for the OAuth request. Most of the time, this should be
- redirect_uri: string, optional
- scope: string, optional - instead of being an array like in the other services, this time the scope is a string with space delimited values. This gets used directly in the call with no modifications, so make sure it matches what the OAuth provider expects
- state: string, optional
Extra values can be added to the loginUrlParams object, so long as the OAuth authority will accept them, they should be added here.
- grant_type: string
- client_secret
The TokenUrlParams object takes the
and theclient_id
from theLoginUrlParams
object so that they do not have to be duplicated.
Extra values can be added to the tokenUrlParams object, so long as the OAuth authority will accept them, they should be added here.
How it works
All right, so here's the fun part of the package: after you register the module, a Controller
and Service
class will be created to match the endpoints requested in the authorities
array. When a GET
call is made to controllerRoot/controller.root
, a URL will be returned. This URL is the OAuth login URL, which the user should be redirected to. The reason this module does not automatically redirect is for logging purposes as a res.redirect
will end up causing post-controller interceptors to not fire. This is different from how Passport operates and should be noted. After the user follows the OAuth flow, a callback is made from the OAuth server to your server, using the controllerRoot/controller.callback
route and the service.callback
value. This callback has the user access token and is then used to call to the providers identity endpoint (e.g. Google calls back to
). Once the user is obtained from the identity provider, the provider
method is called with the user
object returned. From here, the developer can work with the user object as necessary, doing things like communicating with a database, or creating tokens for the user. Any value can be returned from this provide
method, so it can be a JWT, or a simple message saying the user successfully logged in. This method can be async as well.
- add more providers
- e2e testing
- maybe a better API
Feel free to help contribute to this project in any way possible. You can reach out to me on Discord (PerfectOrphan31#6003), email me, or raise an issue here in the repository.
This project is under an MIT License.