NestJS Datadog Trace Library
NestJS Datadog Trace
npm i nestjs-ddtrace --save
Create tracing file (tracing.ts):
import tracer from 'dd-trace'; // initialized in a different file to avoid hoisting. tracer.init({ // logInjection: true }); export default tracer;
Import the tracing file:
import './tracing'; import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core'; import { AppModule } from './app.module'; import { Logger as PinoLogger } from 'nestjs-pino'; import { Logger } from '@nestjs/common'; async function bootstrap() { const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule, { bufferLogs: true }); app.useLogger(app.get(PinoLogger)); const logger = new Logger('main'); const port = process.env.PORT || 3000; await app.listen(3000).then(() => { logger.log(`Listening on port: ${port}`); }); } bootstrap();
Add LoggerModule and DatadogModule to AppModule:
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; import { LoggerModule } from 'nestjs-pino'; import { DatadogTraceModule } from 'nestjs-ddtrace'; @Module({ imports: [LoggerModule.forRoot({ pinoHttp: { level: process.env.ENV !== 'prod' ? 'trace' : 'info' } }), DatadogTraceModule.forRoot()], }) export class AppModule {}
Span Decorator
If you need, you can define a custom Tracing Span for a method or class. It works async or sync. Span takes its name from the parameter; but by default, it is the same as the method's name.
import { DatadogTraceModule } from 'nestjs-ddtrace';
imports: [DatadogTraceModule.forRoot()],
export class AppModule {}
Tracing Service
In case you need to access native span methods for special logics in the method block:
import { Span, TraceService } from 'nestjs-ddtrace';
export class BookService {
constructor(private readonly traceService: TraceService) {}
async getBooks() {
const currentSpan = this.traceService.getActiveSpan(); // --> retrives current span, comes from http or @Span
await this.doSomething();
'getBooks': 'true'
const childSpan = this.traceService.getTracer().startSpan('ms', {childOf: currentSpan});
childSpan.setTag('userId', 1);
await this.doSomethingElse();
childSpan.finish(); // new span ends
try {
} catch (e) {
currentSpan.setTag('error', e);
throw e;
return [`Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone`];
import { Span } from 'nestjs-ddtrace';
export class BookService {
async getBooks() { ... }
async deleteBook(id: string) { ... }
export class HelloController {
getBooks() { ... }
deleteBooks() { ... }
No Span Decorator
If you need to explicitly exclude a method or class from having a custom tracing Span then you can explicitly exclude it.
import { NoSpan, Span } from 'nestjs-ddtrace';
export class BookService {
async getBooks() { ... }
async deleteBook(id: string) { ... }
export class HelloController {
getBooks() { ... }
deleteBooks() { ... }
Custom tracing spans for all controllers and providers
Custom tracing spans can be enabled for all controllers
and providers using the controllers
and providers
import { DatadogTraceModule } from 'nestjs-ddtrace';
imports: [DatadogTraceModule.forRoot({
controllers: true,
providers: true,
export class AppModule {}
Controllers and providers can be excluded by including their name in
either the excludeControllers
or excludeProviders
This may be useful for:
- having a single place to specify what should be excluded
- excluding controllers and providers you do not own so using the
decorator is not an option.
import { DatadogTraceModule } from 'nestjs-ddtrace';
imports: [DatadogTraceModule.forRoot({
controllers: true,
providers: true,
excludeProviders: ['TraceService'],
export class AppModule {}
Inspired by the nestjs-otel and nestjs-opentelemetry repository.