<h1 align="center">Welcome to nested-object-validate 👋</h1> <p> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img alt="Version" src=""> </a> <a href="http
object validation package for my personal use!
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how to use it
import { validate, isString } from "nested-object-validate";
validate function takes 3 argument
1. argument takes object
2. argument take validators arrays
basic validation only check is property is exist
- validate({ name: 54 }, ["name"])
validate({ name: 54 }, ["name"]);
basic validation pass, but it that all you want name should be string
you have more access to validate property
there is array support where second index is callback
callback called with property value do what ever you want to value
return true if pass return false is failed test
- validate(object, [["name", callback], "age"])
validate({ name: 54 }, [["name", (name) => typeof name === "string"]]);
test failed because name is number here
but what if the name is object of first and last?
- validate({name: {first: "", last: ""}}, ["name"])
recursion is solution but validate function return static
so i made a wrapper of validation
call in callback second argument
validate({ name: { first: "al", last: "imam" } }, [
["name", (name, v) => v(name, [isString("first"), isString("last")])],
test pass you can ensure first and last exist
you should know that callback function is instance of validate function
just formate return value and return true or false
👤 al-imam
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