nepl supports asynchronous and reliable connection protocol
what is this?
This is node asyncronous transaction connection module. You can use this module when you want to connect other server in asynchronous timing and reliable context. In addition to this, you can use any task with this module. These task is done by process called by 'Consumer'. Only you have to do is making consumer. Therefore you have asynchrounous timing and reliable context.
how to use
Step1. Install via npm
$ npm install -g nepl
Step2. Create NeplReader
var nepl = require('nepl');
// Define your consumer
var cons = function(txEntry){
for( var i = 0 ; i < txEntry.txs.length ; i++ ){
console.log('txString', txEntry.txs[i].txString);
// Define reader configure
var config = {
name = 'txReader',
volume = '/from/where/to/somewhere/txvol',
meta = '/from/where/to/somewhere/meta',
consumer : cons
// Create reader
var nr = new nepl.NeplReader(config);
Step3. Start reader
$ node reader.js
If any transaction logs are written in /from/where/to/somewhere/txvol, this reader read these transactions and passes these to your consumer. You can access these transaction logs via NeplTX. NeplTX is an object like below.
> ntx;
{ context:
{ timestamp: 1353326701068,
writer: '/opt/local/lib/node_modules/nepl/NeplTX.js' },
payload: { p1: 'prop1' } }
This object has two property. Context and payload. Context is meta data, therefore you don't have to modify this property. Your data has to be written in payload as javascript object. You can use it.
With writeToVol method in this object, you can write data to your transaction volume more easily. So the last thing you have to do is to create writer with this NeplTX.
Step 4. Create writer
var nepl = require('nepl');
var payload = {};
payload['p1'] = 'prop1';
payload['p2'] = 'prop2';
var ntx = new nepl.NeplTX();
If you have any questions. Please feel free to ask any questions.