Automation framework for nemo-cucumberjs & integration with saucelabs
Nemo Cucumber.js Selenium Framework
BDD Selenium Framework that integrates Cucumber.js with Nemo.js & SauceLabs Cloud
Framework Features
- Cucumber BDD Framework
- Supports latest Selenium 3 & Cucumber 2
- Pretty HTML reports with Pie-charts
- Parallel Executions of Cucumber Scenarios and/or Features
- Selenium Page Objects; auto initialized
- Multi-browsers/platforms coverage with SauceLabs
- Parallel MultiBrowsers executions, e.g. runs X number of scenarios on more than one browsers, all in parallel
- Nemo, a PayPal's open source Selenium Framework
- Grunt Tasks to run Smoke, P1 and/or Acceptance tests
Very simple to use
$ brew install chromedriver geckodriver
$ git clone
$ cd nemo-cucumberjs-framework
$ npm i
$ grunt acceptance //will run a default scenario and launch HTML report
Add new Cucumber Features
- Add new features under acceptance/features
- Add step definitions under acceptance/step_definitions
- It's a framework with grunt task.
- Default browser is
, but you can change with ENV variableBROWSER
to run locally on your required browser.
Setup SauceLabs
- Add your SauceLabs Username and AccessKey at config.json
- Update/Edit SauceLabs browsers & platform at sauce.json as per your need.
Default browser is chrome
, to run on firefox
or any other browser locally
$ BROWSER=firefox grunt acceptance
SauceLabs browsers are available at sauce.json. Pick any one browser combination and pass it as a SAUCE param. BUILD param will create a pretty dashboard on Sauce for your respective test run.
$ SAUCE=iPhone BUILD="`date`" grunt acceptance
BROWSER param is to run tests locally, while SAUCE is to run on SauceLabs
Run any any platform, SAUCE or BROWSER.
Parallel Scenarios
e.g. Below command will run your Scenarios in parallel on Chrome browser on SauceLabs.
$ SAUCE=chrome grunt acceptance --parallel scenarios
Parallel Features
$ SAUCE=chrome grunt acceptance --parallel features
Run Multiple Browsers in Parallel on SauceLabs
e.g. Run all your scenarios in parallel on Chrome, Firefox and ie10 browsers
$ SAUCE=chrome,firefox,ie10 grunt acceptance --parallel features
Run single Tag
$ grunt acceptance --tags @yourTag