Scraper Module NPMJS
This module was created only to make it easier to use an api function as a function in the code you can use it for free!!! If there are bugs or problems, you can just submit issues on GitHub! We also accept requests!!!
📍 How to use ???
📌 Ai </>
- ChatGPT
import { chatGPT } from 'neastooapi';
(async () => {
const prompt = "Hello, how are you today?";
const response = await chatGPT(prompt);
console.log("AI Response:", response);
- BlackboxAI
import { blackBoxChat } from 'neastooapi';
(async () => {
const chat = "Hi";
const response = await blackBoxChat(chat);
console.log("Response from BlackBox:", response); // Menampilkan respons di log terminal
📌 Downloader </>
- Tiktok Downloader
import { TiktokDL } from 'neastooapi';
(async () => {
const tiktokUrl = ""; // Ganti dengan URL TikTok asli
const response = await TiktokDL(tiktokUrl);
console.log("Response from TikTok Downloader:", response); // Menampilkan respons di log terminal
- Youtube MP3/MP4 Downloader
import { ytbmp3downloader, ytbmp4downloader } from 'neastooapi';
(async () => {
const youtubeUrl = ""; // Ganti dengan URL YouTube asli
const mp3Response = await ytbmp3downloader(youtubeUrl);
console.log("Response from YouTube MP3 Downloader:", mp3Response);
const mp4Response = await ytbmp4downloader(youtubeUrl);
console.log("Response from YouTube MP4 Downloader:", mp4Response);
- Instagram Downloader
import { InstagramDL } from 'neastooapi';
(async () => {
const instagramUrl = ""; // Ganti dengan URL Instagram asli
const response = await InstagramDL(instagramUrl);
console.log("Response from Instagram Downloader:", response); // Menampilkan respons di log terminal
- Spotify Downloader
import { SpotifyDL } from 'neastooapi';
(async () => {
const spotifyUrl = ""; // Ganti dengan URL Spotify asli
const response = await SpotifyDL(spotifyUrl);
console.log("Response from Spotify Downloader:", response); // Menampilkan respons di log terminal
- Twitter/X Downloader
import { twitterDownloader } from 'neastooapi';
(async () => {
const twitterUrl = ""; // Ganti dengan URL Twitter asli
const response = await twitterDownloader(twitterUrl);
console.log("Response from Twitter Downloader:", response); // Menampilkan respons di log terminal
- Google Drive Downloader
import { googleDriveDownloader } from 'neastooapi';
(async () => {
const googleDriveUrl = ""; // Ganti dengan URL Google Drive asli
const response = await googleDriveDownloader(googleDriveUrl);
console.log("Response from Google Drive Downloader:", response); // Menampilkan respons di log terminal
- Mega Downloader
import { megaDl } from 'neastooapi';
(async () => {
const megaUrl = ""; // Ganti dengan URL Mega asli
const response = await megaDl(megaUrl);
console.log("Response from Mega Downloader:", response); // Menampilkan respons di log terminal
📌 Anime Tools </>
- Random Waifu
Pop Mie - Under Construction (Maybe?)
🛑 Note !!!
This Module is Still Under Development!!! Just Wait for the Update!!!