node-dependency plugin to help expose mongoose's collections on a HTTP interface
node-dependency plugin to help expose mongoose's collections on a HTTP interface
This node-dependency plugin helps you expose Mongo Collection though a HTTP API.
$ npm install nd-mongo --save
You also need node-dependency and nd-express-plugin installed in your project.
How it works
This plugin will depend upon 'MongoModels', so you need to create a file to expose this dependency.
You can inject a dependency Mongoose
which is the mongoose object.
function MongoModels (Mongoose) {
return [{
schema : {
name : String
name : "User",
url : "/user"
module.exports = MongoModels
This function should return and Array containing all your Collections definitions.
A Collection Definition:
schema - used to instantiate a Mongoose Schema.
name - your collection's name.
url - the url appended to the server's base url
The following Object defines a Collection named 'User' to be served at <base_url>/user with the Schema with a property name of type String.
schema : {
name : String
name : "User",
url : "/user"
After loading this Object, nd-mongo will setup a few urls to access the Collection's Documents:
Get all Documents:/user/
with method GET - Optional limit and offset url parameters
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://localhost:9999/user?limit=1&offset=2
Update a Document:/user/
with method PUT, requires a request body - The body should contain _id prop and the properties to update
Create a Document:/user/
with method POST, requires a request body - The body will be saved as a new Document
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"name":"Soem Name"}' http://localhost:9999/user/
Get by ID:/user/:id
with method GET, requires id
// This will get the Document with _id `559563e4670059eb769fdbd3`
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://localhost:9999/user/559563e4670059eb769fdbd3
Delete a Document:/user/:id
with method DELETE, requires id of the Document to be deleted
// This will delete the Document with _id `559563e4670059eb769fdbd3`
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE http://localhost:9999/user/559563e4670059eb769fdbd3
Find Documents:/user/find
with method POST, requires a request body which will be used as a mongoose query - Optional limit and offset url parameters
// This will query for all Documents with name 'Some Name'
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"name":"Some Name"}' http://localhost:9999/user/find