a light weight javascript data encryption and decryption library
NcryptJs is a light weight javascript data encryption and decryption library. This library implements the nodejs default crypto functionality as a mid-channel cipher in addition to a simple and elegant custom data encoding and encryption algorithm.
Getting Started
This library is available through these javascript node package manager npm and yarn.
To use this library, first ensure you have a package manager initialized either with npm or yarn
# for npm use:
npm install --save ncrypt-js
# for yarn use:
yarn add ncrypt-js
To include ncrypt-js in your project. use one of these:
// ES6 and later
import ncrypt from "ncrypt-js";
// or import { ncrypt } from "ncrypt-js"
However, if you are using ECMAScript 5 and older, use the require statement:
// ES5 and older
var { ncrypt } = require("ncrypt-js");
NcryptJs is a simple library with only two two exposed functions. This is all intentional mainly to keep everything simple. This is a complete documentation of the library and how to use it in your project. All examples work on both ECMAScript 6 (and later) and ECMAScript 5 (and older).
NcryptJs Methods
List of NcryptJs Methods.
| Methods | Description | Parameters | Return |
| ------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [static] randomString() | Random String. |size: number - An optional size of the generated randomBytes
. enc: base64/hex - Encoding used for encoding the randomBytes
defaults to base64
|encoded: string - encoded string. |
| encrypt() | Encrypts data. |data: object/string/number/boolean - The data to be encrypted. |ciphered: string - encrypted data. |
| decrypt() | Decrypts the encrypted or ciphered data | encodedData: string - The encrypted data: string to be decrypted. | data: string/object/number/boolean - The decrypted or original data (it might be string or object, depends on the initial input data type).
Using randomString method
The randomString()
static method can generate random bytes encoded into a hexadecimal
or base64
strings. This string can be useful in a variety of use cases e.g to generate database ids, to generate a unique string for a list, a unique serial strings, api keys etc.
var { ncrypt } = require('ncrypt-js'); // or import ncrypt from 'ncrypt-js'
var randomStr = ncrypt.randomString(8, 'base64');
console.log(randomStr) // t78WcmYAFOY=
// signature
ncrypt.randomString(size?: number, enc?: 'base64' | 'hex');
Using encrypt() and decrypt() methods
The encrypt()
and decrypt()
methods as of version 2.0.0 directly importing or invoking these methods is deprecated
, an object must first be created with a secret, before the methods can then be invoked on the created object.
To encrypt
and decrypt
data, simply use encrypt()
and decrypt()
methods respectively. This will use AES-256-CBC
encryption algorithm as the mid-channel cipher.
- var { encrypt, decrypt } = require("ncrypt-js");
+ var { ncrypt } = require("ncrypt-js");
var data = "Hello World!";
var _secretKey = "some-super-secret-key";
+ var { encrypt, decrypt } = new ncrypt(_secretKey);
// encrypting super sensitive data here
- var encryptedData = encrypt(data, _secretKey);
+ var encryptedData = encrypt(data);
console.log("Encryption process...");
console.log("Plain Text : " + data);
console.log("Cipher Text : " + encryptedData);
// decrypting the encrypted super sensitive data here
var decryptedData = decrypt(encryptedData);
console.log("... and then decryption...");
console.log("Decipher Text : " + decryptedData);
String Encryption
var { ncrypt } = require("ncrypt-js");
var data = "Hello World!";
var _secretKey = "some-super-secret-key";
var ncryptObject = new ncrypt(_secretKey);
// encrypting super sensitive data here
var encryptedData = ncryptObject.encrypt(data);
console.log("Encryption process...");
console.log("Plain Text : " + data);
console.log("Cipher Text : " + encryptedData);
// decrypted super encrypted data here
var decryptedData = ncryptObject.decrypt(encryptedData);
console.log("... and then decryption...");
console.log("Decipher Text : " + decryptedData);
Object Encryption
Encryption and decryption of JavaScript object literal has never been simpler than this.
To encrypt and decrypt JavaScript object literal, simply use encrypt()
and decrypt()
function from an instance. This will use AES-CBC encryption algorithm.
var { ncrypt } = require("ncrypt-js");
var _secretKey = "some-super-secret-key";
var object = {
NycryptJs: "is cool and fun.",
You: "should try it!"
var ncryptObject = new ncrypt('ncrypt-js');
// encrypting super sensitive data here
var encryptedObject = ncryptObject.encrypt(object);
console.log("Encryption process...");
console.log("Plain Object : ", object);
console.log("Encrypted Object : " + encryptedObject);
// decrypted super sensitive data here
var decryptedObject = ncryptObject.decrypt(encryptedObject);
console.log("... and then decryption...");
console.log("Decipher Text : ", decryptedObject);
If you are using any sort of environmental key-value store, e.g .env
and for additional security, you can add the following to your environment.
# .env
# used internally to set the `key`
KEY='sshhhh this is a super secret key'
# used internally to set the `encoding` - ['base64' | 'binary' | 'hex' | 'ucs-2' | 'ucs2' | 'utf16le']
SECRET='this is our hashing secret'
When creating your object, you can use the SECRET
from your environment e.g:
var { ncrypt } = require('ncrypt-js');
var { encrypt, decrypt } = new ncrypt(process.env.SECRET);
NOTE: The secret is required to decrypt the encrypted data, if the secret used to encrypt a specific data is lost, then that data cannot be decrypted.
Same goes for encoding, if data was encrypted using hex
encoding format, decrypting with a base64
encoding or other encoding format and vise versa will not work
Built With
Written in TypeScript, built into ECMAScript 5 using the TypeScript compiler.
To contribute, simply fork this project, and issue a pull request.
We use SemVer for version management. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Chukwuemeka Ajima - Initial work - ajimae
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
- This library was developed to simplify how data is encrypted and decrypted in javascript.
- Made available by open source and special thanks to Shahid for his super simple article on node core encryption (crypto) library.
- Thanks to danang-id whose README was very insightful and Jorgeblom for his custom cipher algorithm on this stackoverflow answer