bootstrap theme for ncform
ncform-bootstrap widget for ncform
npm i -s ncform-bootstrap
Add the widget
import ncformBootstrap from 'ncform-bootstrap';
Vue.use(vueNcform, { extComponents: ncformBootstrap });
// specify language Vue.use(vueNcform, { extComponents: ncformBootstrap, lang: 'en'});
// or vm.$ncformAddWidget({name: 'ncformBootstrap', widget: ncformBootstrap});
Widget components
For now widget contains 7 bootstrap components
- input
- select
- upload
- textarea
- radio
- datepicker
- checkbox
defaultConfig: {
appendIcon: null,
prependIcon: null,
trim: false,
size: "md",
pattern: null,
state: null
defaultConfig: {
options: "",
mutiple: "",
select_size: 1,
size: "md",
state: null
defaultConfig: {
drop_placeholder: "drop file here",
multiple: false,
size: "md",
state: null,
accept: "*"
defaultConfig: {
clearable: true,
pattern: "",
rows: 4,
max_rows: null,
size: "md",
no_resize: false,
state: null
defaultConfig: {
size: "md",
options: null,
name: "radios",
stacked: false
defaultConfig: {
size: "md",
locale: "en",
min: null,
max: null,
state: null,
date_format_options: null,
format: "YYYY-MM-DD",
allowInput: false
defaultConfig: {
size: "md",
name: "",
stacked: false
quick example of using widget form schema for ncform below
formSchema: {
type: "object",
properties: {
demo: {
type: "string",
ui: {
columns: 12,
label: "test-input",
placeholder: "your paceholder",
itemClass: "ml-3",
readonly: false,
widgetConfig: {
size: "md",
appendIcon: "arrow-up",
prependIcon: null,
showState: true, // flag indicates whether to show validation state in componentб
rules: {
required: {
value: true, // The value passed to the validation rule
errMsg: "yep it is required!", // Error message
options: {
// Rule options
delay: 300, // Delayed verification time (ms)
delayMsg: "Checking..." // Prompt for delayed verification
pattern: {
value: ".{5,}",
errMsg: "minimum 5"
email: {
value: true,
errMsg: "email required"
value: ""
age: {
type: "number", //may be integer
ui: {
columns: 3,
label: "numeric input",
placeholder: "Last name",
widgetConfig: {
showState: true
rules: {
maximum: {
value: 60,
errMsg: "too much"
minimum: {
value: 3,
errMsg: "too smll"
value: 21
file: {
type: "array",
ui: {
columns: 3,
label: "file-upload",
placeholder: "file",
widget: "upload",
widgetConfig: {
multiple: true,
showState: true,
rules: {
required: {
value: true, // The value passed to the validation rule
errMsg: "yep it is required!" // Error message
date: {
type: "date",
ui: {
columns: 3,
label: "datepicker",
placeholder: "date",
widget: "datepicker",
widgetConfig: {
showState: true,
min: new Date(),
format: "DD.MM.YYYY",
allowInput: true,
rules: {
required: {
value: true,
errMsg: "yep it is required!"
value: new Date().toISOString()
select: {
type: "string",
ui: {
columns: 3,
itemClass: "",
label: "select",
placeholder: "date",
widget: "select",
widgetConfig: {
multiple: false,
options: [
{ value: "a", text: "This is First option" },
{ value: "b", text: "Default Selected Option" },
{ value: "c", text: "This is another option" },
{ value: "d", text: "This one is disabled", disabled: true },
{ value: "e", text: "This is option e" }
select_size: 1
value: "b"
textarea: {
type: "string",
ui: {
columns: 3,
label: "textarea",
placeholder: "your text here",
widget: "textarea",
widgetConfig: {}
bool: {
type: "boolean",
value: true,
ui: {
columns: 3
manyradio: {
type: "number",
ui: {
columns: 3,
widget: "radio",
widgetConfig: {
name: "manyrad",
stacked: true,
options: [
value: 1,
text: "orange"
value: 2,
text: "red"
value: 3,
text: "blue"
checkbox: {
type: "array",
ui: {
itemClass: "",
columns: 3
items: {
type: "boolean",
ui: {
label: "checkbox",
columns: 3
manychecbox: {
type: "number",
ui: {
columns: 3,
itemClass: "",
widget: "checkbox",
widgetConfig: {
name: "manycheck",
enumSource: [
value: 1,
text: "orange"
value: 2,
text: "red"
value: 3,
text: "blue"
btn: {
ui: {
columns: 3,
widget: "button",
widgetConfig: {
btnClickAction: "dx: () => console.log('btn action')"
value: {},