A i18n extension for the nce cms
#i18n for nce
Internationalization (not only) for the nce framework
How to install
Install with npm: npm install --save nce-i18n
Integrate in NCE:
var NCE = require("nce");
var nce = new NCE(/*{
fallbackLanguage: "en"
var i18n = require("nce-i18n");
var ext = dummy(nce);
Or use nce-extension-manager...
Install standalone
var i18n = require("nce-i18n");
var dict = i18n.Dictionary.create("name", {de:{hello:"Hallo", vsprintf: "Hallo %s"},en:{hello:"Hello", vsprintf: "Hello %s"}});
var translator = new i18n.Translator({targetLanguage:"en"});
translator(dict, "hello");
// Concat with other functions:
translator(dict, "hello", console.log); // -> undefined but get a console.log of Hello
translator(dict, "hello", console.log, "this is the second parameter for console.log"); // -> undefined but get a console.log of "Hello" and "this is the second parameter for console.log"
translator(dict, "vsprintf", require("sprintf").vsprintf, "World"); // -> Hello World
How to use
Basic funcitons for dictionary
createDictionary(name, dict, defaultLanguage)
Create a new dictionary.
Remove a dictionary by its name.
Get a dictionary by its name.
Basic funcitons for translator
__(dict, query, fn, args)
- First argument must be the dictionary or a dictionary name.
- The query should be a string with dot notation to query, or you are able to use different arguements as string
- The function (fn) is optional but must be a function!
- The arguments are optional and get passed to the function (fn). The result of the translation is the first argument!
We have a dictionary called example with the following structure:
var ex = i18n.Dictionary.create("example", {
path: {
for: {
example: {
string: "Result"
"path.for": {
example: {
string: "Another"
We are able to request the following ways:
translator.__("example", "nested.path.for.example.string"); // -> Result
translator.__(ex, "nested.path.for.example.string"); // -> Result
translator.__("example", "nested", "path", "for", "example", "string"); // -> Result
translator.__("example", "nested", "path.for", "example", "string"); // -> Another
translator.__("example", "nested", "path.for", "example.string"); // -> Another
translator.__("example", "nested", "path.for.example", "string"); // -> Result
We can use additional functions:
translator.__("example", "nested.path.for.example.string", console.log); // -> logs: Result
translator.__("example", "nested", "path.for", "example", "string" console.log); // -> logs: Another
translator.__("example", "nested", "path.for", "example.string", console.log, "example"); // -> logs: Another, example
translator.__("example", "nested", "path.for.example", "string", console.log, "works", "fine"); // -> logs: Result, works, fine
__n(dictionary, number, query, fn, args)
- First argument must be the dictionary or a dictionary name.
- The number of an element (1 is singular everything else is plural)
- The query should be a string with dot notation to query, or you are able to use different arguments as string
- The function (fn) is optional but must be a function!
- The arguments are optional and get passed to the function (fn). The result of the translation is the first argument!
We have a dictionary called example with the following structure:
var n = i18n.Dictionary.create("enumeration", {
plural: "dogs",
singular: "dog"
We are able to request the following ways:
translator.__n("enumeration", 1, "dog"); // -> dog
translator.__n(n, 1, "dog"); // -> dog
translator.__n(n, 2, "dog"); // -> dogs
Using functions and arguments for the function works the same way like using __!
__g(dictionary, gender, query, fn, args)
- First argument must be the dictionary or a dictionary name.
- The gender of an element (m is masculine, f is feminine)
- The query should be a string with dot notation to query, or you are able to use different arguments as string
- The function (fn) is optional but must be a function!
- The arguments are optional and get passed to the function (fn). The result of the translation is the first argument!
We have a dictionary called example with the following structure:
var g = i18n.Dictionary.create("gender", {
feminine: "bitch",
masculine: "dog"
We are able to request the following ways:
translator.__g("gender", "m", "dog"); // -> dog
translator.__g(g, "masculine", "dog"); // -> dog
translator.__g("gender", "f", "dog"); // -> bitch
translator.__g("gender", "feminine", "dog"); // -> bitch
Using functions and arguments for the function works the same way like using __
Integrate in NCE
Config settings
You are able to use the following config-settings (listed with their defaults):
fallbackLanguage: "en"
: Language to use, when no other requested language matches.logger: {}
: Settings for logger-extension
Basic methods
ext.createDictionary = function(name, dict, defaultLang)
You can use this methods like described above in "dirctionary" section.
ext.removeDictionary = function(name)
You can use this methods like described above in "dirctionary" section.
ext.getDictionary = function(name)
You can use this methods like described above in "dirctionary" section.
Use in a request-middleware.
- req.i18n.translator.__(dict, ... [fn], [arguments])
- req.i18n.translator.__n(dict, n, ... [fn], [arguments])
- req.i18n.translator.__g(dict, gender, ... [fn], [arguments])
You can use this methods like described above in "translator" section.
ext.dummy(name, cb, opts)
Dummy method.
[Function]: Callback-function with the arguments:error
[Error]: Used for exceptionsdata
[Buffer]: Dummy-Dataresult
[Object]: Result of the querycontent
[Object]: Options: