render vertical nav dods
Add Vertical Navigation Dots
render vertical nav dods customized PgUp and PgDown scrolling between sections
- between what sections need scrolling add to this sections class (ANCHOR) for example:
<div class="js-navDots">section 1</div>
<div class="js-navDots">section 2</div>
<div class="js-navDots">section 5</div>
- add to page CSS File: styleVND.css
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styleNavDots.css">
- add to page (end of body HTML) Js File: VND.min.js
<script src="verticalNavigationDots.js"></script>
- add to page (end of body HTML) Js Script:
cls: 'js-navDots', // anchor
hideOnScreenLess: 640, // default = 0
Render Methods:
navDots - render vertical navigation dots in BODY
ID fod each dot - nav-toSection#${indexOfSection}
Class - nav__dot
Normalize Methods:
positionTop - normalized scrollTop value based on header height
Validate Methods
scrollThrowSection - return boolean is scroll top going throw section
visibleElement - return boolean is visible element or not
Get Size Methods:
headerHeight - height of header
fullHeight - full height element with margin-bottom
Scrolling Methods:
top - scroll top to value
stop - run callBack when scrolling stop
Customized Keyboard Methods:
33 - PagUp Key
34 - PageDown Key
Dom Methods:
getAllElements - get array elements
containClass - check if element contain class (true/false)
addClass - add class to element
removeClass - find element with class between elements and remove that class
toggleCls - toggle class remove from Elements add to element
Position Methods:
rangeY - set & get range Y of element
scrollThrow - return true or false if scroll going throw range Y
getTop - position of top element
getPrevTop - distances from previous section to top
getNextTop - distances from next section to top
Handle Event Listener Methods:
navDots - handle scroll & toggle class when click on dots
pgUpDownKeys - handle scroll when press keys PgUpp PgDown
scrolling - handle scroll & toggle class when use scroll
resize - handle hide dots on small screen